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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Too bad Hurney sucked at literally everything else... and too many of his 1st round hits were at the lowest value positions.
  2. And I think Shanny is feeling a little pressure that he might be a modern day Gruden (minus the ring). A guy hired to be an offensive guru who has found himself carried by an elite defense.
  3. I think it's highly likely he was a flash on the pan and once NFL DCs have an off-season to prepare to face him... oh wee mayne.
  4. It's only a disaster if Purdy doesn't work out. Yeah, I think it's gonna be a disaster.
  5. These guys have a poo ton of experience. Let them pick. If they're wrong, fire them. Not like we haven't suffered through plenty of suck before. If this whole thing flops though, my confidence in Tepper has officially hit absolute zero.
  6. Like you said, it's their jobs not mine. If this dude busts they're all gonna get fired and they know it. As such, let them pick the guy they want. If you don't trust them to identify the guy then A) you shouldn't have let them make the trade and B) you shouldn't have hired them to begin with.
  7. I hope we do see someone as being "that guy". The guy we can't afford to gamble on missing out on. If that's Young, that's fine by me. Let's go!
  8. The only think I can conclude is that working for Tepper fuging sucks because it sure is a revolving door.
  9. No clue. That's the big question marks on all the QBs coming out of the dominant blue chip programs. What will they look like when their team isn't head and shoulders better than their competition nearly every week? And yeah, I know Bama didn't have their usual talent but let's be honest? How many better rosters were there in college football? Honestly probably fewer than 5.
  10. There are a small handful of Bryce "haters" and another handful (myself being the ringleader) who just enjoy poo posting jokes about his size to rile up the fanboys. The vast majority of us just want a stud of a QB at #1. There really aren't many here who seem steadfastly dug in on one particular prospect or staunchly opposed to any particular prospect. Folks blinded by love or hate tend to just see what they want to perceive.
  11. I just want us to draft the guy the consensus within the organization seems as the best QB prospect. Ultimately, it's their jobs on the line. They're all getting fired in a couple of years if this dude busts and we're right back here again.
  12. I guess you missed all the talk awhile back about him being notorious for sticking other folks with the dinner bill.
  13. Tepper was sold on him during dinner because Bryce being able to order off the kid's menu saved him a few bucks.
  14. At the end of the day, the Giants ended up with two rings and Eli played his ass off on both of those runs. I don't think there's any debate in hindsight. The Giants won.
  15. I didn't say it's done us any good. I said Tepper is big into it.
  16. Teams never lie leading up to the draft. Fact.
  17. In retrospect, @Martin owes me 30 minutes of my life back.
  18. And Vegas knows that too and the odds will swing to reflect it. All they're trying to do is spread out their liability. This is how the house always wins. It's about keeping the bettor money spread out so that no matter who wins they end up winning.
  19. Honestly, a lot of Orlovsky's QB prospect takes have turned out to be atrocious in retrospect. And while I'm being honest here, I feel like I need to let y'all know I'm about ready to just start wholesale banning you stans who do nothing but snipe at each other over Young and Stroud.
  20. As expected. With all the talk about Young to Carolina over the past few days all the money has probably been coming in on Young. They need to get some more Stroud money on the line. It's all about spreading out their liabilities so that they end up winning no matter who the pick is.
  21. Tepper and his analytics focus is a decent point. The analytics for NFL QB's Bryce Young's size in the modern NFL comes back "Error: Cannot Divide By Zero".
  22. Well, that was disappointing. Just a Manning family puff piece.
  23. Yeah, it's Manning Passing Academy infomercial featuring Bryce Young.
  24. It's like they're positioning him to be our pick. Focused on his "PG mentality". That's something our entire offensive staff has talked about. The first play they broke down was an RPO and Reich has previously ran more RPO than most NFL offenses. Height talking coming up next.
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