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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. We don't trade up to #1 if we were holding out any hope on Matt Corral.
  2. Don't let bad fans ruin your own fan experience. There will always be certain elements of any fanbase that are just insufferable.
  3. I never fell in love with any of them. I have huge concerns about Young's size. I have concerns about Stroud in terms of dealing with pressure and what he'll look like when his team isn't hands down more talented than the oppositions. I have concerns with Richardson's lack of college production and throwing mechanics.
  4. I was excited as soon as we traded to #1 knowing we'd have a young QB that we were committed to building around. Am I worried about Young's size? Hell yes I am. But I said I'd trust this staff to make the right call and hope for the best and that's what I'm gonna do. There's no perfect prospect in this draft. It's not like we're bypassing an Andrew Luck type prospect.
  5. I honestly don't care what the Texans decide to do. We root for a losing franchise that has no shortage of tremendous blunders but even our fanbase is justified to look toward Houston and mutter "damn... at least we aren't THOSE guys."
  6. There's nothing sneaky about it. This is the best TE class in years.
  7. It probably just came down to that no one was willing to trade literally anything for him. So yeah, just bring him to camp and see what he can do. I honestly think he still has an uphill battle to make the 53.
  8. Honestly it just seems like a PR effort to me until I see Tua taking the field looking like Dark Helmet from Spaceballs.
  9. We signed Dalton in part to make sure we didn't have to play the rookie before he's ready but I absolutely think the plan is for the rookie to start day one.
  10. The Tua helmet? I mean, are they basically just saying the quiet part out loud here? We're gonna protect our high dollar QBs, the rest of y'all go out there and take your brain damage.
  11. Sometimes sticking with your draft board means pursuing a trade. If you don't particularly like the value of the prospects available and the phone is ringing you might as well have a listen.
  12. One of these days probably sooner rather than later one of us mods is gonna just go on a wholesale large on the QB prospect fanboy shitposters.
  13. With their record of awful decisions I struggle to predict anything they might do.
  14. I think they're making a bad bet on Ridder but their defense should be drastically improved. I suppose it's also possible that they just want the rest of the league to be convinced that they're committed to moving forward with Ridder when in reality QB is very much on the board for them at #8 and they don't want someone to leapfrog them.
  15. Richardson really didn't fit the league anymore. League owners have gone from being ridiculously wealthy people to being ridiculously wealthy people even in comparison to ridiculously wealthy people. We're talking about some of the very wealthiest people on the planet.
  16. I find all the media piling on hard now to be pure cowardice. Most of these folks sure did have kid gloves on when he was the entrenched owner.
  17. JR knew they had the votes to force him out. Makes me believe that somehow they didn't for Snyder.
  18. I think we're pretty well setup to just focus on BPA after taking our QB.
  19. Snyder was terrible and honestly the NFL should be embarrassed they didn't publicly force him out like they did to JR.
  20. If the Teppers don't let the football people make this call the only way they're going to be able to hire people going forward if this flops is to just throw money. No one with other good options is gonna want the jobs.
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