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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. The more we learn about our galaxy and the universe, the less rare and special our planet gets. It wasn't long ago that we thought planets were a rarity. Now we know that virtually every star likely has planets orbiting it. Current thought is that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 billion trillion stars in the known universe. Even if the right recipe is "rare" there's still a metric poo ton of plenty out there with the right recipe.
  2. Milton Wright is 6'3" 195. He caught 57 passes for 732 yards and 7 TDs in 2021. I don't think he played anywhere last year. I'd be surprised if he gets drafted.
  3. It wasn't Remmers' fault. He was a decent RT he just had an Achilles heel of elite speed rushers. That was exposed Imin the second to last regular season game by Beasley of the Falcons. For some reason, Ron and Shula just thought he'd be able to block the premier speed rusher in the NFL on the biggest stage of the game. Then Wade Phillips knew how Shula would adjust keeping in extra blockers so he just sent extra blitzers if their man stayed in to block to negate the help. Way too many people blame Mike Remmers for that loss. That loss was Wade Phillips taking Mike Shula to school.
  4. Honestly, the dogs are great. Zero aggression and they've really calmed down and are careful around it. Koa (the Rottie) is really good and honestly he was the one I was worried about. He has a helluva prey drive and he's just plain mean as hell to anything not family. Strangers, strange dogs, any living creature unfamiliar... they all need to die. We found out my wife was pregnant literally days after getting him at 8 weeks old. We were clueless what we were getting ourselves into with pregnancy and a baby, especially with all family across the country. Long story short, Koa missed out on a lot of socialization during the most critical period of his development. But he's great with babies. Be it baby humans, puppies, kittens (didn't know until this), whatever. Maybe it's from basically being raised with a baby. I don't know. He was great with Luna (the pittie) when we got her at 8 weeks old and he's been great with the kitty. But he is NOT good with strangers or strange adult dogs. Those need to die in his mind. Luna is really good with it but she gets excited wanting to play and I get nervous and separate them. I'm confident she won't hurt it out of aggression, it's the possibility of accidentally stepping on it that concerns me
  5. I'm curious to see Keith Taylor with better coaching. I liked him coming out of college. I'm not sure what the plan is for Eric Rowe either, he's played all over the secondary on his career. Two ways to look at that. Maybe he has good versatility or maybe he has talent and teams have desperately tried him all over the place trying to figure out how to beat use him and nothing has stuck.
  6. I just think Henderson sucks. When a team is willing to bail on a top 10 pick after one year for a 3rd rounder... yeah, that's got red flags written all over it. The rest of the roster is all late round picks after afterthoughts as is generally the case once you get that deep into the depth chart. Not many teams have studs sitting at 4th on the depth chart.
  7. Oh, kitty is BIG TIME now! Bought it a kitty tower and it came today so I got it put together.
  8. The biggest concern about the secondary is injuries. Our #1 CB has missed over half of his career games and is slated to kiss the entire off-season. Our #2 CB is trying to come back from an Achilles injury and that's a devastating injury that most guys come back a shadow of what they once were. Every roster is struggling at CB (or any other position for that matter) if you take away the top two guys on the depth chart.
  9. I would be just fine if Robinson develops into the legit ball hawking FS I've been begging for for years.
  10. Honestly, Deon Grant is the only decent true FS we've ever had and we just let him walk after his rookie contract.
  11. Insane. We did swims for our last Rottie in his later years. It was great exercise. But we'd buy a 10 swim punch card for like $125.
  12. I'm significantly more concerned with our secondary given our injury issues than I am our pass rush. I'm also concerned about our lack of proven production at receiver. Hell, I might be more concerned with our run D than our pass rush.
  13. Biggest thing I took from this video that featured guys in shorts playing against air... TMJ looks good. Really good. I'd love to see him breakout this year.
  14. I think the other kittens likely perished. I've seen the mother several times over recent weeks but no signs of the kittens. We have a LOT of coyotes around. We have a LOT of hawks around. We have a LOT of owls around. It's a pretty rough go of it around here as a small kitten. I think my little bugger won the lottery getting abandoned as a newborn.
  15. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/A/AlleJo02/gamelog/post/ He didn't play particularly well in last year's loss against Cincy but he was also nursing injuries. But overall, those are pretty outstanding playoff stats.
  16. Yep, Wilcher to St. John's. Blatant tampering. Whatever. Best of luck. Moving on. https://www.cbssports.com/college-basketball/news/simeon-wilcher-commits-to-st-johns-ex-unc-signee-is-rick-pitinos-highest-ranked-recruit-in-2023-class/
  17. I've heard this about the Saints for Loomis' entire tenure. Still waiting for it to catch up with them. It's all black magic accounting tricks. A hard cap is a great thing for competitiveness but there are plenty of loopholes for manipulation.
  18. The Bills have a young MVP caliber QB. They're window isn't closing for a long time unless he gets Cam'd which given his playing style and previous shoulder issues isn't out of the question.
  19. I've thought about it in the past. Based on what we know about life on Earth it's a reasonable assumption. But ultimately to make it much past where we currently are in terms of technology I think a species would have to either overcome their natural greed developed from competing for resources to become more cooperative and species minded or they'd have to completely succumb to the greed and develop a completely authoritarian type of culture. I don't completely rule out overcoming it. I mean, we see that in beehives, ant colonies, termite colonies, etc. I just don't know if it's a possibility for a species with a higher level of intelligence or at least a higher level of self awareness. But then again, does intelligence necessarily have to be tied at the hip to self awareness? I'm not sure. Then there's also the distinct possibility that there's "life" out there that is no longer biological. We see our own lives intertwining more and more with AI and that is probably about to accelerate beyond what we could've imagined a few years ago or even now. It's really not inconceivable that a biological species could essentially overcome the limitations of biology as they become sufficiently technologically advanced.
  20. We just don't know what we don't know. How far back in human history would we have to go for a lot of modern technology to look like outright magic? Maybe 150 years? That's not even the blink of an eye in terms of universal time. Who knows where we could be in another 150 years? Who knows where we could be in another 150 years? 1000 years? Where could another species at our intelligence level be if they're 100,000 years ahead of us? A million years? It's just inconceivable. And again, these time-frames on the universal scale are nothing. The blink of an eye.
  21. Hell, we see that very situation here on Earth within our own species. How would it be surprising to see the same throughout the cosmos? The tech available to a wealthy person vs. a middle class person vs. a poor person is vastly different and even more vast in the developing world.
  22. It's just math. There's 100 billion stars just in our own galaxy. Most will have planets orbiting them. Plenty will have planets or moons with the conditions to potentially support life. The odds of us being the most advanced species in our own galaxy is mathematically slim to none. When you extrapolate it to the entire universe it's practically absolute zero. Chances are we're somewhere around average on terms of the dominate species on a planet capable of developing complex life as I'm sure there's plenty of planets out there that only support simple life as in single cellular, bacterial, etc. The more we learn about the universe the more likely it looks like there's very little chance that we're exceptional.
  23. One of the things I find most comical about these conversations is the discussion of the possibility of "other intelligent life" as if we automatically qualify. Just because we're the smartest hairless monkeys on our little rock doesn't mean jack poo on a universal scale. Some aliens could be so far beyond us that they wouldn't consider us intelligent life.
  24. I'll repeat. Just because some of the wrong guys have been drafted doesn't mean the position isn't worth drafting. If you're gonna shy away from not drafting a position high due to busts I have bad news for you regardless of the position you're looking at.
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