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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I just wonder how long it takes them from enshrining him in Canton to calling him Ryan Leaf if he struggles early? Is he more talented than Fields? I honestly don't think so and they couldn't make that work either.
  2. There were a few people that were fully aboard the Bryce train but it honestly felt like a minority.
  3. I gotta admit, it will be highly entertaining if he busts after watching Bears fans act like they have a HOF QB when he hasn't taken an NFL snap yet. You'd think fans if an organization with a long history of QB futility would be a little more cautious than that but "fan" is short for "fanatic" for a reason.
  4. I mean, I hate it for the kids. That was one of the good things about college athletics. It nurtured a lot of Olympic sports, etc. by offering the carrot of a scholarship. Honestly, they probably need to manage the non-revenue sports differently. Just leave them under the old system. The old system was designed when all college sports were non-revenue then football and men's basketball exploded. Basketball has tailed off but football has exploded even more.
  5. I forgot that the Texans PAID him after he showed a little bit of promise on the field for the Broncos. And I mean a little bit. The guy threw for 10 TDs in 7 starts.
  6. Truth. I'm hard pressed to name a Panthers who has put more money in the bank for less performance on the field. Hell, I'm hard pressed to name another NFL player period. Maybe Sam Bradford?
  7. The athletes should be getting a percentage of the revenue they generate for the schools IMO. Always should have. But this is going to gut college athletics as we knew them. There's probably gonna be low tier schools that just drop athletics altogether. A LOT of schools are probably gonna start purging their non-revenue sports. It's a business now and they're gonna have to run the athletics department as such.
  8. I wanted a good QB. Based on how Tepper raved about Bryce's "super processing" and his love for "analytics" it's logical to surmise that there's a good chance that he was a big believer in the S2 test. I want to say that maybe Joe Person even reported such. Fair Joe Person mockery aside, he certainly has a helluva better organizational sources than my non-existent ones.
  9. I mean, if your "cheat code" test labels one guy basically a sure thing and he looks like trash and labels another guy bottom of the barrel and he has the best rookie seasons ever... oh wee mayne. That's pretty much a kill shot.
  10. I thought it was around the time of the Combine but it may have been afterwards and mixed into the post-Combine talk
  11. I think you're just not remembering accurately. That's not an attack on you, human memory is very fallible. But yeah, Stroud tanking the S2 was a HUGE deal leading up to last year's draft and largely the talk of the Combine. The S2 folks have been trying hard to spin his results as "potentially invalid".
  12. Oh, they'll be fun to watch even if Williams is a disaster. His playing style is still going to lead to great casual entertainment.
  13. I get it. The dude oozes talent and they have some legit WR talent. But... I have concerns.
  14. No cause for alarm yet. But a lot of folks called me a hater for questioning how well Williams would translate to the NFL. He holds the ball forever and has way too much of a tendency to try to turn every play into a scramble drill. He doesn't play well within structure. If he can evolve he has all the tools to be great. But if he doesn't evolve he's going to be a massive bust. The USC version of Caleb Williams is a bust. You have to draft him with the plan of rebuilding him. Drafting him and immediately announcing him as your savior and unquestioned day one starter isn't off to a good start. You're just feeding the ego that's already concerning and not letting this kid know that there's a LOT of work lying ahead.
  15. The amount of corporate survivors out there who just hang on cashing paychecks by knowing the right asses to kiss, never rocking the applecart, learning some industry lingo, and just checking boxes is pretty staggering. But that's what the corporate environment rewards. Fug that. Something has gone horrifically wrong for me to ever end up back in the corporate world.
  16. I had to take four years of a foreign language in college. Graduating required getting to the literacy level. I literally read Don Quixote and wrote a five page later on it all in Spanish. I can't order a meal at Taco Bell these days. That was all useless.
  17. I have to assume "continuer de frapper" means something along the lines of "continuing to suck".
  18. It's literally all that matters. It's not like he's going to hit a growth spurt. He's always going to be sub-6'. It's not like he's going to hit the gym and show up built like Kyler Murray or Russell Wilson either. I mean, we should hope not anyway. It's just not how he's built. If he does he's gonna melt the piss cup.
  19. He's gonna look like a slot receiver out there. He always will. Just play better. That's all I care about. His size is what it is.
  20. I just want him to play like an NFL QB. He's always gonna be significantly undersized. No one will care if he plays well.
  21. Dude never said a negative word about a teammate, never even spoke I'll of KB after KB tried to blame his inconsistent play in Carolina on Cam.
  22. Exactly. When you suck and there's a major change obviously there's hope there. But the massive hopeful chance failures that have concluded in even worse abysmal failures during the Tepper era have just left me with no appetite for .ore blind hope at this point. I'm just going to sit back and wait and see. I'm done getting emotionally invested in this team's success until I see signs on the field that we might not be a complete poo show anymore. Because I've come to expect a complete poo show from Tepper's Panthers.
  23. Cam talked about that whole situation fairly recently. It sounds like he's completely open to putting that ugliness behind them and rekindling that friendship.
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