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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Cool. But I would honestly much rather watch meaningless football largely played by guys who won't make a roster.
  2. Curious to see Jordan Love. Will flip over to the Commanders at 7:30 to see Howell.
  3. It's just a college mentality. Your roster is so huge and you have so many scholarships to offer that you can take a bunch of fliers on athletes hoping you can make something out of them. Then you get to the NFL with much smaller rosters and a lot less draft picks than you had scholarships and you have to start realizing that you have to adapt that strategy. You don't have to completely stop doing it but you definitely have to be more selective with when you roll those dice.
  4. I'm sure it'll be fine. This isn't difficult stuff.
  5. No clue. The two biggest things I'm wanting to see this season are 1) Bryce Young and 2) this defense. I'm not sure we'll learn much about either through the preseason. Especially the D. I expect us to keep the scheming largely under wraps in the games that don't count. I just wanna see poise and accuracy from Bryce.
  6. I think the Texans are just gonna Texan. They seem destined to fug up. And yes, I know those are some pretty big rocks I'm chucking around inside this Panthers fandom glass house.
  7. Gotta love the concentration to stay after it but damn man, you could've just made the easy catch.
  8. A risk I didn't anticipate when they didn't put Stroud back in... that Mills would actually look really good. 9/12 for 99 yards and a TD.
  9. The Texans still look like the Texans. Gonna be interesting to see what they do if they're drafting in the top 5 again.
  10. That was a big red flag IMO. They either didn't trust Stroud not to spiral or they sent the message to their rookie that he's on a tight leash. If you trust the kid and you're committed to building around him you gotta put him back out there. Dial up some layups for him. This is just a bad look. Not sure on who or if it's on everyone. Don't wanna overreact to preseason stuff but the way that transpired is concerning.
  11. Cool. Yeah, I'll tune in for a peak at Stroud. Ultimately going into the draft I'd come to the conclusion that I was fine with Bryce, Stroud, or Richardson. There were plusses and minuses with all of them and I could be convinced that any of the three would ultimately end up being the best QB out of this class.
  12. Kinda odd to be honest. Pine is generally standard. For framing in a basement to hold up some sheetrock it doesn't matter.
  13. Or just not doubling down on something that's just not a big deal. I realize this is the internet and you're supposed to always double down no matter what but nah, I'm good.
  14. I definitely think it's kind of a bitch move to bail out on someone who shows up to work that you've committed to work with, but bailing out on an unpadded glorified walkthrough isn't the end of the world. I'd be annoyed if I was the Jets but at the end of the day it's whatever. A lot of early season angst going on right now with a bunch of football junkies recently out of the halfway house off-season having had a few tastes of their fix and then showing up to the trap house to find out it got raided last night and now they're jonesing.
  15. I guess you missed the point. The primary point was that in the big picture this isn't a big deal either way and the emotional overreaction is comical.
  16. Not gonna lie, it's pretty entertaining watching the emotional freakouts to the reactions of just pointing out that it's kind of a bitch move to bail out on someone you've agreed to work with. It's not the end of the world. It doesn't mean we're soft or anything more than what it is which is just kind of a bitch move. That's all. But by all means, continue to embarrass yourselves.
  17. It's not about concern for being showed up on the field. It's practice. No one cares who's "winning". It's about getting in work. We hosted another team to get in work and then failed to show up to work. Yeah, if I was the Jets I'd be pissed.
  18. Not gonna lie, I'd be pissed if I was the Jets. You came down here from NY to get work in then your host bitches out. Weak.
  19. It's a bow tie. His name is inside the collar. The stain is blood. He was killed at Petersburg in 1864. His grandmother was my 6x grandmother.
  20. He's pretty much a one man crew at this point though. He's the one doing the work. He's winding down and cherry picking jobs.
  21. My dad does a ton of work up in Gingercake. He got talked into taking one job on Beech and said never again. At some point you gotta draw a line and say that too far is too far.
  22. Yeah, definitely reuse that. I'm just an absolute sucker for history. Give me something old with a story to tell over the latest and greatest all day everyday.
  23. The coolest demo find I've came across was an old wooden crate full of Civil War relics. That's a long story. I ended up being directly related to the people the items belonged to and the property owner gave them to me because she was wealthy and had no interest and she saw I had a huge interest. The appraisal surprised me. Let's just say I have an insurance rider for these items and other than my real estate they're my most valuable earthly possessions. There are two specific items that are possibly the best known surviving examples of each.
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