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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Before the game But then the game started and
  2. Impressed? I'm struggling to name anyone who consistently impressed. Sucked? Definitely the entire OL. Matt Corral. Most of the front 7 on D.
  3. You're gonna have to speak up. He can't hear you over the whirring of the cash counting machines running in the background.
  4. Matt Rhule, somewhere amongst the corn in Nebraska
  5. Because our starters played so well, right? Right?
  6. What a fitting conclusion. We're gonna bring in some more QBs to compete for the #3 job. For sure.
  7. It blows my mind that people don't understand how internet advertisements work. Folk... what you're seeing is based on YOUR BROWSER HISTORY.
  8. We called those timeouts for THAT??? Man... that's just embarrassing.
  9. Hey Ickey... going into game two of the preseason you're still yet to hit anyone not a Panther. Just saying.
  10. I can't fairly evaluate the offense given the way the OL has failed to block for anything. The D looked lost at first but played better once they settled in then fell apart again when the camo fodder hit the field.
  11. That 4th down attempt was a pretty decent summation of this game. Oh wee mayne.
  12. I'd get it if we had a ton of new faces on the OL but there is a lot of carryover on the OL. They looked atrocious. We don't have to sugarcoat it.
  13. You think the OL doesn't look like trash? That's pretty much been the core of my messaging.
  14. The scoreboard doesn't matter. The record doesn't matter. But whether the record counts or not, you never want to look utterly inept. Not a lot of positives to take from this one. I do give credit to the production crew. I've never seen them choose to mic up a punter and long snapper before but they called that one. They're gonna end up with more snaps than Bryce.
  15. Nice pick! He gonna get joked for letting the QB shoestring him though.
  16. I'd rather Bryce not get smoked every other drop back. Preseason or not.
  17. I was expecting our OL to look like it was comprised of professionals. They didn't look bad. They looked completely inept. There's levels to this sucking game and they were elite.
  18. We have no choice but to wait and see but damn... that was ROUGH.
  19. Wasn't a knock on Bryce. Just the reality that no Panthers fans are excited based on what we just saw. Our OL looked utterly inept and if your OL is utterly inept it really doesn't matter who your QB is.
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