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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. When I bought my current house I was mowing about six acres. After one summer of spending an entire day of every weekend slaving away to maintain it I was like fug this poo. I fenced it in. Now we have haired sheep,a pony, and two miniature horses "maintaining" it and I'm mowing maybe an acre.
  2. Being a hype train guy is the opposite of being unique. I've spent several pages now defending Dabo and Clemson against ridiculous accusations by you and others but don't mind me, I'm just Carolina through and through.
  3. No. I just think you're a hype train guy. That's why you're constantly focused on "superstars" and whether this QB's team is elite or not to make your value judgements.
  4. Yeah, I'm a total homer. The homers say I'm nothing but a fairweather fan. If your boy Caleb tries to hold the ball for four seconds in the NFL it's not gonna go well.
  5. There's more to it than just superstars. NC was 7th with 95 players on NFL rosters last year. SC was 15th with 56. Calling Clowney a superstar is a pretty big reach. He hit a Michigan RB really hard and got drafted #1 overall. Those are his career highlights.
  6. I mean, he's supposedly a UNC fan who spends all his time arguing that every other QB is better than Maye and Maye ain't poo if we don't go to the playoffs. He's an odd one.
  7. Can they? Sure. What would he fetch? Almost certainly not anywhere close to the two 1sts and a 2nd we turned down.
  8. Yeah, having local talent is a nice perk but SC probably isn't all that high. Texas is definitely the 1b to Florida. Then you have California, Georgia, Virginia, honestly NC is probably above SC. SC is honestly probably borderline top 10.
  9. I mean, if we're strictly taking recruiting then yeah they mean a lot. Look at the teams that consistently get the highest rated recruiting classes. They're consistently among the elite teams. They're elite because they're gobbling up the elite talent.
  10. Clemson's last five recruiting class rankings: 7, 10, 5, 3, 10. Clemson is recruiting just fine.
  11. This. He's a good college QB. He's not an NFL prospect unless he makes major leaps as a passer. He's a Darian Durant or Marquise Williams or Taj Boyd or Brandon Randall. All good college QBs.
  12. The Lachman test is pretty much spot on for possible ACL injuries. The trainer can tell you within moments if the ACL is intact. The MRI is to look for partial tears and/or other potential damage (meniscus, etc.).
  13. And they went 5-12. Maybe we shouldn't try too hard to replicate that.
  14. Has anyone within the Panthers' organization realized that we only have 5 DL on the roster? 4 TEs and only 5 DL. This is gonna be interesting.
  15. Honestly, Clemson should've dropped completely out of the rankings. Preseason rankings are way too sticky IMO. They're basically a complete shot in the dark. If you think Duke is #24 then you can't rationalize having Clemson in your top 25.
  16. So did Duke muffing a punt giving you a free red zone trip. Clemson shot themselves in the foot a lot with two blocked FGs and two redzone turnovers but give them those two FGs plus two TDs on the fumbles and you're still at only 27 points with 7 points off of a free trip to the redzone. That would've been good for 74th in the nation in scoring last year. And that's basically being as generous as possible with the potential scoring opportunities last night.
  17. And Klubnik looked the same way last night.
  18. Dabo always bitches and moans on the sidelines and acts like the refs are conspiring against his team. But you don't have the success that he's had without doing a lot of things right along the way. I don't think Dabo is a great game day coach, but he is a helluva recruiter and motivator. He's basically a better version of Mack Brown in that regard.
  19. He looked like the worst QB in college football in the ACC CG before getting yanked. With that said, I never understood Clemson's play calling with him. They insisted on running him like they had Lawrence previously and Klubnik currently. But DJ is not a runner. He's a classic big bodied, big armed pocket passer. He's not a Bledsoe type statue but he's not a guy you should be dialing up designed runs for on the regular.
  20. It makes Drake Maye even more impressive. Howell was him at UNC. We have GOT to capitalize this year on having five consecutive years of elite QB play. We've never had that before. We have the best two QBs we've ever had back to back.
  21. Clemson certainly has a very talented roster but that didn't look like a typical Clemson roster last night. Usually they are very obviously head and shoulders more talented, athletic, and stronger than the other team. It just looks like men against boys. I didn't see that last night. Duke looked like they belonged on the field athletically and physically with Clemson. That's honestly more shocking to me than the outcome of the game. Duke heating Clemson should look and feel flukey. That didn't look and feel flukey.
  22. Oh, 100%. There's no way they were gonna generate any offense with the way DJ was playing. He wasn't even throwing in the zip code of receivers. It's just really weird that Clemson young backup QBs can step in and play well in spot duty then just fall off a cliff as the starter. It's way too early to write Klubnik's Clemson obituary just yet but man, last night was not good.
  23. He's an ideal college coach though. Great recruiter and motivator, but not the type of Xs and Os guy that the NFL is going to be clamoring after. Well, unless Tepper gets infatuated I guess
  24. Some recruits just don't work out. UNC landed the #1 CB recruit in the country s couple of years ago in Tony Grimes. He just turned out to not be good. It happens. #1 prospects at their position in the NFL draft bust too. It's what makes DJ at Oregon State interesting to me. If he plays well and Klubnik struggles it's really going to point the finger at Clemson as the root issue. When the #1 prospect at his position goes to the same school and they both bust that's probably not a coincidence.
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