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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Because that knee is bothering him. You don't have your best player who's been a game wrecker go down to slow down the offense. That's dumb.
  2. Yeah, baffling to be honest. You have a mobile QB. At least one of those downs I'm gonna put him on the move with a run/pass option.
  3. Helluva effort by that RB to at least get back to the LOS. If he'd gotten tackled where he got hit I'm not sure you can go for this because you're at the 4 or 5 instead of the 2. Oh wow, they lost their nerve. They're kicking.
  4. Yeah, I'm sure the guy tearing CU's OL a new one is going down on purpose. When you have guys go down on purpose it isn't your best player.
  5. If you don't get in the end zone on 3rd down, do you go for the TD on 4th? Your offense has been stalling out all night. Then again, your opponent can't stop shooting themselves in the dick so maybe you just take the 3.
  6. Not sure but that guy has been eating Sanders up all night long. He's the one who keeps going down. He had nothing to do with the cheap hit either way.
  7. It might be time to get Kamara out of this game for his own good. That knee has to be compromised.
  8. What an idiotic throw. I don't think I've ever seen a team shoot themselves in the foot as much as CSU has tonight and yet somehow they're still leading.
  9. CSU might set some records on penalties tonight. Good grief.
  10. That was a very obvious block in the back on that screen
  11. 31 years old? Married with 3 children? What?
  12. Travis Hunter taken to the hospital? Say what?
  13. Second time tonight Kamara has gone down grabbing at the outside of his knee.
  14. Oh look, another self inflicted mistake by CSU. It's the only thing keeping Colorado in the game.
  15. Holy poo what a catch. That ball was at least 5 feet out of bounds.
  16. This. They dominated that half and dumbass self inflicted mistakes has kept Colorado in the game.
  17. If you're gonna try to be snarky to someone at least pay attention to what they've been saying on the subject. Failure to do so sets you up to make an ass of yourself. Like you just did.
  18. I underestimated CSU. These boys came to play.
  19. There are definitely gonna be ejections in this game.
  20. What a moronic play. It was over. You had great coverage. Then you do THAT?!
  21. Oops. Big mistake from Hunter. Fumble leads to CSU scoop and score. Haven't seen an angle that would overturn it yet.
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