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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Horton can play. That kid could suit up for us tomorrow.
  2. If I'm CSU and I can get into the endzone I'm winning or losing right here. I'm going for two. I'm not leaning on this D minus Kamara.
  3. This is basically over. CSU has no pass rush without Kamara. @ CSU This is one of the biggest examples of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory I can remember.
  4. If CSU loses this game it is 110% self inflicted. A billion penalties all the yards. Turnovers. Lost their nerve on the final defensive drive and went soft. Their best player gets tossed in OT. Just unbelievable.
  5. I've never seen a team commit penalties like this. It's crazy.
  6. They were coaching like they thought the game was decided. In a one possession game. That was really bad on their part. Just all you can say. Really bad coaching in a critical situation.
  7. Heading to OT with the momentum firmly on Colorado's side. CSU's staff better relocate their balls and start bringing pressure again. They didn't just fail to bring pressure on that last drive, they didn't bring a rush at all. They had their DL just playing pure contain. What an absolute fail on their part.
  8. That was baffling. Didn't even try to get to the marker. Acted like he wanted to just run clock then ran out of bounds? I mean, what WAS that?
  9. Still not in FG range he says as they're on their own 30. Thanks for that insight, buddy.
  10. Watch them bitch out and run the ball and go to OT.
  11. If CSU loses this game their staff is going to get SKEWERED for going soft on that drive and they're going to deserve every bit of it.
  12. Blows my mind how coaches lose their nerve and stop doing what has worked all night long in late game situations. CSU has had success on D by pressuring. They tried to play coverage earlier and CU found their rhythm. Went back to pressuring and started shutting them down again. Shocking they forgot that lesson.
  13. I'm considering going for this the way I'm moving the football.
  14. Wow. That was big. Horton has been big all night.
  15. They weren't doing anything with Hunter either.
  16. Ummm... that's illegal touching. That's a penalty.
  17. I'll be surprised if Oregon doesn't beat Colorado by three scores.
  18. At some point you have to suck it up and decide not to die a death of a thousand cuts. Make him throw it deep. He's already thrown two picks. I'll take my chances. But I'm not gonna let you just keep throwing to wide open crossers with nothing but grass in front of them.
  19. I wanna see Kamara against better competition. I don't know if he's good or if this CU OL is just bad.
  20. Colorado is in trouble for sure now. That kid just made up for that fumble.
  21. Oh look. Another drag route. It's pretty wild CU hasn't adjusted to take that away.
  22. They must have at least a dozen completions tonight on that same drag route.
  23. Because that knee is bothering him. You don't have your best player who's been a game wrecker go down to slow down the offense. That's dumb.
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