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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. This. If he continues to do well away from Reid under a defensive head coach he becomes a much more attractive HC candidate IMO.
  2. The Commanders are doing some very un-Rivera things in short clock situations. Both games they've gotten the ball deep in their own territory right before half and been very aggressive. Classic Ron hands the ball off and jogs to the locker room in those situations. But, you couldn't beat the smile off Ron's face after the game yesterday with a baseball bat so whatever is going on he seems very okay with it.
  3. Yep. HBCU was really important to Deion at that time because Deion happened to be coaching at an HBCU. Now he's strutting around Boulder looking like Lil Nas X.
  4. Take away the Prime Academy debacle and I'd feel a lot different. But Prime Academy plus going to the mat for HBCU just to move on at the first chance to do so? It just shows the true nature IMO.
  5. I'd love for him to prove me wrong I'm just not seeing any evidence for it right now and I'm not going to try to sugarcoat everything. I mean my god man, you still defend everything Gettleman did simply because he's not Marty Hurney and now you're doing it again with Fitts. You gotta get over this Hurney derangement.
  6. I admittedly can't stand Deion. He's a grifter all about Deion. All eyes on him always. Prime Academy was a complete grift and people just conveniently forget about that. He was all about some HBCU until a better opportunity came calling. Now he's larping around in a Cowboy hat at Colorado until a better opportunity comes calling again If you enjoy the entertainment aspect of it, I get it. But let's not make it out to be something it's not.
  7. They've beat three bad teams and should've absolutely lost to the worst team they've played. Calm down.
  8. Hate it for the kid, but it's a blessing in disguise for Deion and the program. Built in excuse for the skull dragging they're about to take.
  9. Hopefully we kick ass and I'm enjoying a delicious meal of crow.
  10. Yeah, I didn't mind trying to get our rookie QB a good RB to lean on but my Eagles fan buddy told me that Sanders wasn't all that, it was more about that OL than it was about him. Sure looks like he was right so far. ImSo far, Sanders looked meh and the Eagles have ran wild without him.
  11. I'll say 31-17 Saints to be on the record.
  12. Based on what exactly? He just led his team back from a 21-3 deficit slinging fireball dimes under heavy pressure. What more do you want?
  13. Crazy seems to run in the Jones family. I think his brother Jon is a legit sociopath.
  14. No clue what to expect but I'd be lying if I said my expectations are high. Hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
  15. That's why I want to see how this roster progresses this year. I need to see progression to not be ready to move on from Fitts.
  16. A lot of people were talking about this being a weak WR class but they were just looking at the top of the class. If you had a top 10 pick and wanted a WR you're not liking the class. But I was always pounding the table for the 2nd-5th round talent in this class. That was always the strength of this WR class - the depth of talent in the mid-rounds. Too many folks get caught up on only looking at the hyped "stars".
  17. I really liked the mid-round talent in this draft class, period.
  18. People want to believe in Fitts so badly but I'm just not seeing a whole lot to hang that hat on right now.
  19. It's what the Chargers have done for years. Fail to win despite quality QB play. For the majority of my adult life they've either had Brees, Rivers, or Herbert at QB yet barely have any playoff wins to speak of. That's pretty embarrassing.
  20. Because he couldn't throw. He improved leaps and bounds as a QB at OU under Lincoln Riley.
  21. He wasn't good at Bama. It was Tua that got Saban to finally break out of his old school three yards and a loud of dust offense and join the modern offensive game.
  22. Hurts was not good at Bama and that's why he got benched for Tua and transferred to Oklahoma where he blossomed.
  23. Without signs of progress I'm ready to move on from Fitts. The guy was brought here to be Rhule's babysitter. While is gone. If we're not progression as a team get rid of the babysitter and go find a real GM.
  24. You just have to ignore the fans trying to make sweeping conclusions about a guy being a bust after a game or two. Gantt is a professional. He needs to be better and not act like a triggered Huddler because a lot of fans are tired of this organization's losing ways and choose to vent.
  25. It really is the point though. The only point of the regular season is to get to the postseason. You can keep twisting in the wind if you want but the math is the math and the math says if we lose tomorrow night there's a near 90% chance that it's another futile season in the Panthers' record book.
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