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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Getcha popcorn ready. Dude wants a contract and is getting benched with the game on the line? Trade demand incoming
  2. Bryce is shook as fug. My man is lining up over the guard requiring Sanders to literally shove him into place. Oh wee mayne
  3. The way Carr is playing N.O. might wanna just go pure wildcat with Hill.
  4. Bryce has to be smart enough to throw that ball away. At 4th and 3 you're gonna at least consider going for it. After taking the sack it takes that decision off the table.
  5. Absolute gift because that ball was not catchable.
  6. I sympathize with the helmet holder on the sideline. His face said it all
  7. I like the play call with the Saints selling out for the sneak
  8. There is no way I'd play football with that logging chain around my neck
  9. This has been one of the worst overall displays of offense in a game that I've seen in a long time.
  10. Not to mention the hometown kid I begged and pleaded for balling the fug out for Ron.
  11. Every time Taysom Hill is in the game they're running the ball and yet it's effective every time. That's the only real knock on our D tonight.
  12. Bryce got brushed by a hand and it's enough to sack him.
  13. This needs to be a real conversation amongst the staff this week. Frank's play calling screams he doesn't trust Bryce. I mean, I can't blame him but you have to give the kid a chance to play. If he can't play you're all getting fired anyway.
  14. The D is finally running out of gas. I can't be mad at them. At some point you start to lose hope that your offense is going to give you a chance.
  15. Gotta hold them to 3. Anything more would feel like an insurmountable deficit.
  16. You really can because that was DPI it just wasn't called
  17. That is a trash penalty. No one on N.O. reacted and he got back
  18. Somewhere John Fox is smiling proudly watching this defensive struggle of inept offense that is this game.
  19. So Bryce can't run a QB sneak and can't effectively throw more than 10 yards past the LOS? Oh wee mayne.
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