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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. The D was dominant last night until they started wearing down late.
  2. The Carolina Panthers' current rankings in the NFL through week 2... Total Offense Total yardage: 28th Total points scored: 30th Yards per play: 31st 1st downs: 28th Passing Passing yardage: Dead last Completion percentage: 28th Yards per passing attempt: dead last Yards per reception: dead last Rushing Rushing yardage: 9th Yards per attempt: 4th Defense Total yards allowed: 8th Points allowed: 13th Yards per play: 8th 1st downs allowed: 10th Y'all, the numbers scream it. There's a very glaring massive problem with the Carolina Panthers' right now and it's our inability to effectively pass the football.
  3. You just need a good lecture about reasonable expectations. You see, being a Panthers fan is about not expecting to win or even to look competent. You just gotta be happy to be.
  4. We honestly to do a better job of getting everyone involved on offense. I don't care who gets us going. But yes, given our struggles throwing beyond the LOS, our most dangerous guy with the ball in his hands would be a good person to focus on. I don't know why you're running screens to Thielen when you have a guy like Shenault.
  5. It was a gift of a call that I'd be pissed about if the tables were turned. That ball wasn't catchable.
  6. There's minimal cap savings releasing him next year. He'll be back.
  7. Definitely odd. Brown seems like a pretty mild tempered guy. Definitely not a guy I'd want pissed off enough to come after me.
  8. Not gonna lie, when he lined up behind the RG and had to get chucked into position by Sanders I was like... oh fug.
  9. I don't know what it is. It's just altogether really unimpressive and I hope they can fix it somehow.
  10. I'm just saying, if you're going to make accusations don't accuse someone of doing what you literally did just moments before. Just make your arguments. But don't call Bryce Young "Sam Darnold bad" a week ago then juno on your pedestal and start trying to lecture other posters about having critiques. You're just giving some real "fine for me but not for thee" vibes.
  11. Just a reminder, mere minutes ago of who actually ran out of argument and had to resort to mischaracterizations and strawmen. But please, don't let me interrupt your victimization turn because it's hilarious
  12. Go watch Sam Howell's games and then try to make an honest comparison of the arm talent. Keep on coping I guess. Just a reminder, you're the same guy who just last week had to admit that Bryce's week one play was "Sam Darnold bad" when you watched the all 22. Brace yourself for this week's.
  13. No, I really don't. I just want to see some flashes of the talent that convinced us to mortgage the future of the franchise to trade up and get this guy and I'm not going to try to put a positive spin on some pretty alarming lack of physical tools that I'm seeing. We crucified Teddy Bridgewater for the stuff we're seeing out of Bryce but to Teddy's credit at least he was actually efficient with it.
  14. We sure didn't treat preseason like this was the case. We treated preseason like we were about to hit the NFL with a haymaker they'd never see coming. There was a haymaker that wasn't seen coming alright. Unfortunately we've been on the wrong end of that sweet chin music.
  15. 3 out of 8 audibles led to a gain? You see that ratio as a positive?
  16. I just think they got way out over their skis talking this kid up and thought that he and the offense in general were WELL ahead of where they currently are. I really don't think they would've approached preseason the way they did if they realized how much work their was to do. Which altogether I'm not sure is any less alarming of a position to be in.
  17. How can someone with such a thorough grasp of the offense be treated with such kid gloves by the play calling and look lost out there?
  18. This is either not the case or we've been fed a line of horseshit this off-season and preseason about how Bryce has been taking over offensive meetings, breaking down the protection schemed for the team on the whiteboard, etc. I'm tired of hearing about this stuff. I want to SEE it.
  19. The sad part is we're some dropped INTs away from being on pace for those 20-25 INTs
  20. Maybe. Hopefully. But it's also college vs. NFL. Armanti Edwards looked electric running wild against Michigan. He looked like he was wearing cement boots in the NFL. Sometimes we find out that really good college players just hit an athletic ceiling in the NFL and don't have the physical talent to translate to the next level. I really hope that's not the case but I'm nervous. Based on what we've seen it's a legitimate concern right now IMO.
  21. This is definitely not the offensive system I expected to see. This feels like a John Fox special.
  22. Watching the games and seeing the wounded ducks. Seeing him sail touch throws and put drive throws into the turf. He's trying to make sure any miss is safe because he doesn't trust his arm to fit it in there because when he does try it's usually a hold your breath 50/50 ball. You have one throw to hang your hat on. I have the rest of the tape.
  23. I hope so and I honestly thought so pre-draft but through two weeks it hasn't been the case so far on an NFL field.
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