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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Well, you're wrong but other than that, nice article. As for the "Tepper simps" thing I honestly haven't seen it but over the past month or so I've probably seen 10% at most of the posts. I'm just not reading much right now. Not much going on. Off-season gonna off-season. It's almost always just useless sniping and dick measuring and it's worse when we suck.
  2. This. I sure wish we had taken the Rams' offer but that ship had sailed. I wish we had been able to get a better return for him but we were holding a much weaker hand at the time and we were basically in a position that we simply needed to move him for the best offer that we could get.
  3. A poster who literally only posts to criticize others' opinions complaining about toxicity. That's rich. Honestly, most of the toxicity subsided because most of the "cope brigade" packed up and left. There were some folks who just couldn't handle encountering a differing opinion and they finally realized it and left. It was for the best for everyone. Most of the folks left don't mind grappling with different opinions. Sure there's period of dunking and finger pointing and whatnot, but it's no longer every thread everyday.
  4. Yep, I was wrong on this one. But before dunking, maybe peruse your history of literally pure, unadulterated poo posting. https://www.carolinahuddle.com/profile/4377-icege/content/ You can't post without attempting the shot on someone else who has the fall to actually offer an opinion.
  5. To be fair, the "panthers suck wagon" is still up on the scoreboard by about 53 touchdowns. But the safe assumption fails one time and...
  6. I'm torn. On the one hand, I'm glad it's not another knee jerk Tepper Panthers firing or another high level employee bailing ship. On the other hand, this is just a really shitty situation and that sucks.
  7. I mean, there's a definite trend here. It is what it is. A revolving door of personnel and losses piling up. That's been the story of the Tepper era so far.
  8. I'll give Tepper the benefit of the doubt when he earns it. Until then, it sure seems like he has the opposite of the Midas touch when it comes to football. Everything he touches turns to dog poo.
  9. Yep. I'm honestly surprised big tobacco hasn't put a ton of money into lobbying for legalization at the federal level. Their business model is dying and they need a new one. We have so many laws and regulations that are just absurd and many of them are against public will. It is a very strong majority of the population that supports legalization but "our" politicians just keep on keeping on.
  10. All we know is that this just continues a trend.
  11. This is just more of the same. It's always a revolving door at Tepper Sports and Entertainment.
  12. Don't think that the rest of the league doesn't see the same thing we do. It's like looking at a resume as a hiring manager and seeing that someone left their last job quickly and before you can even ask them about it you see who they were working for and you're like "Oh, I see. Yeah, we all know that place is a fuging poo show."
  13. Very possible. It's 50/50 to me whether he got fired or just noped out and will figure out what he wants to do next without having to deal with the bullshit he was having to deal with. It's not like the guy is hurting for money. Being able to just walk away from a bad situation because you're not financially obligated to bring home a paycheck is what "fug you money" is all about.
  14. I don't even know if he got fired. There's a good chance that like a lot of other people in high positions he thought he could come into a dysfunctional environment and right the shop but a year in he realized this poo is hopeless so it's time to bail. Tepper's Panthers just suck at everything, PR being among them. It seems like they really thought that they could part ways with the V.P. of Player Development and maybe just no one will notice. LOL
  15. Odd? Just seems like business as usual for Tepper's Panthers.
  16. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/panthers-v-p-of-player-personnel-adrian-wilson-part-ways Adrian Wilson is on the move. The Panthers V.P. of player personnel quietly has left the team. The change first came to our attention because someone noticed that he no longer appears on the team’s web site. The Panthers have confirmed that Wilson no longer works for the organization. “Adrian Wilson will not continue in his position as Vice President of Player Personnel for the Carolina Panthers,” a team spokesperson told PFT on Sunday morning. “Consistent with our organizational policy on employee matters, we will have no further comment.”
  17. You can have anything shipped to NC if you have a buddy in a legal state.
  18. This is the most spirit of the season thing that you'll see all day today.
  19. I'm hoping for the best while fully expecting the worst. Just in wait and see mode hoping to be proven wrong.
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