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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. A guy like Brees falls to #32 overall for a reason. It worked out awesomely for him but there were legit concerns with how he'd translate to the NFL despite putting up video games numbers at Purdue.
  2. No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's be nice to have seen at least a few instances in three games that make you say, "Wow. Okay, I see why we thought we had to get this guy." There just haven't been any.
  3. Sure you are, buddy. You're just a bandwagon jumper. You low-key poo on UNC every time it's brought up. We don't need fans like you. Go follow Deion around wherever he ends up next. Be gone.
  4. O appreciate his honesty but sometimes you gotta be smart enough to realize you need to come up with a little fib for appearance sake
  5. Says the biggest Deion/Caleb Williams/soon to be Texas Homer alive. Whoever gets hyped next week that's who you'll be touting.
  6. You saw flashes of special talent from those guys. There haven't been any flashes with Bryce.
  7. It was what I was worried about. They wanted Tepper in the club sooooo bad. There was no sale process with the Panthers. JR was told he was selling to Tepper, period. They're not going to be so eager to have someone in the club that's gonna kick all their asses.
  8. Cool. Sure looks like he's gonna be a lot better than Bryce.
  9. Gotta be hopeful about something. Not seeing much to be hopeful about with Tepper's folly
  10. Howell was always clearly the best QB in that class.
  11. I never understood how Pickett was a 1dt round pick. Lots of people dunked on me when Pickett went in the 1st while Howell fell to the 5th. Who's dunking now?
  12. I saw it when I actually started watching UF games. Like wait a minute... this guy is a lot better passer than I expected. His receivers just drop balls like crazy.
  13. You gotta do something other than wallow in Panthers misery. It's actually relaxing to watch a game just rooting for a player to do well with a lot less concern over whether or not the team wins.
  14. This is actually what I find most depressing. I don't think he does. Not that I've seen thus far.
  15. We knew immediately we had a that dude. A QB with legit MVP potential. Now we're trying to grasp at straws to convince ourselves that Bryce might not be a bust and might eventually work out if we can put all the ideal pieces around him in the perfect system. That's not what you want #1 overall. Definitely not what you want in a massive trade up to #1.
  16. Seeing the difference in the offense with Dalton out there was a big wake up call. All those receivers everyone has been shitting on actually started making plays when they had a QB with the ability and willingness to throw the ball down the field on occasion.
  17. The big thing for me is after the first game we knew we had a guy with legit MVP potential. And it built from there. We were losing but we were all excited because we knew we had that dude. Now contrast that to now. Now we're trying to convince ourselves why it's too early to call Bryce a bust yet. Yikes.
  18. What kind of cope is this? We had to trade up to get in front of them in the draft because they were worse than us.
  19. We also had a horrific D and Cam was looking like a stud.
  20. That's the sad reality. Teddy is starting to look like Bryce's ceiling.
  21. I bet some of these same folks shredded Teddy for playing just like this. This honestly feels just like the Teddy days.
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