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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Somebody needs to step up and go to a game donning a full on clown suit and wig while wearing a custom made David Tepper face mask. He's gonna ban you from BOA 100% but it'll be worth it.
  2. He's quickly developing the Panthers into an organization that people with any other options available are going to want to avoid.
  3. Bryce Young's arm makes Jimmy Clausen look like Brett Favre in comparison.
  4. Step one? He needs to see himself out of the football decisions. He's proud to announce and brag about his personal involvement in these decisions when announced then get all pissed off and throw people under the bus when they don't work out. Look in the mirror and find the common denominator.
  5. Sir... if the ball hits a crossing WR in the facemask then it is not out in front of him based on his direction of travel on the field.
  6. Agreed. If at the end of the year you still think Bryce is the future then you have to put all of your resources into doing the best possible job you can to put the best possible supporting cast around him. If it doesn't work out next year then you move on with your 2025 1st rounder that you haven't let Fitts trade away.
  7. I hear him. But now imagine Steve Smith the player playing with a QB that can't effectively throw a ball on an NFL field more than about 10-15 yards. How patient is that gonna look?
  8. Hindsight is always 20/20, but especially if you're drafting a QB that checks none of the physical boxes of the conventional prototypical NFL QB, then you definitely don't want to pair him with a HC that is going to run a largely traditional NFL offense. If you want to try to break the mold, then break the mold.
  9. Yeah, Cam was definitely super confident and had swagger for days that was very evident with his brash personality and showmanship tendencies, but every great QB walks that fine line between confident and cocky. You have to. You have to have borderline delusional confidence to make it as a QB in this league because bad things are going to happen. There's no way around it and when they do you gotta be able to lean on that confidence while also being aware enough to realize there's things you can improve on. That's the mindset required to be a great NFL QB.
  10. Yeah, if you were going to go the boring retread route you already had that in Wilks with the locker room behind him.
  11. That Wilks wasn't retained betrays that getting a look at him as a potential HC was a farce. I mean, given the dramatic improvement under him if that was the actual case you would've given him the job.
  12. This is the sad reality. These billionaire types aren't used to failing and are used to having final say on everything all the whole having minimal actual football experience. It's not a great combination for finding success on the field.
  13. Dude was so cocky coming in. Wasn't gonna be no more of this mediocrity bullshit. There's gonna be all kinds of super smart analytics. Evidently the analytics didn't show that trading a king's ransom to draft a noodle armed QB the size of a HS freshman is a bad idea. Maybe scrap those analytics.
  14. Frustration is one thing. This dude is downright dejected. He looked lost for answers and on the borderline of just breaking down and crying at the presser.
  15. If we keep looking like trash it won't be long before the infighting and blame casting starts as folks scramble to convince Tepper that they're not the problem, it's this other idiot that's the problem. It might already be happening behind the scenes.
  16. Along with whoever made the decision to trade up for Bryce Young. If it was Tepper then he really needs to swallow his ego and GTFO of all football decisions.
  17. Over the top obnoxious assholery I get it. Complain about it. Make them tone it down or get tossed. But if you want to protect your precious children from hearing a naughty word, then a football game isn't the place to be taking them.
  18. It was a nice throw. I'm not anti-Bryce. I want to see more nice throws. I'd be happy as hell to be wrong about my doubts.
  19. Watch his body language on the field and on the sidelines. Watch his post game presser.
  20. Hey, I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong and giving credit where it's due.
  21. What do you see? I mean, the guy looks and sounds completely dejected and lacking in confidence.
  22. I can only guess but it really looks to me like he's questioning his physical ability to play the game at this level. You see other young QBs struggle but they keep their confidence. They make enough plays and throw enough tough passes to give themselves the confidence that yeah, with more work and more experience I have what it takes to do this. I just don't think Bryce is having enough of those moments. His audibles aren't working. He's really struggling throwing beyond 10 yards downfield. When he tries to scramble and buy time like he did. In college he's getting chased down more often than not. I really think it's for him rattled and second guessing everything.
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