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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. The bottom line is winning solves everything. You can make all the nepotism hires you want when you're winning. When the team has been a total clown show since your purchase every move is going to be critiqued. It is what it is the white knight routine is just virtue signaling to the hilt.
  2. Until we do something other than screens and checkdowns it's going to be hard to determine.
  3. As best anyone can tell her qualifications consist of the ring on her left hand. If she had legit qualifications why wouldn't the organization tout them like they do their employees who do have legit qualifications?
  4. How smart does he look as an NFL owner? That's literally all I care about.
  5. I honestly don't think it's all that odd. Just seems like pure and simple nepotism. If she wasn't David Tepper's wife she doesn't even get consideration for her role.
  6. It probably has a lot less to do with being a woman and a lot more to do with the complete lack of relative experience and obvious nepotism. Ultimately it all comes back to David Tepper. He's the common denominator in all this madness.
  7. Must be nice to be wealthy enough to buy an NFL team. You come on, screw up everything and turn it into a clown show and you could still turn around and sell it for a massive profit. Tepper should take his profit.
  8. It'll be brutal if we end up with a top three pick with so many of us calling for a tank season for years.
  9. Yeah, being able to operate under pressure is just a way of life in the NFL. Especially as spread type offenses have become more the norm. With more receivers and fewer blockers the ball better be coming out really fast or you better be good at delivering the ball with a defender hearing down on you, sometimes both.
  10. When Tepper hired Rhule it was all about Tepper being sold on his process and him being a leader of men and the culture he was going to build. Nothing about Xs and Os football. Tepper got sold on a person not a coach. The more we hear about Bryce from the Panthers the more we start hearing about how they're sold on the person. Has Tepper done the same thing again? We'll overlook all of the glaring physical concerns and go with the guy Tepper believes in because he's sold on the person. I don't know, but the logic follows IMO. Especially with it now being heavily rumored that Bryce wasn't the QB Reich wanted. Fitts was always hired to be a yes man. I think most roster calls are his but when Tepper gets involved I think Fitts is programmed to just go with the boss.
  11. Pissed is one thing. Frustrated is one thing. Dejected is another. He seemed dejected to me. Dejected isn't good.
  12. I don't doubt his football intelligence. I just don't know that he has the physical tools to deliver on it and his demeanor is starting to concern me. He's starting to seem really lacking in confidence IMO but I'm not a Bama fan so I didn't closely follow him in college so I don't have a baseline there. This might just be how he is when things aren't going great. I don't know.
  13. Keep in mind, Howell is on pace to get sacked more than David Carr did as a rookie. Still ballin'.
  14. The plays we're running certainly screams it. I just don't know if it's the plays that are bing called or if Bryce is Kill, kill, killing us into a lot of these plays. Just let the guy run the offense. If he's continuously audibling into a super safe play, cut off his audibles or at least narrow the options. We can't just keep throwing screens and checkdowns with no vertical threat though.
  15. I think we have a problem and it's bigger than Reich. Or Fitterer. Or Bryce Young. Or any other coach, player, or front office personnel. Ever since Tepper started "putting his stamp on the football side of the house" (I think that's the verbiage he used) after focusing on the business side of operations in year one, everything has been a series of comedies of errors. Tepper gets involved and makes a bold decision and proudly announces it to the world. Everything goes to poo. Tepper disappears. Tepper reappears to announce another bold move. Everything goes to poo. Tepper disappears. It's a recurring theme.
  16. Why would he open up the playbook with a different QB?
  17. Somebody here begged for us to draft Howell. Many here laughed and mocked me when he bafflingly fell to the 5th. Well, call the Commanders and offer Bryce Young for Sam Howell straight up if you want to hear laughter and mocking now.
  18. To be clear, do I think we're the #3 offense in the NFL if Dalton is the starter? Hell no. But we're at or hear the bottom of the league with Bryce and I don't think having the guy out there throwing constant screens and checkdowns is doing much of anything for his development. If this is all we can do with him it might be time to develop while watching. What I'm saying is take off the training wheels or sit him. It's not fair to the rest of the team. These guys have careers of their own.
  19. All I'm saying is the offense certainly looked a lot different and a lot more effective with a different QB. Honestly, I'm ready to see Dalton again just to see if it was a fluke or not.
  20. No conclusion was offered, sir. Hence the no commentary. I agree that one is a tiny sample size. Three starts to paint a picture though. Take away the pick six and we are the lowest scoring team in the league in Bryce's three starts.
  21. No clue. I'm not watching the all 22. All I know is that we threw downfield with Dalton more on one game than we have in three with Bryce and we did it effectively. And all I'm asking is why y'all think that might be? The goalposts of excuses keep moving but our offense keeps looking the same with Bryce.
  22. Plenty of us talked about arm talent concerns pre-draft. Why did the offense have a credible downfield attack with Dalton?
  23. Careful now. This is a sensitive subject.
  24. This might be a brash opinion but I think we should consider starting to evaluate receiver types for their actual receiving skills and not just look at measurables and potential. I don't mind taking a shot at a height/weight/speed guy with development potential. But you don't want to make a whole unit out of those guys. All of our young receivers are that.
  25. We're 30th in the NFL in points scored over Bryce's three starts. We're 3rd in the NFL on scoring in the lone Dalton start. This is going to trigger folks hard, but that's just the numbers with no additional commentary added.
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