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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Yeah, most young QBs make mistakes early in their career recalibrating the risks they can take as they make the jump from college to the NFL. Bryce threw two picks then just stopped taking any risks.
  2. I just want to remind you that you TRASHED Teddy Bridgewater for playing exactly like Bryce has played so far. I remember. What changed? At least I'm consistent. I trashed Teddy for being a super conservative physically limited checkdown king and I'm trashing Bryce for being a super conservative physically limited checkdown king.
  3. College basketball has fallen off hard. You're acting like it's either or because you're acting like the resource commitment is comparable. It isn't. Football drives the bus. It took UNC years of denial to see the writing on the wall but they realize it now. Meanwhile, with basketball falling off hard in relevance it takes comparably lesser resources to maintain blue chip status there.
  4. He's a former board member. The guy knows everything there is to know about UNC athletics, how much money they have, how much more they can get, etc.
  5. All this talk about a couple of super conferences and everyone else being also rans really isn't much different than the way things have been. All the P5 conferences have their hang arounds who are just there to fill out schedules and due to legacy rivals, etc. They never contend.
  6. Yeah, rode to the game with a booster who has six seats on the third row in the Dean Dome and six seats on the box in Kenan. They ain't planning on choosing.
  7. I just think college basketball has fallen off hard enough that it's not gonna take as much. When I was growing up ACC basketball ran NC. Even in NC now it's a shadow of what it used to be. Out in CO you wouldn't even know it was basketball season. I watched the last UNC national championship win in Salt Lake City. I had to tell the bar it was on. Nobody cared
  8. It was just an unforced error. It was a totally blown coverage. Make the safe throw. Slow him down. He could've come to a complete stop to catch the ball and moonwalked into the endzone. There wasn't a defender within 20 yards. The ball should never be overthrown in that type of situation.
  9. That Achilles injury (and the subsequent ones that ended his NFL career) was just brutal. Turned him into a shadow of the athlete he was before. I mean, just hear Michael Vick talk about him. He was that dude.
  10. He looked the part today. He should've had a deep TD but Maye missed him with an overthrow. Mack Brown said after the game that he and Maye have only practiced like two days with one another since Walker was initially ruled ineligible. He should be even better as he and Maye develop more chemistry. That overthrow just can't happen though. He was WIDE ASS OPEN. Just make the safe throw. Don't worry about trying to hit him in stride and make it look perfect for the highlight reel.
  11. Tez Walker definitely changed things. As soon as he came in the game we just took off. I'm not sure why he didn't play in the early going today.
  12. ND is constantly overranked by about 10 spots just because they're ND. Every time they've been put in the playoffs they've gotten absolutely dragged
  13. I'm not watching Miami/GT but just looking at the box score it looks brutal. Just inept football.
  14. Texas and Texas A&M both have stupid money.
  15. The rest of y'all knock it off too. Damn it.
  16. Knock it off. When you're squabbling with everyone it probably isn't everyone else's fault. There's a common denominator here.
  17. No clue what happened but Michigan/Minnesota went from 10-3 Michigan to 23-3 in the blink of an eye.
  18. I did t see the initial post. Just saw the thread derailing driven by you. We've said over and over a lot of times it's like football. The initial offender might not get flagged because we'll only catch the retaliation. We don't go digging. Don't retaliate. If you want to report a post report it.
  19. Meanwhile... GT and Miami scoreless after the 1st quarter. Minnesota hanging tough with Michigan early on. Louisville and ND tied at 7 apiece.
  20. How many times are you going to derail college threads with this same stuff? You don't even talk college sports. You just come to troll and derail. You hate UNC. Cool. But either talk actual sports and the games being played or fug off. You do this over and over.
  21. Rivalries come and go. State just really isn't all that relevant. Wake isn't going to be in a major conference long-term. There was a big rivalry with Maryland in basketball until they left the ACC and then there wasn't.
  22. Sure we could. It would be scheduled as out of conference. Conference alignment won't get in the way of the best rivalry in college basketball. No one cares about the "rivalry" with NCSU except for state fans.
  23. fug the ACC and fug the rivalries. I'm a UNC fan. We'll develop new rivalries if need be. We'll always do a home and away with duke in basketball. Everyone else can get fuged.
  24. I don't care what happens to the ACC. There's a handful of programs that will be coveted by other major conferences and be just fine. UNC is one of those programs.
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