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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. USC's offense has sucked tonight but Arizona is committing defensive penalties at a furious rate.
  2. How is he supposed to grow and develop his game throwing constant screens and checkdowns ? We already know he can do that and we already know offense can't function in the NFL like that
  3. Caleb Williams has completed 4/12 passes and Arizona has given up 21 points because they're dumb.
  4. Arizona is a dumb team. Just held USC's hand all the way to the endzone there. Pass interference on a bad throw on 4th and 7. Idiotic late hit on an incomplete pass on a 3rd down. You just can't keep giving a high octane offense get out of jail free cards.
  5. The Hurricanes had one job tonight. Don't poo the bed against a bad GT team. They shat the bed.
  6. Gotta be indisputable. Like that USC TD right there. Did the receiver bobble it? Yeah, probably. But it was called a TD on the field and there was no indisputable replay. Gotta stick with the call. What I disagree with about that USC call there is that even if you determine he ultimately caught the ball I thought the replay clearly showed it was no secured in the endzone. IMO, the correct call there was completed pass a football length shy of the goal line. 2nd and goal from inside the one with 2 seconds on the clock.
  7. I think Arizona is probably fuged. Their offense has been completely ineffective since their #1 WR went down after putting up 5 catches and a TD in the 1st quarter. They better scheme something up over halftime or they'll get blown out in the 2nd half.
  8. We actually start letting Bryce Young rip it. How does that turn out? I have no idea, but I want to find out.
  9. Has Arizona forgotten they can run the football?
  10. That may have been the series of breaks USC needed. Bad Arizona INT, then a big Arizona TFL negated by a facemask ultimately sets up 1sf and goal from the 6th instead of 2nd and 15+ from the edge of the redzone. Let's see how the young Arizona QB responds to making a big mistake
  11. Great deep ball from Williams to an open receivers then a bad mistake leads to a turnover. That's the type of stuff the desperation of being down three scores knowing your D can't stop poo leads to.
  12. It's just like his OU teams. There's plenty of recruiting stars the onfield defensive performance just never lives up to the recruiting rankings. There's no way USC (and OU back then) shouldn't have had at least decent defenses. Say top 30 or so. There's no excuse for his team to constantly be near the bottom of defensive rankings. It ain't a talent issue. Not to be that bad.
  13. You gotta be kidding me? FUG. I'd just turned that off and chalked it up as a Miami W. Damn it.
  14. USC better get woken up and fast because they're about to get blown the fug out of they don't.
  15. What would that accomplish? Bryce just doesn't have those physical tools. I'd love to be a fly in the wall in the film room. I'd love to hear why he's not making some of these throws. Did he make the wrong read so he didn't see them? Okay. That's disappointing for a "super processor" but something that can be worked on. Or is he failing to see them because he's 5'10" with the locker presence of a cat in a room full of rocking chairs? Or is he seeing them and just knows his arm can't deliver?
  16. Nothing surprising about this. USC plays no D. If their offense ever has an off night they're gonna lose. They've been off tonight so they're trailing. It almost doesn't even matter who they're playing. Their D gives them low margins for error. They could lose to practically anyone if their offense has an off night.
  17. ND thinks they're Alabama though and their delusional are driven by instantly being overranked by at least 10 spots simply because they're ND. They lost 4 games last year in their first year under a new coach. That was the most losses they'd had since 2016. Yeah, if they were 4-3 right now there would be no shortage of ND folks seriously questioning if they made the right hire as they're still reeling from the reality that their coach left for greener pastures. Those folks don't think greener pastures exist.
  18. GT throws an INT. Miami in scoring range. Looks like they should be able to survive.
  19. Whew. Miami got really lucky with that flag. Score tied.
  20. They score to tie it up and... oh but wait, the XP is blocked. Yikes.
  21. Miami is really gonna fug up and piss this game away aren't they? Damn.
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