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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. There's another alternate universe where we actually pair Cam Newton with an offensive minded head coach.
  2. That day ended any and all Mike Shula hype. Wade Phillips made him look like a complete fool. There's an alternate universe where we win that SB in a dominant performance and Mike Shula is the hottest NFL HC candidate in the land going into that off-season.
  3. The ones that have led to being 0-5. How is his big money RB looking? How is his journeyman of a disappointment of a former 1st round pick TE that he paid like a legit starter looking? Has anyone seen Justin Houston yet? Everyone on the forum is bitching about these WRs and they're all guys Fitts has brought here. The coach everyone is complaining about? Hired under Fitts.
  4. For the Panthers fan in me? No. I've been a fan for 20+ years now. For the Panthers fan in me that would absolutely suck. But for the other part of me who sees a delusional narcissist in David Tepper coming in acting like this was going to be easy and he was going to save the day and create a dynasty with his brilliance, seeing that guy take an embarrassing comeuppance? Yeah, 100% hilarious.
  5. I'm obviously no fan of Tepper, but that one's on them. They were the assholes in that situation.
  6. When they were losing... https://finheaven.com/threads/ryan-fitzpatrick-blames-cake.354239/
  7. Revisit their forum if we somehow find a way to upset them. See how smart and reasonable it would seem then.
  8. Winning fixes everything. Outside of a few never Cam trolls this place (and this fanbase) used to be a lot different.
  9. Super Bowl? Bruh, we ain't ready to talk about no Super Bowl. We just trying to win A game. Any game.
  10. The rumor is that Tepper put the kabosh on the Stafford trade because he was concerned about injury issues.
  11. I'm honestly surprised that it definitely seems like Stroud was eliminated from consideration fairly early in in the process. Then again, I could see Tepper and his "muh analytics" focus seeing the S2 test as some type of QB evaluation cheat code. I would've gotten fired for being a smartass. "Hey Tepp, plug "5'10" buck eighty" into the analytics and see what it spits out."
  12. The spin was always going to be that everyone was thrilled with this consensus pick even if there was a fist fight at every meeting leading up to the draft.
  13. I'm not saying it was Tepper's pick. I'm only stating the obvious that a multi-billion dollar organization absolutely puts a PR spin on these things.
  14. That's the problem. Bryce is playing more like Mr. Irrelevant than #1 overall.
  15. Wasn't an issue for him as a rookie playing LB.
  16. At the end of the day we really have no idea how the decision making process went, we just know the PR spin of it. A team always portrays their draft picks as consensus picks. Especially picks with this type of investment.
  17. Tepper doesn't seem like a guy with enough humility for this to be the case. If he forced the Bryce pick I think he's most likely to blame everyone else for why this kid that he himself identified isn't lighting the league up like he should be.
  18. Then you have the opposite story with Pete Carroll. Russ without Pete Carroll has been straight trash while Geno Smith has looked like a legit NFL QB with Carroll while being a journeyman bouncing around the league previously.
  19. Favre's 1st year in GB was 1992. The Panthers were founded in 1993. That's why I've always said that for as consistently competitive as the Packers have been, to only get two rings out of 30 years of elite HOF QB play is honestly pretty damn disappointing. Hell, the Panthers have nearly matched that and we've been a complete poo show for much of that time.
  20. He's played well and been what we hoped he would be. Unfortunately at 33 he's not part of the future. Gross-Matos has been the unexpected pleasant surprise for me so far this year.
  21. I think they're both great prospects but Caleb's flaw is fatal in the NFL if it can't be addressed.
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