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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I'm not sure if it's that simple. He went out this time and put together a staff chock full of NFL experience. I don't think these guys just suddenly forgot everything they knew.
  2. But if it's not working at some point you have to reevaluate. It's clearly not working.
  3. They have a total of 5 playoff wins since their last SB in 1995. 5-12. We have 9 in that same span. 9-8. Then entered David Tepper... Not sure I'd be holding them up as some shining beacon though.
  4. Oh, this poor multi-billionaire who has driven this organization right through the ground. Won't someone please think of his feelings?!
  5. Unless we have someone here who sat in the meetings we honestly just don't know. It's all speculation and trying to sift through PR spin. Because no matter who the pick was the public narrative was always going to be that it was a consensus pick that everyone in the building was completely in love with.
  6. He's just a college coach through and through. It'll be interesting to see if he can adapt to the NIL era though.
  7. It's working 1000%. We just can't see it yet. Maybe David Tepper needs to understand that accountability starts in the mirror.
  8. Is it working? Are guys with long NFL careers suddenly looking completely incompetent working for him? Does it look like the same clown show even though the people in the positions are a revolving door? I mean, at some point you gotta start connecting the dots.
  9. You're probably not wrong but that's the hope we have to cling to. Either that or the hope that somehow through sheer dumb luck we overcome a meddling, micromanaging owner who has proven he's pretty incompetent on matters related to the sport of football.
  10. All we can do is hope that Tepper wakes up one day and looks in the mirror and realizes this isn't working and I'm the root of the problem.
  11. Is there anyone left who still want to try to pretend that Tepper isn't constantly meddling?
  12. Reminds me of a little league basketball coach I had as a kid. Everything was about believing and heart. His defensive scheme was "get somebody". No, I'm not going to assign matchups. Just get somebody. So now you have 12 year old kids out there on the court trying to figure out who matches up best against who.
  13. Yeah. He gave up 14 QB hurries while Dalton was throwing for 360 yards.
  14. I hope to see it eventually. I just haven't seen it yet. Honestly, he reminds me of a cat in a room full of rocking chairs in the pocket
  15. Well, at least if you were it wouldn't be reflected in the record.
  16. Who knows? I just find cryptic statements like that annoying. Say what you mean or just STFU.
  17. This. A lot of folks (myself included) will get a lot more hopeful about Bryce Young if we see him do something special.
  18. He should elaborate on that. Because he could mean practically anything from fan treatment to media treatment to how he's being utilized in the offense.
  19. What I take from this is that it looks like the Southern Illinois Salukis do a better job of getting guys ready to play in the NFL than the Carolina Panthers do.
  20. This. Honestly, for Chinn's sake and ours a trade might be for the best. It'll suck if he goes on to excel elsewhere but it also wouldn't be the least but surprising.
  21. It always blows my mind when fans poo on Panthers legends like Jake and Cam.
  22. It seemed to all start with these social media filters. I see a lot of those pics and I'm just like "how in the hell do these people think that looks good?" It's so obviously fake and not in a good way. Are people's self esteem just that shattered that they perceive a bad filtered version of themselves as an improvement over the actual self? It's honestly just sad IMO.
  23. From your account it just seems like Tepper was attempting small talk and some Karens just assumed he was talking down to them. Lots of folks take road trips. It's not a stretch to think someone would make a road trip out of it.
  24. Because somehow in Dave Gettleman's brain blanketed big receivers who can't create separation creates bigger throwing windows than receivers with the ability to separate.
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