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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. That's why he was drafted though. Everything we heard was how Bryce was a super processor and was way ahead of expectations and was running offensive meetings and teaching the line about protections, etc. Then preseason got here and we looked terrible. Everyone laughed and said, "LOL! It's preseason. It doesn't matter. We're not game planning and it'll look a lot different in the regular season." Well, it looks the same and now we're having to dial things back. I hope that will fix some of the issues and help with Bryce's development but we also have to admit that we are essentially admitting that the big advantage we thought Bryce had over the significantly more physically talented prospects in this draft isn't exactly panning out early on so we're having to adapt our offense to that.
  2. To be fair, CJ Stroud has a elite physical tools. Bryce doesn't. We drafted Bryce because we thought he was capable of doing a lot more mentally before the snap with adjustments and after the snap with processing that CJ Stroud and Anthony Richardson were. Early on it isn't looking like a smart bet.
  3. That would be pretty sweet. I'd assume probably stops in Statesville, Hickory, Morganton, Marion, and Black Mountain along the way. Maybe Old Fort and Conover too depending on how many they wanted.
  4. A lot of folks try to paint Jake as a garbage QB through revisionism. It's not like Wilson was missing all these opportunities where Jeudy was getting wide open. Jeudy was a non-factor because he didn't do anything. His one impactful catch was schemed up by putting him at RB to get one on one with a LB.
  5. Probably so. But 3 catches for 14 yards after getting in a spot with an announcer and being publicly called out on national TV by that announcer for being a JAG highlights the difference between Smitty and Jeudy. Smitty would've gone full blood and guts on the Chiefs after that.
  6. Jeudy finally has a productive catch. They had to line him up at RB and get him matched up with a LB to get it. Then Russ throws a pick.
  7. Holy poo. Butker just made a 60 yarder that that would've been good from 70.
  8. Kelce is destroying the Broncos. After the game he has this waiting for him
  9. I have no idea where that pass was going but that might have been picked if it wasn't tipped because there was nothing over there.
  10. Jeudy after 1st quarter. 2 catches for 1 yard.
  11. Mahomes is Brett Favre this year. Still a lot of good but a lot of sloppy, ugly INTs too
  12. Man... Russell Wilson just flat out sucks now. There's no way to sugarcoat it.
  13. This. Smitty had a giant chip on his shoulder his entire career and it manifested itself in very good and very bad ways. But without that giant chip there's no way he becomes one of the best WRs of his generation.
  14. Jeudy stat watch after the Broncos' 1st drive comes up empty. 1 catch for -1 yard. That's a clear 10-9 1st round for Smitty.
  15. Bad night for a primetime game going head to head with Mahomes.
  16. Sure looks like it. Pretty much everyone else has been turned over since his purchase. These are his people.
  17. Even if it clearly wasn't working despite making sweeping organizational changes?
  18. By that definition? Requiem for a Dream. Nope. Fug that. Never again.
  19. Not absolving Frank and I think he should let his OC do his job, I'm just saying it ultimately all points back to Tepper. When the underlings constantly change and it looks like the same clown show, it might be on the ringmaster.
  20. Tepper constantly talks about creating a winning culture. He keeps trying to find the right guys to do that. Seems to me that he has created a culture himself and it ain't a winning one.
  21. Seems like everyone Tepper hires does. There's a common thread.
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