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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I honestly feel bad for the Panthers' PR team. What an impossible gig.
  2. Yeah, if we recreate the Dolphins or Niners situation then Bryce has a chance. What's our chances of recreating those scenarios though? Good OL, offensive genius of a coach, elite weapons everywhere. That's all we need.
  3. A run? A RUN??? What in the fug??!!!
  4. Hell, sometimes he literally jumps like a frog with his shoulders square to the field and tries to throw. That poo has to stop. Nobody can generate any velocity like that.
  5. I'd you don't have a great arm you have to make up for it with great accuracy and anticipation. Bryce shows decent anticipation and good accuracy in the short to mid-range throws but his deep accuracy has just been flat out bad. There's really no way to sugarcoat that aspect.
  6. The difference here is that the closest defender in front of him was a good five yards away. The pocket is usually muddy in the NFL and you're almost never going to have five yards of open field in front of you to wind up to go deep. That's why a lot of guys that have NFL average arms threw at a good velocity at the Combine. Kirk Cousins threw the ball 59mph at the Combine. Cam threw it 56mph. But who has the stronger arm in NFL game action? It's kinda like 40 time and "game speed". What Bryce was able to do in college just hasn't translated so far in the NFL with overall bigger, faster, smarter, more experienced defensive players opposing him in more complex schemes.
  7. Our only hope at this point is for things to get ugly enough and embarrassing enough for Tepper that it forces himself to realize he has to step away from the football decisions. It's the only way.
  8. I honestly hope Stroud throws for 400 yards and 5 TDs just for the lulz
  9. Hell, I wish we would've done that. Our philosophy with Cam was that Cam was the offense so now we can spend all our resources on D. These guys were gonna try to replicate that idiotic approach and what we're seeing is the results of trying that with a guy who isn't a generational talent at QB.
  10. You'd have to put it in New Jersey where he'd be more likely to see it
  11. In other news, Hassan Reddick just got his 2nd sack of the 2nd half.
  12. Not trading Burns for that haul is almost as big of a blunder as trading up for Bryce.
  13. Yeah, I guess if Stroud horrifically blows out his knee Bryce could catch him.
  14. The guy who was drafted because he was most NFL ready is way behind the guy considered not as NFL ready... it's like the tortoise breaking out to a big early lead over the hare.
  15. I just don't think he has the prerequisite physical tools to succeed outside of a Dolphins or Niners type situation.
  16. I'm just gonna go ahead and lock this. I honestly meant to lock it at the time of posting it. It wasn't a thread meant for discussion, it was honestly just a fair warning.
  17. I think that it's most likely that Bryce will probably be holding a clipboard by then unless we somehow assemble a dynamite offensive supporting cast and land an offensive genius of a coach. The odds are long.
  18. You're upset that people are down on an 0-6 team that has been losing for years and a #1 overall QB who simply hasn't looked the part. Man, that's on you. If you want to hear hope only id recommend limiting yourself to only the Panthers' official media outlets because that's the only place you'll find that.
  19. That's the issue. All he needs is an offensive mastermind, a great OL, and elite weapons everywhere. Even then, I haven't seen anywhere near the level of accuracy and anticipation from him that Purdy shows but I agree that he would probably look at least serviceable in SF.
  20. The forum is for discussing football. Is it complaining or just talking football? It's just absurd to ignore reality to try to spin it as hopeful.
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