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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Oh, I agree. It's not going to happen. I do find it curious how much stringent capitalists can openly embrace a system that is outright socialist though. It's an interesting phenomenon.
  2. I wouldn't pay a damn dime to watch the team that Tepper is fielding.
  3. It's the league that doesn't want it with how their revenue split works. With the TV contracts they can rationalize the even split. But if the fans can actually buy the games they want and nothing more it's going to really expose the reality that a lot of teams just flat out don't matter and don't drive viewership. If you have cable or satellite or currently have Sunday Tickets or whatever they call it these days and a bad game is on you might still tune it, at least to have it in in the background since there's no additional cost incurred. But if say the Panthers and Bears are playing on Thursday night football and you can tune in for say $4.99, how many people are honestly gonna do that? Wouldn't take long for the owners of the teams that are driving all the actual viewership to start demanding their fair share of the revenue and stop floating the David Teppers of the league who consistently field a product no one seems worthy of shelling out the money to watch. Me personally? I absolutely wish they would. Owning an NFL team would not longer be a guaranteed golden ticket. There would be very strong financial incentive to field a winner and not just live off of the league split being carried by the teams folks actually want to see.
  4. We signed Thielen in free agency. We didn't trade valuable draft assets for him. Now with that said if we're going to keep Fitts, then sure. Why not? He'll just piss those picks away anyway.
  5. The Huddle couldn't do any worse than 0-6 (plus 0-3 in preseason when I was assured it didn't matter and there was no cause for concern). Hell, I bet we could've accomplished that while even hanging onto next years (very high) 1st round pick.
  6. This roster he's assembled tells me it wasn't just Matt Rhule who was incompetent.
  7. Fitterer has been so bad he makes Marty Hurney look like Bill Polian. All that hope that the idiocy was solely due to Rhule was gone. Maybe it's Tepper. But Fitts is the man in the seat and it's a disaster. It's been a disaster.
  8. You did this same song and dance with Gettleman for years after he got fired as it becomes more and more obvious that he actually did deserve to get fired.
  9. Tepper is a hedgefunder. The only knock he sees is that the guy was dumb enough to get caught.
  10. If you wanna do better you better nail a pick in the draft because those guys don't get traded... unless it's the Panthers trading DJ.
  11. We give Burns and we get DK and their 1st. Yeah, I'm in.
  12. This team does not need to be trading draft assets for players on the wrong side of 30.
  13. That's DJ Chark. That's the one thing he does really well. I honestly think our field stretching issue has primarily been at QB. It wasn't an issue in one particular game this year.
  14. The main problem is that he's a slot receiver and Thielen is actually playing really well in that role.
  15. I knew all I needed to know simply based on the deal he was willing to take. No legit GM candidate is taking a job in title only to be the wet nurse and rubber stamp for a college coach. Seeing him operate as the legit GM tells me that he was a big part of the problem himself. This coaching staff may not be what we expected it to be, but they also aren't THIS bad. This roster absolutely doesn't fit what they're trying to do. I blame them for not better adjusting to it, but the talent is a significant issue.
  16. Maybe that ball bouncing off Ian Thomas' head was the last straw.
  17. I wanted him to follow Rhule out the door but most had convinced themselves that Rhule was the root of all issues. To that I say, well... how 'bout now?
  18. He can't afford to trade him after turning down that Rams deal. We're not getting that type of offer again and if he was traded for less (likely considerably less)Fitts knows it would get thrown in his face immediately and loudly.
  19. It's the worst NFL OL I've ever seen and they find a way to get worse every week. The Giants had already matched their season sack total by halftime. Early on lots of people were trying to blame Howell and of course some sacks are going to fall on the QB. But reality is starting to sink in that this OL Ron has assembled is just completely and absolutely atrocious. Keep in mind the fastest average time to throw in the NFL is Tua at 2.37 seconds. So even the fastest to throw QB in the NFL would be getting pressured or hit on over half of his dropbacks in the Giants game. This should bring back painful memories for Panthers fans. The Bell/Chandler OT plan ring a bell?
  20. Will franchise tag and long ugly holdout be a surprise to anyone at this point? Seems like that's the type of outcome that Tepper era Panthers planning generally leads to.
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