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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I'd sit my starting outside CBs coming out of half just to make a fuging point. I mean, what are the backups gonna do? Miss tackles and give up catches? Seriously, I'd sit their asses on GT's first drive and see what the backups can do.
  2. 20/24 for a QB that is completing less than 60% of his passes on the season. Embarrassing.
  3. Our outside CBs have been terrible tonight. Both in coverage and tackling. How many yards does GT have just on bubble screens and sweeps? They definitely specifically tailored this offensive game plan to attack those guys and it's working beautifully.
  4. Watch them score a TD here. This D has given up like 350 yards this quarter. Seriously an all-time poo defensive quarter. Uncalled illegal blocks be damned.
  5. The amount of illegal blocks GT is getting away with is pretty incredible though.
  6. Holy fuging hold right there in front of the QB. You cannot tell me the refs didn't see that poo.
  7. Seriously. Definitely no sure thing this D doesn't give up points here the way they've played this quarter.
  8. Hey announcer, eat a fuging dick. GT got a gift of a phantom hold against us, a questionable pass interference, then a gift of a no call on a blatant pass interference. We're due a fuging call.
  9. This game was so close to just being over and then that phantom hold changed everything.
  10. Just pathetic from the D. They've ran that same fuging play 6 or 7 times tonight and we haven't come close to stopping it yet.
  11. I don't know why football coaches only use timeouts as a clock management tool. This D needs a basketball style "get your poo together" timeout.
  12. Looks like CU is being kept alive by turnovers. UCLA has four turnovers at half.l and still has the lead.
  13. We're just gonna have to win a Pac-12 game because I don't see this D getting another stop.
  14. The D needs to step the fug up. We caught a massive break that they false started.
  15. I wouldn't be so pissed about the phantom hold if GT's OL didn't look like they were straight up wrestling on half their snaps.
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