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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Will Levis already has a longer completion than Bryce.
  2. Damn. Brown gets run through at the goal line. When you suck nothing goes right.
  3. Burns might miss more tackles in the backfield than anyone I can recall. He gets there often and he misses often
  4. Being one of the richest owners isn't near as much of an advantage in the NFL. Hell, pro athletes have it amazing in labor relations compared to the rest of the world. Sad as that might be it's reality. The NFL has a 50/50 revenue split. For most companies it's in the 15-30% range.
  5. I don't think you want to risk tampering with the golden goose. Right now the system gives every fanbase hope. Take away that hope and a lot of teams just become irrelevant. Hell, just look at the Panthers currently. The NFL hasn't taken away our hope but David Tepper sure has.
  6. It's also completely ruin the sport. The competitiveness would be gone. A big part of what makes the NFL intriguing is that hard salary cap and no max contracts. Teams can't just wantonly load up like what happens in MLB, NBA, etc. Sure, there's salary cap trickery but every team can use the same tricks and it's still by far the most even playing field that exists in pro sports. It gives every fanbase hope that they can get their poo together and turn it around vs. the fans of teams in those other leagues that just have to accept that they're basically a feeder team for teams that actually compete and barring an absolute miracle they'll never be able to contend and even if they can that one time their team will get gutted by the other teams picking their players off.
  7. The players wouldn't. No more huge guaranteed money to protect them from injury risk. That's why they hate getting tagged even though the tag pays them elite money for the one year.
  8. NIL is fine with me. The kids should be able to profit. I've always thought the schools should have to commit to a four year scholarship as long as the kids stay academically eligible. I'd put the one year sit out rule back in place and make the schools commit to four year scholarships. I'd have some stipulations for waiving the sit out year like head coach or coordinator leaving, family circumstances, etc.
  9. The transfer portal has completely changed the landscape though. Now that guys don't have to sit out a year you have other programs actively recruiting your players. It's a mess. It'd be like if the NFL only had one year contracts and no salary cap. That's basically college football right now.
  10. It ain't no different on this side of the border, bro. At least we have basketball I guess.
  11. There just aren't the dominant teams this year we're accustomed to seeing. Even the undefeated teams have looked vulnerable. If you're viewing through a historic lens, I get it but I'd encourage you to look around the current landscape.
  12. They really should've postponed this. Those are two of our best ever. They deserve better than being "honored" in front of a half empty stadium consisting of malcontents, opposing fans, and folks who fell into free tickets.
  13. 15 catches on 29 targets for 133 yards and 0 TDs in 5 starts is just fuging horrible. No way to sugarcoat it.
  14. Buying teams in the portal is the new path. It sucks but that's reality.
  15. When you're having a shitty day, just remember that Drake Maye turned down millions of dollars and the opportunity to compete for a national championship to come back to UNC for this.
  16. https://x.com/AndyDemetra/status/1718472410322579688?s=20 537 of those yards came in the 2nd and 4th quarters alone.
  17. Mack Brown was absolutely the right hire at the time and he did the job he was hired to do but it's time to find the successor. It gonna be hard to get the UNC fanbase excited again next year after Maye goes pro after watching Mack's teams faceplant coming down the stretch in back to back seasons.
  18. I think Tad Hudson will beat him out next year. He was the significantly better recruit. Borderline top 10 QB four star recruit. Right along the minds of where Howell and Maye were. Harrell was a borderline top 50 QB three star recruit. Not that it's always indicative, but I think it'll probably be Tad next year.
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