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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. This is absolute rock bottom so far. I've thought we had found rock bottom a couple of times but then Tepper breaks out the heavy equipment and breaks through to another level.
  2. Honestly, they really did. They really were in that "one piece away" type scenario.
  3. You just can't recognize that your definition of "intelligent discussion" is "opinions that I agree with".
  4. And that's fine. I just wish you could realize that a lot of the ire you get on here you bring on yourself for not having those same reservations in quickly and condescendingly dismissing the opinions of others.
  5. In that clip of them meeting with Stroud on the practice field you could kinda see it. McCown was very drawn to him while Tepper was kinda just there with the "Alright guys, y'all ready to head out? This was for appearance sake only. We're drafting Bryce Young." energy
  6. Oh sir, I am VERY confident that we won't be drafting #1. The Bears on the other hand...
  7. I really wanted Richardson but also said that interviews could convince me otherwise. I really thought the decision should've been between Stroud and Richardson but convinced myself to be okay with Bryce because I saw the writing on the wall and convinced myself that this very experienced staff wouldn't draft the guy if I was right about him and his talent was truly NFL marginal. Well, fug.
  8. @Mr. Scot I hope you realize that you're about to be absolutely DRAGGED for espousing the very ideas that you have been condescendingly trying to shout down folks for voicing for the past weeks and months.
  9. We've never been lower as a franchise. We are completely terrible. We're well on our way to our what, sixth straight losing season? We are getting worse. We have invested our near to mid-term future on a massive gamble to draft a QB who doesn't look to have the ability to be a high level starter. Our owner continues to make knee jerk desperation moves digging our hole ever deeper. Folks, we're the doormat of the league and look to be stuck there for the foreseeable future.
  10. I'm not gonna go to a Panthers game and boo our players. That's just not a thing that I'm gonna do. But... at the same time, those folks paid their money and invested their time to go see a terrible product so I honestly can't blame them for doing it.
  11. Meanwhile, Brock Purdy is starting to look more and more like Mac Jones with each passing week. Talent matters. Being a "super processor" can only take you so far if you're not physically up to the task. This is why draft evaluations are so difficult and why there are busts and steals every year. There aren't any cheat codes. Every prospect is his own unique individual evaluation. It isn't just a talent thing. It's isn't just an intelligence thing. It isn't just a mentality thing. It's the combination of it all.
  12. Oh, he came in talking a BIG game. We were to bask in the glow of being in the presence of his greatness and needed to acknowledge and give thanks for the bounties he would bestow on us. Well, what about now?
  13. I honestly think Tepper and his "muh analytics" mindset got sold HARD on the S2 test. He thought there was a legit QB evaluation analytical cheat code. Nevermind that this guy has the build and arm of a HS JV QB. He's a super processor. It's one of the few legit reasons I can come up with that Stroud was evidently eliminated from the running very early on in the evaluation process.
  14. There will be very few Panthers fans there. This is one of the games where PSL holders are actually going to be able to get good return on their "investment". PSL holders have taken plenty of heat in the past for selling to opposing fans but I'm gonna be honest, I won't blame them not one bit when Cowboys fans overrun BOA that day. If I was in their shoes I would 100% sell those tickets.
  15. I'm gonna be honest, Bryce Young is one of those Heisman winners that typically historically got drafted in the mid-laye rounds after the NFL evaluates him and determines that he just doesn't have the necessary tools to translate to the NFL but a team takes a flyer on him on the long odds that he can still somehow translate that magic. If Bryce Young played at Wake Forest he's a UDFA.
  16. We ARE the soft spot on the schedule. We are that team other teams look at and say, "Okay, we GOTTA beat THESE guys."
  17. I'd just go back to what I did prior to the Panthers drafting Julius Peppers which was basically just being a general NFL fan. I had favorite players more so than favorite teams and would tune in to watch my favorite players or just tune into whatever the most intriguing game on at the time was. Hell, I'm already halfway there to be honest. I'm honestly watching Sam Howell far more intently this year than I am the Carolina Panthers. David Tepper has sucked the joy out of being a Panthers fan. We were never consistently good but we were good often enough to maintain hope. Tepper has taken hope out back and executed it unceremoniously.
  18. If we want to win two out of three games we better schedule three college teams. Schedule UNC, Clemson, and NC State and yeah I feel confident that we could win two out of those three. I kid, but not really. There's not a single NFL schedule lineup you could put in front of us that I would have any confidence in winning two out of three.
  19. This is just an unbelievably bad take. https://247sports.com/nfl/carolina-panthers/Article/Cam-Newton-fourth-quarter-comebacks-Aaron-Rodgers-123660439/ Not just this, but how many times early on in his career when our D was utter trash would we have a late game drive to put us up or tie just to watch our D go out there and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Can we please not poo on former Panthers greats while we're in the midst of literally the worst stretch of football in the history of an already bad franchise? There's just nothing to gain by shitting on pleasant memories. Hell, it's the only joy that we have as Panthers fans right now.
  20. I agree but from a fan perspective it almost just doesn't even matter. Does anyone - and I mean ANYONE - have one ounce of confidence or even blind faith left that Tepper will get their replacements right? We're just stuck in this cycle of massive knee jerk reaction desperation moves until David Tepper comes to grips with the reality that he is the problem with the Carolina Panthers and he needs to remove himself or at the very least take a massive step back from football decisions.
  21. It certainly begs the question of when he'll have enough and get tired of the comical public failing. How many body blows can the ego take and how deep will he dig the hole in the process?
  22. I honestly have no idea how the process went down. But here's what I do know... There's a repeating cycle here since David Tepper bought the team. There's a poo show. Tepper steps in to loudly and proudly announce a bold move that was either completely his idea or that he was deeply involved in the process. This immediately backfires and another poo show ensues while Tepper disappears into the background. Tepper steps in to loudly and proudly announce a bold move that was either completely his idea or that he was deeply involved in the process.
  23. No one would be overly concerned about the turnovers and the losses if he was also going out there and throwing for 300 yards and we were putting up points. Okay, cool. Bryce is showing he can do it, now he just needs to keep developing and learn how to better manage the game and cut down on the turnovers. Again, typical young QB stuff that lots of future greats have worked through early in their careers. But y'all, this looks like Teddy Bridgewater.
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