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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Poo and a sigh. That's all you've got at this point. You're running on pure faith. Either that or sheer denial. Not sure there's really much of a fundamental difference between the two mindsets. I do a lot of sighing every time I think about all we traded to draft this guy #1 overall. Watching him get outplayed by a rookie UDFA out of a D2 school was just awesome I tell ya.
  2. This is a hilariously bad take. The QB's job is to effectively execute the play, period. If you're getting consistently fooled by pre-snap defensive disguises you're not gonna make it long in the NFL.
  3. But Bryce can't be the typical rookie because he doesn't have the typical rookie physical traits upside. Agreed on the defensive trap. It was beautiful.
  4. The issue is that the "super processor" narrative got pushed for a reason. Everyone with working vision who wasn't wildly biased could see that his physical toolset was marginal. He HAS to be mentally superior to have a chance. It should be a real wakeup call for the holdouts to watch a rookie UDFA QB coming out of D2 college football outplay him last night. Not just in terms of results but just in terms of passing the eye test and looking the part. Honest to god, if you didn't know anything about the two guys and who was who if you tuned into that game and I told you one guy was the #1 overall pick that a team traded a haul to get and the other guy was a UDFA D2 QB, 10 out of 10 football fans would've said that the Bears' QB was the #1 overall pick and Bryce was the UDFA D2 guy. That's the sad state of reality that we find ourselves in.
  5. It doesn't matter how high your football IQ is if you don't have the physical tools to deliver on it. I'm honestly not sure he's nearly as cerebral on the field as folks want to believe. Last night during the game thread on our final drive I pointed out that that Bryce was throwing to the same basic area every play and that if the Bears were smart they'd just camp a defender there. Well, they actually did one better. They had a LB give a blitz look pre-snap on 3rd down and then drop back into a robber position right there in the middle of the field 6-8 yards deep where Bryce had been throwing the ball every play. Bryce threw it right to him and he dropped it. The Bears 100% sprung a trap on Bryce and he never saw it coming. I thought they were being dumb letting us have that play over and over several times but they were actually playing chess against checkers. They were setting Bryce up to expect that to be open and to bait him into throwing a pick. He stumbled right into the trap and the defender just botched it. That's not high level cerebral stuff from your super processor QB.
  6. It all points back to David Tepper IMO. We had a bunch of college guys under Rhule but now we have a bunch of legit NFL guys. Are they young, brilliant, innovative, cutting edge type guys? No. But they're not the bumbling incompetent buffoons they look like under Tepper. They wouldn't have lasted so long in this league if they were.
  7. We're in this predicament because we tried to retool our offensive approach. We have an OL built for power run blocking to allow them to lean on play action to setup the pass. Then we drafted a system QB who requires a spread attack to have any chance of success and it's all failing miserably. We've made way too many dramatic knee jerk decisions under Tepper. There's no thought into the process of transition. It's just "well that didn't work, so obviously let's just do the polar opposite" over and over again.
  8. The threat of being drafted by Tepper next year would be more than enough to convince me to definitely go this year.
  9. Yep, at least during the Pickles year we had the excitement of a very high 1st round pick around the corner. David Tepper has sucked all of the fun and hope and excitement out of this fanbase. Just no way around it. Just move the team already.
  10. We just lost to another bottom five NFL team that was playing a UDFA rookie QB. Who are we supposed to beat?
  11. It just seems obvious at this point that Tepper is going to do what Tepper wants to do and what Tepper wants to do will invariably turn out to be a really dumb thing.
  12. I honestly have no clue what the '25 QB class is looking like. There's some guys available this year that don't have everyone looking to next year's class like usual.
  13. I don't disagree. I think we're probably right around .500 if we're playing Andy Dalton.
  14. Honestly, Tepper will just make another series of bad hires and keep meddling away anyway. The names keep changing and the results just keep getting worse. Until David Tepper realizes that he's the common thread between all these failures we're gonna be stuck being the NFL's doormat.
  15. Unfortunately, it happened after we traded the very high 1st round pick that will get us. Now we get to watch the QB with very marginal NFL talent that we traded up for look very marginal while the guy we passed on literally rewrites rookie QB record books then we get to cringe while next year's QB class gets hyped up this off-season. This isn't rock bottom, this is PEAK Tepper Panthers fandom right here, y'all.
  16. It's not gonna make you feel any better, but Bryce is a big part of the reason why we are.
  17. I don't know, kinda feels the same every week to be honest. The D plays decent but not great, but decent enough to compete. Meanwhile, the offense is the most impotent, feckless thing in the entire NFL. Pretty much ever week.
  18. We chose to make him the cornerstone and we're worse. It is what it is. We're really hog tied on draft capital in the near term and we don't have a legit starting WR all because of that move.
  19. We're worse with Bryce than we were last year. That's reality.
  20. One is a UDFA. The other was a #1 overall pick in a huge trade up. Bryce also had two INTs dropped. In the clutch Bagent completed a 10 yard pass to seal the game. We tried a 59 yarder because we knew we couldn't do the same. Those things don't show up in the boxscore but they matter a LOT. Yeah, Bagent thoroughly outplayed him.
  21. He needs to ax himself from the football side of the house. All his knee jerk desperation moves have done is continually dug the hole deeper and deeper.
  22. 3rd and 7 and they trust their UDFA rookie to throw it to seal it and he does. Bryce just got thoroughly outplayed by a UDFA rookie and the Bears suck ass too so don't give me the bad team, bad coaching spiel.
  23. The sad reality is that we have a much better chance of making a 59 yard FG than we do if gaining 10 yards.
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