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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Bryce was a great college QB, no doubt about it. But there's a loooooooong list of great college players that don't translate to the pros. Sometimes it's physical, sometimes it's mental, sometimes it's off the field, sometimes it's unfortunate injuries, or something combination of some or all of the above. So far, Bryce ain't translating.
  2. I think Bryce's limitations are far more physical than mental but I'm also not sure he's as much a "super processor" as our brain trust was led to believe. Knowing full well that our "brain trust" very well might just be David Tepper.
  3. I've never thought the Panthers had a particularly great stadium game day experience minus Cam's entrances. But yeah, it's definitely significantly worse mainly in a cheesy way under Tepper.
  4. The Bills are spiraling, Josh Allen is a turnover machine, McDermott is feeling the heat, and somebody has to be the fall guy. Joe Brady needs to call more of those "hey Josh, don't throw it to the other team" plays.
  5. Yeah, he had nearly 1000 yards from scrimmage as a rookie. His usage went down last year then he's hardly been used at all this year. I thought he was probably a rotational/3rd down back type of guy in the NFL. His lack of use has kinda been baffling since the guy they're starting has had two good games but otherwise been atrocious and their #2 is barely averaging 3 YPC.
  6. Tepper should sit down and have some serious self reflection and ask himself if he isn't displaying some serious Dunning-Kruger effect assuming his hedge fund experience and success would just seamlessly transition to sports dominance.
  7. I'm blaming the overall environment on Tepper. I never wanted Reich. I don't think he's the right guy. You're interpreting criticism of the environment as defense of Reich. That ain't it.
  8. True. All of his sports ventures are a poo show featuring constant dysfunction and constant turnover. Meanwhile, we're supposed to believe that Tepper ISN'T the root cause? Doesn't add up.
  9. You might have a point if Tepper didn't come into the league already with a reputation of being a very difficult person to work for. Now folks at that level generally are, but when you stick out amongst folks at that level of being a very difficult person to work for you're probably just a thoroughly shitty boss. That's the way it looks to be playing out so far. When you're the boss and everyone under you keeps failing it's time to look in the mirror.
  10. I don't just post about one specific thing over and over though. There's a handful of single issue posters here and you're definitely one of them.
  11. Just look at the history of the Panthers since Tepper bought the team. If you wanna defend the guy, fine. But there's a whole lot of folks with a lot of football experience that have to have suddenly becomes wildly incompetent that have to be at fault to prevent Tepper from being the root cause. Occam's Razor and all that. I'm not necessarily defending Reich. I didn't want to hire him in the first place. I'm just seeing a very specific trend here of chaos and dysfunction while everyone not named David Tepper get churned.
  12. He keeps firing people and hiring new people yet the dysfunction and appearance of the entire organization being absolute amateur hour persists. Gotta start looking for the common threads and we're running out of ones without the last name of "Tepper".
  13. Have you ever been in a work environment where you work for a complete asshole who you don't trust who you know will throw you under the bus at a moment's noticed deserved or not who also micromanages the poo out of you, constantly criticizes and nitpicks everything whether they have any real knowledge of the situation or the subject matter creating a situation of constant second guessing because you're not just trying to figure out the right thing to do in a given situation but also trying to predict how this fuging asshole is going to react? That's a mouthful but I've been there and this is what it looks like.
  14. I think Tepper creates a toxic, chaotic work environment that creates constant dysfunction throughout the organization.
  15. This is the type of poo that happens when you have an asshole of a boss who no one trusts and you know is going to react vindictively to everything. I've been in those types of work environments and it fuging sucks and this is the type of dysfunction that it results in. No one wants to jump on that grenade. Everything points back to Tepper.
  16. Seriously. Just go to Tepper and tell him to fire me already. We'll split the difference on the buyout.
  17. We're 1-8. Gotta be better I guess. Ya think????
  18. Everybody got baths tonight. Pittie and a kitty cuddle up for warmth
  19. The Bills truly poo the bed tonight. All the turnovers then to have 12 men on the FG is missed giving them another crack at it.
  20. Oh wow. The Broncos miss the kick but the Bills had 12 men on the field.
  21. I HATE seeing underthrown deep balls rewarded with a flag. That's just a trash fuging throw.
  22. A missed XP cost the Commanders the game at the end yesterday. Will two missed XPs end up costing the Broncos the game tonight?
  23. The Broncos decide to just ride that Tar Heel and it pays off.
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