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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I just don't see the necessary prerequisite talent but we're not doing him any favors either. It just sucks. All of it. We're the worst organization in the league and second place ain't even close. Thanks Tepper!
  2. Oof. Ickey gets beat like a rug off the edge. Again.
  3. It's like last year. The OL looks good power run blocking. We need to run an offense built on power runs and setting up play action off of that.
  4. Fun watching Burns get completely nullified in the running game by a TE.
  5. And nothing of value was lost. When we allowed him to seek out trade offers I'm wagering the offer list rhymed with "hero".
  6. As you should. And no one should be mad about it.
  7. I hope they show up in droves and are absolute raucous assholes. It's what Tepper deserves. My apologies in advance for the Panthers fans who choose to endure it.
  8. It didn't make any sense. But the really dumb part of it was blowing a timeout for it. When the play clock was running down, just take your delay and kick the XP. Don't double down on doing dumb stuff.
  9. I just don't know if this dude is gonna be mentally tough enough. As a high pick you're going to a bad team and you're going to take some losses. Probably quite a few. You gonna go crying to momma and refuse to talk to the media because of it?
  10. Washington will leapfrog FSU in the next released playoff rankings. Wait and watch.
  11. Odueze is a STUD. They put the game on him running a clear out and he wins easy. Four wide to the far side, Odueze one on one on the near side. Forced the D's hand and good luck to anyone in college trying to go man up with no help on that dude.
  12. TE quit on the route. Baffling Oregon State went so sloooooow on that drive. They started with over four and a half minutes and end up turning it over on downs before midfield with barely over two minutes on the clock. They basically put the game on that drive with minimal chance of being able to get another shot.
  13. I don't know how this Muhammad guy projects to the NFL but damn... he's been a shutdown man tonight.
  14. Great throw by Penix on 3rd but then a big time danger ball on the next play. Another 3rd down coming up... not a good throw, but there wasn't much there anyway.
  15. PI calls don't get much easier than that one.
  16. This year notwithstanding, Clemson is as good as any program in the country over the past dozen years or so.
  17. Step 1. Throw to guy with YAC ability.
  18. I don't think they are as simplistic as going strictly off RAS scores but based on their drafts they weight it VERY highly. Wouldn't surprise me if Tepper convinced himself that QB is such a cerebral position that the S2 was the RAS of QB scores.
  19. That's what I don't understand. The body of work screamed great college QB with marginal at very best NFL physical talent.
  20. I can't know for sure but I think it's highly likely.
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