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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. This. I can handle sucking. I can handle underwhelming stats. I can handle rookie mistakes. Just show me those flashes that make me say, "Damn. Yeah, this guy can develop into that dude." They're just not there. It's very rare Bryce makes a play that you wouldn't expect the average NFL roster caliber QB to be able to make. You can probably count all of them on one hand to be honest.
  2. 187 yards per game on the modern NFL is just soooooo fuging trash.
  3. If we simply adopted the strategy of asking Tepper what we should do and then NOT doing that thing we'd probably be pretty damn good.
  4. I let the opinions of experts convince me to be okay with the pick but I never wanted Bryce. The physical limitations were all over his college tape. The guy needed an airport runway to generate velocity or go deep and that just rarely exists in the NFL. I just don't know how the experts overlooked it. That's what baffles me. Bryce is honestly even more physically limited than I even thought, but does Bryce looking physically outmatched in the NFL surprising to me? Not in the least. It's what I saw in his college tape.
  5. Hickory really is a poo hole. I've never understood why. It's big enough to have some stuff, small enough to still have a small town feel, and in a great geographical location. Close to the mountains, decent access to the Charlotte area. But it just fuging sucks. I can be to Hickory in 20 minutes and never go.
  6. I mean... yeah, you're probably right. If my job was on the line and I had the power to bench Bryce and go to Dalton I probably would. Hell, just as a face saving move I'd probably announce Dalton as the starter and dare Tepper to fire me.
  7. The key difference is that no other high pick has ever been as physically limited as Bryce. You can sell me on the upside of a guy with elite physical talent.
  8. Well, we can either offer stupid money or we can settle for the 8th choice because unless it comes with a LOT more money I honestly can't see anyone picking Tepper and this organization over anywhere else.
  9. I'm just saying that Tepper basically got exposed for being full of poo acting like he was firing Rhule to give Wilks a legit shot. He got mad that he was being embarrassed by his shitty hire and fired him. It made sense IF you were giving an assistant a legit shot to earn the job. But if you weren't a smart owner would've just stuck with Rhule as a tank commander to avoid having to make the trade up that we had to make.
  10. My question is does it even matter? People keep getting fired and hired and yet the results stay the same or get even worse.
  11. He showed something. It's the same thing he's shown in the majority of the games he's played in. It's just that what he's showing is a really damn bitter pill to swallow given our investment.
  12. Go back and read the edit. I linked what I said about Bryce a week before the draft. I mean... who was closer, me or the experts? Bryce is absolutely not "raw as hell". Bryce was drafted specifically for his polish and mental superiority. Don't try to twist this into this being some raw developmental prospect situation all of a sudden. That would've been Anthony Richardson. Bryce was drafted large part because he was supposed to be plug and play from day one. The concern about Bryce was always about his physical upside. That he might already be as good as he's going to get.
  13. Why did they miss what do many Huddlers saw? Plenty of us talked about this guy being seriously physically limited at the NFL level. Not just in terms of physical size, but arm talent. I got called all kinds of names by folks for saying that Bryce's arm talent was NFL average at very best and that IMO it was below average. Why didn't the experts see this? This is what I said a week before the draft. To save you the click: "I don't think the concerns about Young's arm are zero. I think his arm is average at best at the NFL level. Watching him play he needs time to wind up and step into the throw to generate velocity or go deep. I'm excited about his potential and if our staff is completely sold on him then I have confidence he'll translate but the physical concerns are real as hell."
  14. I wasn't a proponent of keeping Wilks but if you were being honest in that you were firing Rhule at that time to give Wilks an opportunity to prove himself through making the team substantially better then he did that. To jettison him to end up with this, well... it's basically just the Tepper era Panthers in a nutshell. What we had wasn't great but damn if it wasn't better than this.
  15. If he's playing chess here it's that he was actually ready to retire and is trying to get himself poo canned ASAP so he can take his check and head into retirement significantly wealthier than he had initially planned.
  16. I'm talking about the posters who were complaining about poo posters who quickly became the new poo posters.
  17. This. I don't know where this mess is coming from that if Mingo hadn't drifted one yard up the field it's not a negative play. Given the throw that was made, broken up pass seems to be the best of likely outcomes. That's not good.
  18. It shouldn't but who knows with Tepper. We're probably committed to Bryce at least one more year. There just about has to be off field issues for a top pick QB not to get at least two years now matter how awful they are as a rookie
  19. Stroud had by far the worst game of his career and Bryce had his beat and we barely won a defensive struggle fest.
  20. I keep thinking of the Huddle after that Houston win. A lot of posters who had been complaining about the board being hostile and negative and wanting the mods to crackdown to make the place more civil all of a sudden got real loud and proud talking a whole lot of poo... just like I said they would if they ever got the chance. They looked like they felt so goddamn vindicated.
  21. He's a deterrent if Tepper says he's the QB and the candidate watches the film and says, yeah... that dude ain't it
  22. Tepper has turned us into the new Browns. Were the worst team in the league since he bought the team and I see no signs of that doing anything other than finding new bottoms.
  23. I agree the situation is terrible and I'm not overly concerned about young QB mistakes. My concern is I'm just seeing very few flashes of the type of talent you want to be landing with a very high 1st round pick.
  24. That's what I keep coming back to. Bryce was drafted because of how mentally advanced he was supposed to be. We already knew his physical tools weren't great. What we've seen so far is that his physical tools are every bit as limited as many of us feared while his mental skills aren't as advanced as we hoped. I just don't see the physical upside for all the mental development in the world to yield a franchise QB
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