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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. The very few remaining hope brigade holdouts are definitely the most entertaining part of the Huddle at this point.
  2. But I was told that Bryce was the consensus #1 QB available, inside and outside of the Panthers organization. So this can't possibly be true.
  3. Tanking in a season when you've already traded away your 1st rounder might just be peak Panthering.
  4. Fitts has gone full Hurney. Loo at all these guys on IR! Of course we suck! It's not my fault! Everyone just got hurt! Well, I guess Scott actually needs to bail a first round pick before we give him the credit of going full Hurney. Unfortunately he has emulated the negatives while failing to replicate the one positive.
  5. Wake me up when Tepper makes a smart hire and then gives the guy the space and freedom to do his job. Because right now this just looks like the same thing repeating itself all over again.
  6. Bozeman ain't dumb. He knows who's ultimately making the decisions and whose ass he needs to kiss.
  7. Is there anyone in the league that our record would be worse than 1-10? I mean, if you or me was the QB we'd only have one additional loss.
  8. I wasn't a big fan of trading for Lamar simply because it would've meant giving up significant draft assets and a massive contract for a QB with a significant injury history and a playing style that kenda itself to future industry, but fug... I would've rather done that than trade up for Bryce.
  9. That Penn State guy is fuging terrible. Seriously. WTF? If Penn State just had a decent QB they would've been a problem. QB was their problem.
  10. This division is so fuging trash. If this poo continues they're gonna have to do a realignment just to avoid a trash NFC team hosting an away playoff game every year.
  11. $10M bonus for every weekly one on one meddle meeting with Tepper he has to sit through. $20M bonus for every play call suggestion from Tepper. $1B bonus for every forced draft pick. Tepper's entire net worth for forcing the trade up and drafting of a noodle armed sub-6' QB at #1 overall.
  12. So was Peyton Manning yet some people legitimately preferred Ryan Leaf. So was Cam Newton yet some people legitimately preferred Blaine Gabbert. There were even some who preferred Zach Wilson over Trevor Lawrence. I find it very difficult if not impossible to believe that everyone in the building legitimately said yeah, Bryce is absolutely the best QB prospect available.
  13. For the record, CMC absolutely gamed his combine weight too. But no one cares because he ended up being a great player. He wanted to step on that scale over 200, same as Bryce. Now he didn't game it as bad as Bryce did, but I bet his playing weight at Stanford was in the 190 range. I bet Bryce was playing at Bama 180 soaking wet.
  14. I guess we should disclose our game plans and draft boards to the other teams, right? I mean, potentially misleading them about our intentions would be lying, right? Bryce Young didn't lie. He stepped on a scale and it registered a weight. It's up to the evaluators to interpret that. It's not really any different than guys going to combine prep camps to maximize their 40 times, etc. If a guy runs way faster than the tape would lead you to expect it's up to the evaluators to interpret that. Did the guy lie? No. He just prepped to try to maximize his draft stock.
  15. As would you if there were millions of dollars in the line. Your job as a draft prospect is to maximize your draft status. It's the job of NFL talent evaluators to properly judge the talent available. You're upset at the wrong people. Anyone who looked at Bryce Young on the field at Bama and then believed that he's legitimately over 200 pounds on the field on game day just believed what they wanted to believe. They were already believers.
  16. They both beat us this year. Hell, the Bears beat us with an undrafted FA rookie at QB who played D2 college football.
  17. It's hilarious you talking about bias when all you do on this site is carry water for Bryce and meltdown at anyone saying anything the least but critical of him.
  18. I said all along I could fully understand the arguments for and against the top 3 prospects and I would be fine with whoever the staff settled on buy my preference was Richardson by a hair, followed by Stroud, followed by Bryce with the caveat that interviews would be huge for Richardson's evaluation. I just always felt that Bryce had a very steep hill to climb physically.
  19. Probably Tepper and Fitts. I imagine scots we're probably all over the place with some preferring Stroud, some Young, and some Richardson.
  20. I don't know if it's a time issue as much as it's a meddling issue. If you don't give people the space and freedom to do their job it doesn't really matter how much time you give them.
  21. I find it very difficult to believe that there was a true consensus on a 5'10" QB with no stand out physical traits. I'm not buying that.
  22. They should just call the Panthers bottom 5 on offense "Zavala and company".
  23. Yeah, the glitz and glamour and stars on the sideline faded quick. I think even kids are realizing that it's just all about Deion.
  24. Colorado lost another commitment today. They only have 9 2024 commitments and the class is ranked 64th in the country. They have a grand total of zero 2025 commitments. Deion is begging boosters for donations because he knows he's gonna have to buy team through the portal. Sure looks like the wheels are falling off in Boulder.
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