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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Whoa. Dallas throws on 3rd? That stops the clock and gives the Seahawks a legit shot.
  2. Looks like Seattle is cooked barring a borderline miracle. Damn good game though.
  3. Ouch. The Seahawks turning it over on downs at midfield hurts. That Lockett drop is looming large right now. He catches that on 1st down and it's 1st and 10 already on the verge of FG range. Instead they end up turning it over on downs.
  4. I assess that he looks terrible. His feet are all over the place so he's not ready to throw and ends up late even when he sees it. Yes, the offense around him is broken. But simply evaluating his play by itself, it's not good. At all. Will a better system and surrounding talent help him? We all hope so, but man he looks really damn bad.
  5. Well damn, that was some beast mode poo out of Dak right there. How did that guy NOT sack him?
  6. Yikes. That was a gift of a DPI.
  7. Oof. Two Cowboys' DBs run into each other leaving DK Metcalf wide open casually jogging across the back of the endzone.
  8. This is the best TNF game I can recall. That's a pretty damn low bar but this is a really good football game.
  9. This. At least with Rhule everyone could commiserate and bash that grinning, guffawing ass clown trying to stammer his way through an excuse-fest in the presser after every loss. Reich was just... there. There wasn't even anything to hate. He was just there.
  10. That was a helluva defensive play.
  11. To be clear, I'm not sure Tepper is ready and/or willing to do that. Hence why I think the most likely situation would be an entertaining poo show of a clash of egos leading to get another firing and another presser where Tepper embarrasses himself and continues to find new lows for his franchise.
  12. I honestly don't want Harbaugh but I can't lie that it would excite me simply because no way in hell he's taking this job unless he has assurances that Tepper is gonna stay the fug out of football operations and if he doesn't then that poo show will be fun to watch too because Harbaugh has never been one to bite his tongue.
  13. One that the S2 test factored very highly in I bet. Seemed like it was right after the S2 test that it started getting talked about that Stroud was out and it was basically between Bryce and Richardson at that point. Hell, it might have just been the S2 test to be honest. I struggle to see any formula coming out with Bryce and Richardson 1 and 2. It just doesn't make sense that any formula applied consistently would produce that pairing. The inputs that are going to favor Richardson would also favor Stroud over Bryce. The inputs that would favor Bryce would also favor Stroud over Richardson. IMO, most logical formulas are gonna have Stroud at #1 or #2 with Bryce and Richardson at #1 or #3 depending on whether your favoring measurables or you're favoring stats and/or intangibles like test scores and/or subjective inputs. Bryce and Richardson just seem like kinda polar opposite evaluations IMO. Do you want the all intangibles guy backed by stats and college production or do you want the all measurables guy who doesn't have the stats or production but passes the eye test on film all day? I just can't see the same formula or group of evaluators having them 1/2.
  14. Damn. That was a helluva half of football. The Seahawks had to score three TDs in the finals seconds just to get one on the scoreboard. That was some bullshit.
  15. It was really head scratching how much weight Tepper and company (well, at least Tepper) put into that test. Those folks should've taken advantage of the opportunity to try to sell him on an investment opportunity in the company.
  16. If Tepper realizes he's turned this job into this hard of a sell then he should be more than willing to go out and hire a legit GM and give him legit GM controls and that would fix a lot of the hard sell issues.
  17. Well, so far the Seahawks are keeping pace. They're a very makeable missed FG away from being tied.
  18. So why as an assistant coach would you agree to this? What an awful situation to be in. How is this situation going to create a more favorable situation for HC candidates after another year in which you're once again looking for a new HC after one year?
  19. The numbers they were going over earlier in the game about the Cowboys' offensive numbers on turf vs. grass were very eye opening. They are a MUCH more prolific offense on turf. Home field advantage might be vital for them in the playoffs.
  20. This is gonna get ugly if the Seahawks don't find some defensive answers. The Cowboys are scoring way too easy.
  21. You cannot go into a season with an interim coach. That's absurd. No one is buying into that. You're guaranteeing another complete poo show. Pierce is an interim coach because they fired their coach. That's an entirely different situation. He's in the Steve Wilks chair right now. He's filling in with a locker room that already believes in him and are gonna give it their all for him.
  22. No, definitely not. Not after all this time off and not a good 30+ pounds lighter by the looks of it.
  23. I really doubt we'll ever know for sure but there sure has been a lot of smoke that Tepper at minimum heavily influenced the pick for there not to be some fire there. His presser was weird. This whole flex that he had veto power, he could've overridden the football folks but he didn't need to because there was consensus, actually there was unanimity. Was there really though? Or were their folks who just saw the writing on the wall and wanted to continue to cash Tepper's checks? Who knows? I honestly doubt we'll ever really know unless someone from within the organization eventually airs the dirty laundry and even then will we REALLY know or does this guy just an ax to grind?
  24. Good game so far. Maybe we'll finally get a good TNF game. It was a good game on paper but even the rare one of those on TNF usually ends up laying an egg.
  25. As for Greg... honestly, he's always struck me as a smart, level headed guy. Which is why this is so bizarre to me. He should know full well he's nowhere close to being able to step into an NFL HC role. If he wants to coach in the NFL he needs to go be a TE coach. If he wants to be a HC, he needs to the HS level or maybe the minor college level. That's just reality. That's why it makes no sense for him. He has a nice cushy well paying media gig he'll have to walk away from to make a lot less money in a very unglamorous coaching role to get started. You don't get to just jump to the front of the line and get a NFL HC gig right out of the gate with no coaching experience, pill popping Irsay and an brief interim HC who wasn't really considered for the full-time role not withstanding. I mean, is Greg just trying to get back at Tepper here? He was very open that he straight up got his feelings hurt by his release which I get. It's understandable even when you know the business side of the game. But honestly just trying to straight up steal money from Tepper is about the only thing that makes sense here.
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