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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Did he honestly bring any higher level of competency and respect than someone like Reich?
  2. Let me know when Allen wins an MVP and takes a team to the SB with a Ted Ginn Jr. tier player as his #1 WR.
  3. This dude is severely out of touch if he was bashing Cam and is now bashing Allen. Dude had/has QBs that all but a small handful of teams at the time wouldn't take over their guy without a moment's hesitation.
  4. When everything is always dysfunctional, look higher up the chain.
  5. So we have one. One player who has developed. In no way does Bryce deserve all the blame for our offensive woes and I don't think anyone has really suggested that. If we had a great QB we'd still have a bland system, struggling OL, and subpar skill position players. My issue with Bryce is his numerous technique issues combined with his low physical ceiling. He just hasn't given us very many at all plays to give us hope that he'll live up to the investment we made. I mean, if I'm being honest you could build a better QB highlight reel out of the Bengals' and Jags' backup QBs from their recent game than you could Bryce using his entire season of film. I honestly don't think that's an exaggeration.
  6. I wonder how he's coping with basically having the closest thing to Cam Newton currently in the league as his QB? That's what makes me doubt the veracity of this. Why in the world would they go out and draft Josh Allen if their coach thought Cam Newton was ruining the Panthers? Stylistically, they're not dissimilar.
  7. The roster and coaches keep changing and the results keep getting worse. At some point it has to sink in that the issue goes beyond players and coaches.
  8. It wasn't Ron. He was floated by some key elite talents. His record as a HC when he doesn't have a prime Cam at QB, Luke at MLB, and Olsen at TE is abysmal.
  9. They were consistently good through the Andy Reid era though, just couldn't quite breakthrough to the SB.
  10. Yep, owning an NFL team basically prints it's own money based on how the league is setup with profit sharing.
  11. That's what it'll take for us. Just the luck of Tepper stumbling into the right people and for them to overcome his meddling and have enough early success to actually earn his trust. It's a real long shot.
  12. That'll be fun to watch. Very few linemen - even elite blue chippers - show up on campus ready to play at the P5 level as true freshmen. Deion will probably throw him out there on day one and he'll look like Byron Bell.
  13. I bet it's very much not the norm for NFL HCs to be having weekly one on one sit downs with the owner during the season.
  14. Our best runs of "success" under Tepper was his first year of ownership when he said he would focus on the business side of the house in year one before "putting his stamp" on the football side of the house and Wilks' interim run when Tepper had likely written off the current season and was simply focusing on the future. He should realize that the less he meddles in the present time the better the results are on the field. How would he react if a football coach or football front office person came strutting into his office telling him all about how they'd run a hedge fund? He'd laugh in their face and tell them to GTFO and stay in their lane which is exactly what he needs to tell himself on football matters.
  15. At some point the abysmal failure has to either get old or get embarrassing or both. Surely failing this miserably has to stop being fun at some point.
  16. I see a lot of people thinking it's an OL issue or it's an offensive skill position talent issue or it's a QB issue or it's a coaching/scheming issue or it's a talent evaluation issue. The simple answer is "yes". The answer to all those questions is "yes" because the issue is that at the foundation, the Panthers are a poorly ran football organization. Our schemes don't fit our talent. Aside from Bryce, we tend to draft high RAS prospects who need technique development, but when was the last time we actually developed a player? One of our big talent issues is that our draft picks tend to be as good as they're going to get the day we draft them. From then on they either plateau or regress. It's hard to develop talent in an environment of coaching revolving doors and constant schematic and football philosophy turmoil. Our last coach openly talked about the weekly meetings with Tepper and how Tepper is a very involved owner before being fired. Tepper's influence on personnel decisions and meddling down to the level of individual play calls is widely rumored at this point. Long story short is we have a David Tepper problem. He keeps thinking we're one knee jerk move away from being a contender and he seems utterly clueless that building a football organization and then a football team from within that organization is a process. There aren't any bandaid quick fixes in the NFL and as long as he's constantly searching for that we're going to continue to be an ever worsening poo show. He keeps looking for that one thing that's going to turn everything around whether it's hiring a hot shot college staff or hiring a complete retread highly experienced NFL staff or trading up to #1 to get what he views as a super processor QB but he either can't or refuses to acknowledge that we aren't one thing away from being a good football ORGANIZATION. He's the problem and that's a BIG problem because an ownership issue is the one thing you can't fix. You can't fire the owner. Until he realizes that he has to focus first on building a quality football organization we're doomed and the first step to building that quality football organization is seeing himself out of it. He needs to be honest with himself. David Tepper the owner would have already fired David Tepper the President of Football Operations which is essentially the role that he's filling. He has to recognize this reality and essentially fire himself from his current role and redefine his role within the organization because it's very obvious that this current approach hasn't worked, isn't working, and is unlikely to work in the future. So David, if you or anyone with your ear reads this, please hire someone qualified that you trust to build you a football organization and give that person the space and freedom to do it.
  17. Yikes. Might wanna just hang up the cleats.
  18. Sounds like the death of a lot of non-revenue sports.
  19. Non playoff bowl games aren't really a great indicator since so many of the likely to be drafted draft eligible players sit them out.
  20. If I was them I'd either be building an indoor training facility or I'd be trying to hold it in Boone at App State. It's just hot as balls in and around Charlotte in July and August. Typed while currently looking at Charlotte between snow squalls.
  21. Yeah, I never understood how so many people acted like Carr was a surefire franchise QB that just got ruined. In a perfect scenario he's what? Maybe Alex Smith? I mean, yeah his situation may have helped to derail his career but I don't think he was ever gonna be a franchise QB no matter what
  22. I'm about right there with you. Every other backup QB I see forced into action looks better than Bryce.
  23. This. I think all Panthers fans hope Tepper will jerk his head out of his ass and figure it out but most are out of the hope phase and into the "I'll believe it when I see it" phase.
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