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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I thought that "Young" was just his last name but I honestly don't know if this guy has hit puberty yet. He literally looks and plays like a boy amongst men out there on an NFL field.
  2. We need a football team. I don't give a fug if they take the field wearing ballerina tutus. Uniforms is the last thing this franchise needs to be concerned about right now. That's the cherry on top of the sundae when everything else is going right. Our "sundae" is a steaming pile of hot stinking dog right now.
  3. Individually: Bryce and Bryce trade - 0. Calling it an F isn't enough. It's a zero. Rest of the draft - F Sanders - F Hurst - F. Paying a former 1st round bust turned career journeyman like a legit starter. Brilliant. Peak Hurney stuff. Chark - F. Signing a deep threat specialist to pair with a QB who has no deep ball. Brilliant. Bozeman - F. Another mauler asked to try to finesse. Thielen - B. This guy has actually been a good player for us and our passing game would be non-existent without him. All criticism of Thielen aren't about the player himself, but that a guy who should probably be a #3 WR at this stage in his career isn't a true #1. Well, no poo. Von Bell - B. He's been a good player for us. No complaints. Dalton - B. Looked pretty good that one time we actually played him. Frank Reich and company - LOL, F Everyone I forgot or left out - F
  4. That reply was pretty much perfect for this thread. What a bizarre take on the Panthers' current abysmal situation. We need an archetype "strong man" to come save us all!
  5. Trubisky sucks but nobody makes Bryce look "great".
  6. Every time you turn on an NFL game you're gonna see QBs playing better and showing more promise than Bryce Young. Doesn't matter if it's a backup, third stringer, practice squader, fresh off the couch, whatever.
  7. You cared enough to go find that gif and post it making yourself look like a complete douchebag, so yeah...
  8. Time do this Christmas party thang!
  9. Imagine making that horrific play as a QB and still being better than the #1 overall pick.
  10. I don't care about Tepper's money when salary cap isn't involved. He just needs to hire people he trusts enough to leave them the fug alone and let them do their job. If that's Ben Johnson, fine.
  11. He wanted him last year too. I'm sure he told him about the idea of possibly trading up to #1 for a QB. But Johnson might have his choice of jobs this year. He could go somewhere like LA and have Herbert or go somewhere like the Bears and have his choice of rookies or hang onto Fields and put #1 on the auction block. Again.
  12. They're calling for a whole quarter once of rain tomorrow.
  13. Yeah, I've been smoking brisket all day for a Christmas party tonight. Got an industrial sized pan of mac and cheese to go on now. Damn, what a great game.
  14. WOW!!! Browning with another dime into coverage on the run under heavy pressure.
  15. Wow. That was pass interference. Vikings really got away with one there.
  16. One of the highlights of the year right there. Browning just led a tying TD drive (under heavy pressure from the constant blitzing I'll add) with Chase in the locker room and Higgins shows he's a legit #1.
  17. OMG! What a TD! He absolutely should've thrown that ball away and somehow found a guy in traffic. Why are these bums so much better than our #1 overall pick??? These guys give their team a chance.
  18. Mullens just threw a pick six but the Bengals were definitely offsides. Surprised it didn't get blown dead.
  19. Browning just threw a laser to convert 3rd and 21. This is painful to watch.
  20. Browning bounces back with a dime of a TD on a corner route to Higgins. He went 7 for 7 on that drive.
  21. Mullens is dropping some dimes though. Damn.
  22. Terrible throw from Browning. At least he had a few good games. That's more than a lot of guys can say, even some #1 overall picks.
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