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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. This class has the elite talent that last year's talent lacked but last year's mid-late round talent was DEEP and that was what I was screaming.bibwanted us to focus on other positions with our 2nd rounder and then take two WRs in the 3rd-5th range. That's where last year's class was stacked.
  2. But Tepper won't let him play. If we bring him back that's fine with me.
  3. KB was a dude. I still wonder what would've happened with him if it hadn't been for the ACL/losing his mom double whammy. I don't think he would've made it long-term but I think he would've been a David Boston type. Been elite for a short term but burn fast. I never understood the Funchess pick. It was redundant. You didn't need to pair another jumbo WR with KB. You needed a burner to take the top off to pair with KB.
  4. Last year was a good WR class. We just chose poorly.
  5. We already have that situation. We have too much power in the hands of someone who is clueless about football. We need to not tie the next football people to the Bryce Young mistake. Try to put the best team we can around him next year but next year needs to be an evaluation process and we need to sign a Jacoby Brissett or Gardner Minshew type of vet to compete with Bryce and be waiting in the wings if/when he starts looking like trash again. Unless the plan is to ride Young to a top pick on '25 if he flops again which I'm fully onboard with. You just can't rage fire another coach for Bryce Young sucking ass.
  6. I could see it. Usually when you have two studs in the same unit on a college team one of them is exposed as a pretender at the NFL level who greatly benefitted from playing with a true stud. Thinking back to guys like Ryan Sims with Peppers at UNC. TMJ with Justin Jefferson at LSU. Courtney Brown with Lavar Arrington at Penn State. I'm sure you could go on for days.
  7. Tez Walker was getting late 1st/early 2nd talk prior to that Clemson game. He struggled late in the year against food secondaries. He needs a good Senior Bowl week and Combine because yeah, he's looking like a mid-rounder now.
  8. I saw an article where 40k people showed up to watch the Texas 6a HS championship game. They had over 200k attendees for all of the HS championship combined. Fuging HIGH SCHOOL games are drawing more attendees than Tepper's NFL team.
  9. We're unlikely to pursue anyone who isn't willing to be a yes man to David Tepper. That's been the reality since Tepper bought the team and I'll believe it won't be the reality when I actually see some sign of hope that it's not.
  10. Oh, I agree. I think it's highly likely he thinks he's just making mistakes while learning the ropes and he'll eventually figure it out. Meanwhile, everything seems to be just getting progressively worse.
  11. From the sounds of the article he is accepting he has been the problem. Accepting his mistakes has never been Tepper's problem. He's willing to accept his mistakes and move on from them. He's just not willing to accept that he continues to make new mistakes and isn't improving as a football manager. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Tepper has to come to grips with the reality that Tepper the team owner would've fired Tepper the Team President multiple times already. He has to essentially fire himself from his current role within the organization and create a new role for himself where his involvement in the football side of the house is GREATLY reduced. Until the happens we are what we are.
  12. I was hopeful until the "he's rejuvenated" line. It's good if he's taking accountability for his myriad of mistakes. It's very bad if he thinks he's got it figured out now but it would fit his pattern.
  13. It was the bloating of the bowl system more than anything else. Being bowl eligible used to mean something. It was confirmation that you had a good season. Then they killed the golden goose making a million bowl games to the point that you have to be completely terrible to not be blow eligible. There were 19 bowl games in 1990. There were 23 bowl games in 2000. There are 43 now. Being bowl eligible has become completely meaningless.
  14. Texas has some damn good BBQ. The trash is in Memphis, St. Louis, and KC. That's why they have to slather that sickeningly sweet syrup all over everything.
  15. In terms of revenue it's football by miles followed by men's basketball then another drop off of miles to everything else.
  16. Oh, it's definitely about the money. And it's football. College basketball is on the steep decline. Growing up in NC in the '80s and '90s college basketball was life. It's a shadow of what it once was. Everything is about money and football is where the money is.
  17. It would probably have to be extra incentives. And then other programs would probably use that to recruit against you. I mean, honestly they'd rather their players suit up for the bowls but they're cashing that check anyway so at the end of the day they're not really negatively impacted by the sit outs at the end of the day.
  18. The "Dipper" thing just isn't gonna happen, man. If you think I'm a Tepper defender you're badly mistaken.
  19. Cam is a confident individual who doesn't hold back and bite his tongue. I haven't seen any indication that Tepper would be too tolerant of folks like that. The one guy who he's let hang around that I thought would be that guy (Smitty) has sadly pretty much turned into a lapdog. I don't think it's a coincidence that Tepper went all in on a QB prospect who comes across as one of the most timid acting franchise QB prospects I've ever seen. I mean, think about it. Have you ever seen a guy who was tabbed as a potential franchise QB at any point whether it was leading up to the draft or a non-1st round pick who showed promise at some point act as sheepish as Bryce does? It's weird. Most football folks would be turned off by that. Then you have Scott Fitterer at GM who took what was essentially a GM in title only role without final roster say to be a wet nurse for a college coach who was floundering. Real viable GM candidates with ambition don't take that job. A lot of fans have talked about how we don't have any dogs on this team and lack "alphas" (as cringe as that term is) but I just don't think Tepper is likely to tolerate those types for long.
  20. I honestly don't know how much power anyone in the building actually has and that's the source of my biggest concern. If Tepper is the one actually calling the shots when he wants to then all the personnel changes in the world aren't likely to lead to a change in the results. Our best bet is Fitterer being an atrocious GM and him having the wool pulled over Tepper's eyes since he's been here. I just don't know that I'd put much money down on that one.
  21. It's not in "their" corner. They'd love for all of their players to suit up. It's not in the interests of draft bound players to suit up. I honestly won't be surprised if we get to the point that draft bound players start opting out mid-season if their teams aren't playoff bound. It is what it is. It sucks for college football but I don't blame the players. You could try to do something moving forward to having NIL money incentives to not sit out but other than that what else are you gonna do? It is what it is.
  22. Yeah, front office and staff is where spending big can make a real difference since there's no salary cap there. Go out and hire the best people available and GTFO of their way and let them do their jobs.
  23. FSU vs. UGA is irrelevant. Who cares which one is the better team with all their draft bound players chilling on the sidelines in street clothes? It's why the non-playoff P5 bowls are irrelevant now. Just do the playoffs and then keep a handful of bowls around for the good non-P5 D1 teams that are never gonna qualify for the playoffs anyway. It might be time for a total realignment. There should probably only be about 40-50 true D1 football teams.
  24. I don't think most folks grasp the massive gulf between millionaires and billionaires. $15M a year is a MASSIVE amount of money but it's pocket change to a billionaire. If you made a dollar per second you'd be a millionaire in 12 days. It'd take you nearly 33 years to become a billionaire.
  25. I mean, I don't really care that they got jobbed. Without their QB they definitely weren't one of the best four teams and ultimately I want to see the best possible field. I couldn't possibly care less about the ACC as a conference.
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