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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I do feel bad for Washington tonight. Coming up short in the big game always sucks. We know that all too well. But it stings even worse for them IMO with the PAC-12 dissolving. Oh, you're the reigning champs of a defunct conference. Yay. Nope, now you're just another team in the Big 10 whose champ just beat you for the national championship. Ouch.
  2. I got drug through the mud all over this place leading up to last year's draft saying Bryce's arm was subpar.
  3. This is just a terrible look for Penix. Suck it up and just get to the locker room. Enough with the pity party of staggering around like you've been shot. I'm all the way out on him.
  4. McCarthy threw the ball 18 times for 140 yards and they're interviewing him like he did something.
  5. I honestly don't think he was. Maybe with the media and mock drafters. The issues with his game pertaining to the next level were still apparent IMO.
  6. Yeah, it's over and Penix is not helping himself and his NFL future.
  7. Penix yelling at his receiver after sailing one out of bounds is not a great look.
  8. He's flinching so hard on every throw. Every red flag I had seen on him shone brightly tonight.
  9. Just get Penix out of the game. It's over and he's got an injury history a mile long. His body language is screaming that he wants out.
  10. Remember when Michigan fans were wanting Harbaugh fired a few years ago because he was losing to OSU? I remember.
  11. Penix was trash tonight. Just no way to sugarcoat it.
  12. What is this announcer talking about? He didn't miss that throw because his brain was moving so fast. He missed because he wanted NONE of that smoke from #78.
  13. That's big. Washington has to more than double their points production through three and a half quarters in seven minutes to pull this off. Hopefully Michigan loses their nerve and goes soft because if they don't this is over.
  14. The ACC gets their revenge for FSU getting snubbed betting on Michigan eventually having to vacate
  15. Washington has sold out to stop the run and McCarthy just can't make them pay for it.
  16. Now a bad drop from Michigan. That was a really nice throw.
  17. Penix has just been off tonight. His arm isn't great but he is usually WAY more accurate than this
  18. Michigan has just completely stopped throwing the ball down the field. I mean, based on how McCarthy's been throwing it it's tough to blame them but they need to chuck one here soon because UW just isn't respecting any downfield threat
  19. You can't fix lacking NFL physical talent
  20. Look what Johnson does here... oh look at that obvious grab ACC refs, everyone
  21. I can think of plenty who should've though.
  22. College solid is NFL subpar though
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