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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I didn't expect him to dominate. I expected him to look at least NFL caliber. He didn't. There's a lot of room to operate between "dominate" and "NFL caliber". Bryce failed to land anywhere in there.
  2. David Teppers' Panthers ARE the dogshit. I mean, Baker showed promise in Cleveland of all places. He gets out of this dumpster fire and goes to TB and he's thrown for over 4k yards now with a 28:10 TD:INT ratio. Fug. We suck.
  3. He's 30. He was never particularly fast or twitchy. It's not surprising he's falling off hard. He was a guy who couldn't afford to lose a step.
  4. Not gonna lie though, I didn't envision them getting their asses straight kicked by the worst team in the playoffs. Yikes.
  5. The luck ran out. They were frauds. I pointed this out in November. They weren't really playing all that well. They were getting lucky as hell and snatching victory from the jaws of defeat over and over again.
  6. Baker isn't a plus starter but he probably has at least a dozen games better than Bryce's best. What's very weird is you still stumping for Bryce and acting like he's not terrible. Yes, the Panthers are terrible. But yes, Bryce is also terrible. What sucks the most about that is that he doesn't have the traits to improve much on that. It's one thing if a talented young player struggles with the transition. But Bryce was supposed to have all those mental abilities and intangibles. The critique of Bryce was always that he might be as good as he's gonna get already. Uh oh.
  7. Liking what you're seeing from a QB with an NFL arm? We just tossed this guy out like garbage to mortgage our future on a "super processor". Brilliant stuff from Tepper. I ain't mad at Bryce. I'm mad at the dumbass calling the shots.
  8. LOLOLOLOLOL You are embarrassing yourself tonight.
  9. Keep coping. Baker has NFL physical talent. Bryce doesn't. That's the difference. Y'all were saying this poo pre-draft. I was vindicated. Deal with it.
  10. His attitude is a monster. It very well might derail him. I get it, your QB situation sucks ass and that's massively frustrating but just not blocking for teammates and basically saying it's because you're too good for that? Yikes. Dude should've caught some Smitty style sweet chin music in the locker room for that poo.
  11. You can judge his physical traits. There's a massive difference between watching Baker Mayfield throw a football vs. watching Bryce Young throw a football. I was wrong about Bryce. I thought his arm was just run of the mill NFL below average. After actually seeing him on an NFL field he probably has a bottom 10 NFL arm. Not starter arm. I mean bottom 10 arm on an NFL roster. He has the worst arm of any starter. Mac Jones held that crown prior.
  12. I mean, the Steelers losing was the least surprising thing ever. The only thing that makes their QB situation less terrible than ours is that they didn't trade a fortune to draft their bust #1 overall.
  13. Hey @CamWhoaaCam you remember? I 'member. I called this poo Thanksgiving weekend.
  14. That's why arm strength matters. A tight window completion for Mayfield would've been a Bradberry pick six for the super processor.
  15. Fug the Bucs but it warms my heart to see the tush push fail
  16. Tepper values good conversations over meatball dinners over everything else and the results reflect that.
  17. Imagine Cam with Allen's weapons. Allen has WAY better weapons than Cam ever had. Y'all haters always just ignore that the man won an MVP with Ted Ginn Jr. as his #1 WR. Ginn would be the #4 WR on the Bills.
  18. Tepper rage fires another coach because Bryce is still Bryce and he won't be able to accept it.
  19. Allen turns the ball over too much but he's way closer to prime Cam than anyone I thought we'd see for a long time.
  20. Why did the Steelers bother calling a timeout with two seconds remaining and it's only 2nd down?
  21. At least he's in the play enough to grab and hold. Our DBs usually aren't even in the video frame
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