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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. That comment was about the Kittle catch on the play prior. Broke a tackle and added at least an extra 15. Then CMC takes what could've been a 4-5 yard run and leaves some safety lingerie on the field and takes it to the house. One on one shot and the dude might not have even made contact. Just wrecked.
  2. He looks good but the Ravens would have to botch it not to win fairly comfortably.
  3. That is some unfair announcing. That pass interference call chances the game? That pass interference was super blatant. It wasn't like it was a controversial call. It would be controversial if the flag DIDN'T get thrown.
  4. Love has to make that a little easier. Receiver barely got his feet down. He's wide ass open. Use the throw to slow him up and make it easy.
  5. That's the offense. He gets the ball out quick to YAC monsters. It's short to mid-range routes designed to create maximum YAC opportunity. But it fits their talent to a T.
  6. Deebo is out. In street clothes. Even if the Niners can squeak this one out they're cooked.
  7. Analytics can be extremely useful. Analytics can also be used to justify whatever decision you want. Our "analytics" seem to fit far more into the latter variety.
  8. Deebo is out. The Deebo/CMC 1-2 punch is what drives their offense. If one is out the other is gonna be force fed.
  9. Most great Ds have a weakness. Maybe they have a great pass rush and great run D but they're weak in the secondary most of our great Ds fit that mold. Baltimore looks great at all three levels. Great against the run, great pass rush, smothering coverage. Like damn. How do you consistently live the ball against that? You gotta have an offense like the Niners that can get the ball out immediately to YAC kinda like CMC and Deebo to stand a chance.
  10. That's hard to believe he's got all that money and he's rocking scratcher tats. fuging yikes. The cat that inked him up was nodding out on that fent.
  11. Baltimore too. Damn they're GOOD. Their talent in the trenches is gonna make them hard to beat.
  12. The Niners are in big trouble if both CMC and Samuel are struggling with injuries.
  13. I'm not a "hater". I just think don't think he's a plus starter. He's a JAG starter in a great offensive system surrounded by elite offensive talent. That's a GREAT 7th round pick. But when folks start talking about him being an MVP, wait a minute... If that makes me a hater then I'm president of the club.
  14. I honestly don't see it. He hits the throws I expect him to hit. He rarely misses when there's a throw there that you expect an NFL QB to hit. But he also rarely makes a plus player where you're like "oh wow, that was special". I call that a game manager. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It's most certainly not a bad thing for the last pick in the draft. A lot of teams wish they had a good game manager. It only becomes a potential bad thing once the Niners have to entertain paying him like a legit franchise QB. You can't do that if he's carrying a cap hit that forces you to make business decisions elsewhere on your roster he goes from a positive to a negative.
  15. Now I'm confused. Are those just terrible tattoos???
  16. Decent throw but he had no pressure on him and Kittle had two steps on the defender. That's just a throw you expect an NFL QB to hit.
  17. Kinda did look like it then I was like... if that's ink that's some straight up prison scratcher poo. LOL!
  18. Might be something to be said about drafting guys with high level physical talent at spots in the draft that don't demand you play them right away when you currently have a first ballot HOFer play QB so no one's barking for them to play right away. They can just quietly develop behind that guy and hit the field in a couple of years WAY more seasoned than any rookie.
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