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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Refs are letting the Chiefs beat the hell out of Allen.
  2. Wow. Diggs just absolutely botched that. It was right there.
  3. Glad the gift of a DPI flag ultimately had no effect.
  4. All of a sudden these defenses have really stepped up. Went from not being able to stop anything to the '85 Bears.
  5. Those type of penalties need to be challengeable. The ball was still in Mahomes' hand.
  6. The ball wasn't in the air. That should've been picked up.
  7. All of a sudden the Ds are shining. Oh wait... a phantom late flag
  8. That would've been a helluva catch. Not the greatest ball from Allen though I think he was trying to lead him to the open spot. Needed to see more of the back end of the play to tell if it was a bit of a miss on the throw or not the greatest adjustment by the WR or maybe a bit of both.
  9. I'm surprised they overturned it but I do think it was the right call. The NFL has to address this rule though. It's just a fuging bullshit rule.
  10. Definitely the worst rule in football. Hell, maybe the worst rule in sports.
  11. I don't think you can overturn that. Gotta stick with the call on the field either way and they called him down. Even though I think that ball was loose before he was down. It's just TOO close.
  12. Is this the worst rule in football about to happen???
  13. What happened with your college football predictions? We can all cherry pick the stuff we were right about.
  14. Might come down to the last team with the ball because neither of these defenses are stopping anything right now.
  15. This is what we signed up to see. Two of the best QBs in the league duke it out.
  16. Where did they mark Mahomes out? Because I think he was OB his last 5 or 6 steps.
  17. That was really good D, just a perfect throw and a great catch.
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