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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. My point is you have to try to maximize your window. It's hard to be consistently good in the NFL. Lord knows we should understand that.
  2. Brown looked very good as a rookie. He had a down second year and a lot of folks overreacted to that. But you are smoking that real good poo if you tink there's any evidence that Tepper's organization will do what they should do. I'm not saying draft a QB. What I'm saying is that you shouldn't pass on one that you really like. The trade is a sunk cost. Those assets and the pick we spent on Bryce are gone. We aren't getting them back. You have to evaluate him for what he's shown not what you thought he'd be. If there's anything that Tepper should understand as a finance guy it's that.
  3. What's annoying is you constantly acting like games are just head to head matchups of superstars because superstars are all you can see. You act like a 13 year old girl with this stuff. Sorry, but that's just the truth. I'm not even an Allen fan. I think he's fun to watch but that's the end of it. Hell, I thought the guy was gonna be a massive bust. He's one of the least accurate passers I've ever seen in college no exaggeration.
  4. We thought Cam had time too. Injuries can derail anyone, especially with Allen's playing style. Cam was iron man too right up until he wasn't.
  5. We're talking about what they should do not what they will do. We already know that Tepper's Panthers are extremely unlikely to do what they should do.
  6. Decent vet to push Bryce with the primary intention of trying to give Bryce his best chance to prove he can be what we thought he could be. If that doesn't work out, time to look at the '25 draft. Now with that said, if there's a guy you really like at #33 that you're shocked is still there, I don't think you pass. Honestly, I think you're pounding the phones trying to move up a pick or two into the bottom of the 1st to get him. Sorry, but Bryce really was that bad and showed that little promise.
  7. The Bills have absolutely done a better job of fielding a consistently good team than we ever did. But they've also failed to put together a season anywhere near as good as our 2015. They've yet to make a legit SB run under the current regime. I'm not saying they should fire McD. But I'm also saying they should be analyzing everything from top to bottom trying to figure out what can get them over the hump. Lord knows they fully realize what it's like to come up short again and again and again. Do they really want Josh Allen's career to be a repeat of Jim Kelly's?
  8. You really are hung up on "super stars". As if it's just two QBs out there playing one on one.
  9. Well, they are Panthers North so I guess the obvious thing to do is nothing and then later look back and belly ache over the moves that could've been made to get us over the hump when we had a window. Getting Josh Allen beat to hell and damaged derailing his career would be the chef's kiss.
  10. They certainly didn't win it either. McD is a defensive coach and for a good chunk of the game his D was getting straight up boat raced. A super lucky fumble through the endzone and the worst rule in sports rearing it's ugly head is honestly the only reason the Bills had a shot late.
  11. Pray tell who in the current top 10 (as subjective as that even is) could you honestly envision Bryce being better than?
  12. Honestly, it's a lot harder. The resources are more limited in terms of the talent pool and you can't have multiple investors. You can't just buy stock in Patrick Mahomes for example. You have to identify him as that dude and find a way to get him then no one else can have him.
  13. I'm not advocating for "blowing it up" but trust and believe if you were a Bills fan right now you're seriously questioning whether McD can get you over the hump. Remember when most Panthers fans wanted Shula poo canned after we went 15-1, made a run to the SB, and Cam won the MVP? Most other NFL fans almost certainly thought we were crazy and that Shula was gonna be a HC somewhere the following season. Well, the majority of Panthers fans were absolutely right. Shula was trash.
  14. Put yourself in the shoes of a Bills fan. KC just has their number right now. Plain and simple. You gotta do something to try to change that. I don't know if that's firing McDermott but they definitely need some changes.
  15. Depends on the situation. The goal isn't to make the playoffs, it's to win the SB. If you don't think you're getting closer to that ultimate goal at some point you have to do something different. There's also salary cap situations, aging players naturally declining, etc. to consider.
  16. Yep, the only issue is have with the trade if we'd taken Stroud was not including Burns instead of DJ. When I was sitting at the brewery and saw the trade being announced on ESPN my very first thought was... we just included our only proven NFL WR in a trade to get a QB, how does that make any sense?
  17. Not sure how that was a fail of Fitts, but yeah CMC to Buffalo made all the sense in the world and they let SF get him for a 2nd and a couple of mid-rounders.
  18. Next year is huge for Icky. Way too many really good former NFL OL have raved about his natural talent level. I have to believe he absolutely has the physical ability. Let's see if he'll buckle down and put in the work this off-season to become an actual tactician. Because just leaning on his raw talent got him absolutely embarrassed this year and I honestly think that's exactly what it was. He let the positive press from a good rookie season go to his head. He thought he'd arrived. Bizarrely that was the vibe from the entire organization going into this season. They had it dialed. They were about to take the league by storm. Oops.
  19. That's what David Tepper has been ever since he bought the team. An absolute sucker. He had gotten tooled over and over again. He's the guy he almost certainly used to mock in the world of investments. Oh look, this rich kid watched a few podcasts and now he thinks he's a real wheeler and dealer. Watch this while I straight up take his ass to school and steal his lunch money. Tepper thought all his financial analytics and business experience was just going to seamlessly translate to dominating the NFL. Some classic straight up Dunning-Kruger poo. I honestly don't think it ever occurred to him all the work he put into being elite in the investment world. Okay, now realize you're up against folks who did that same thing in the world of football. You're not coming in with some analytics and meatball dinner conversations and beating them at their game straight out of the gate.
  20. Looking like one of the absolute worst of all-time. F seems too kind.
  21. Ward is transferring to Miami and playing another year of college ball. Milton has a ton of raw talent but I'm just baffled why he is still so raw after six years of college football. Something is off there.
  22. There has to be a decent vet brought in to push Bryce whether it's Minshew or Brissett or whoever.
  23. Evidently there's legit speculation that this might be Reid's last ride.
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