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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I can't ever remember banning someone for a PM. You must have been a real prick about it. LOL!
  2. I'll be here to take out the trash when it happens. If you can't see the difference in these two situations that's on you. Pointing out a player's lack of ability has never been off limits here. But mocking a player for injuries sustained on the field is just being a straight up trashy person and I got the garbage truck warmed up. Meanwhile, feel free to go find where I've called Bryce Young or any other player a midget.
  3. I expect Washington to get plenty of run next year but I also never bank on 19/20 year old kids making logically sound decisions, especially when they'll have plenty of folks in their ear. Just take advantage of the obvious opportunities to get these kids some run. That's all. Never know when foul trouble or injury could force them into a more prominent role anyway.
  4. Don't get me wrong y'all, I FULLY realize my Dan Morgan hopes are highly likely just full blown cope but dammit I'm a Panthers fan. This is what we do. This is OUR TIME. It's the off-season. The time of hope when we aren't seeing our team get beat to poo on the field and dealing with the reality that our hopes were always copium. So yeah, dammit I'm gonna hope that one of our former great players and the QB of the defense in our first SB appearance is gonna end up being one helluva GM and be bullheaded enough to go up against Tepper and be right enough often enough to make Tepper realize he needs to take a back seat and let this guy cook. Because honestly that's all we've got right now. So fug it, let's get our hopes up and set the table up for disappointment again.
  5. My only nitpick tonight is that Hubert has to be mindful of the portal. When you've got a team blown out get some guys some PT. Get guys like High and Washington in the game for the last 4-5 minutes.
  6. Just to show we ain't playing with this one, see ya in 24 hours
  7. I collected about 3 gallons off of 8 taps today. Only the trees on full sun are running right now. The shaded trees haven't started running.
  8. I'm just gonna be proactive here and say something that won't be heeded but I'm just gonna throw it out there anyway. Dan was a great player for us and he was seen as a promising up and coming front office person who looked destined to be a future GM when he was initially hired on here. Now with that said, if it doesn't work out and when a move doesn't go as hoped or planned (and it WILL happen even if he becomes a great GM) can we please for the love of god not go to the concussion/CTE comments. Just please. The guy took a lot of physical damage for our entertainment. Just please be better than that.
  9. I'm hoping for the best. I loved Dan Morgan as a player and he was seen as an up and coming future GM when he came here. So I'm just gonna hope that Fitts was an absolute moron and Dan was quietly trying to be a voice of reason who got overruled.
  10. It's a terribly depressing thought but yeah, it's honestly probably the best approach for the future. Winning maybe 7 or 8 games with a good backup vet wouldn't accomplish anything other than make it harder to find the actual answer.
  11. When I say "numbers" I'm just talking about the macro numbers. That's not a huge concern for me with a rookie or first year starter. But then you dig into the specifics and see that he's at or near the bottom of the league in practically every QB metric and... oh wee mayne.
  12. I remember PTI and Around the Horn. I was like... wait, do people really actually watch this poo? WHY??? Who cares what these idiots think on the hot take topics of the day?
  13. Back when I was in college my TV pretty much never came off of ESPN. It was just always there in the background. I didn't pay much attention to the screamo shows, mainly just SportsCenter. But then YouTube basically killed SC so there was nothing left on ESPN for me but live sports. I can't imagine honestly watching those people scream at each other and just drop constant obviously thirsty as fug hot take after hot take. Expand that same statement to Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, etc. Cut all of that poo out of your life and watch your mental health improve.
  14. Bingo. Anyone still paying attention to the talking heads clamoring for clicks, reactions, and shares is playing themselves.
  15. If he looks worse or no better next year you have to either pull him pretty quick and go to a vet and try to salvage the season or just ride his ass all the way to the highest pick you can get like we did with Clausen.
  16. Slump? You think he's gonna be worse? Oh wee mayne.
  17. I'm talking about basic physical traits. He has one of the worst arms in the league. He struggles to see downfield when the pocket gets muddy. Those aren't development issues. Those are generic issues.
  18. Jon Gruden and crew immediately won a Super Bowl with Tony Dungy's team in TB.
  19. It's not even the numbers for me. It's the eye test. If his numbers were bad but he showed elite talent I'd be willing to have more patience but he just hasn't shown NFL talent.
  20. Just stunning lack of self awareness. LOL! You're right that I do have an agenda here and it's just to point out your massive hypocrisy.
  21. Yeah, Allen wasn't perfect. He missed some throws. I said it in the game thread. Mahomes also missed back to back potential TD throws late. It's almost like playing QB in the NFL is pretty hard and that football is a team game and not just two QBs playing one on one.
  22. Good lord, man. How many excuses have you made for Cam? For Deion and Shadeur? Hell, I think you're spot on with Cam but for you to call pointing out failures of organizations and coaching staffs sad and pathetic is just wildly lacking in self awareness.
  23. My point is you have to try to maximize your window. It's hard to be consistently good in the NFL. Lord knows we should understand that.
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