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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Honestly, if the Pats and their fans have a legitimate beef, it's that the organization got hit too hard. All indications were that Brady and a couple of low level equipment guys were the extent of the involvement in this whole deal. It really feels like the Pats got hit because of their history, which IMO is still legit reasoning. However, if you're going to argue that the Pats got hit too hard as an organization, then Brady got off too light. If you're going to let the organization as a whole off the hook, then Brady should've gotten hit with a half a season suspension. Honestly, hitting Brady with 8 games and taking mid-round pick from the Pats would've seemed like a more fair solution given the information available IMO. But, given the fact that Brady is in his late 30s and the Pats have to strike while the iron is hot, I'm sure having Brady for 12 games is worth losing that 1st rounder in their minds.
  2. Interested in him doesn't necessarily equate to definitely wanting him.
  3. First of all, both the Panthers AND the Vikings were doing it. There was no advantage gained by either team. Secondly, neither team was exactly trying to hide. Thirdly, there was no attempt by either team to deny it or cover it up. Don't get it twisted, Brady and the Pats are getting nailed not because they deflated some game balls, they're getting nailed because they're repeat offenders and they tried to cover it up and deny it.
  4. I don't see how it's possible that anyone had a worse offseason than the 49ers. That entire organization appears to be a dumpster fire right now.
  5. Yeah, hopefully it's not true. I doubt it is simply because Klein would have to be completely delusional to have that mindset.
  6. If that's the case, then he can go bye bye as far as I'm concerned. He's out of his mind if he thinks he's ever going to be a featured player on an NFL defense. He's a rotational two down LB. That's just what he is. That's a guy who can have a long, productive NFL career, but it's not a guy who will ever be a featured player. That's one thing I love about TD. He's a great player who has never really even been the featured LB on our team, yet that's never bothered him. Morgan was the featured LB when he was drafted, then Beason came along and overshadowed him, then Kuechly came along and did the same. TD just kept plugging away and doing what he does and never let it bother him.
  7. Mark Barron isn't a FA guys. The Rams simply didn't pick up the 5th year option on his 1st round rookie contract. He's still signed through this season.
  8. Yeah, I think Richardson's knees are just shot.
  9. It's not all bad. He can hang out here at watch the games. That wouldn't suck.
  10. Damn, that sucks. Feel terrible for the kid, the Jags, their fans, just awful.
  11. Oh poo. I was about to say that hopefully it'll turn out to be something minor, but that video... man, that did not look good. That knee buckled bad.
  12. Good grief, are La'el and Jerruh gonna jerk each other off right there on camera? Sure sounds like it.
  13. The Cowboys certainly looked stacked on paper, but they've been underperforming on the field for the past decade plus. They're the Cowboys. They'll find a way to flame out and it'll probably be via Romo throwing TDs to the wrong team.
  14. Hey, I'd much rather him sign with Dallas than with N.O.
  15. Hey, when you have a chance to land Nordstrom talent for Dollar Tree prices, it's what you SHOULD do. Smart move by the cowgirls.
  16. The contract is fully guaranteed. The contract is dirt cheap. Unless he's absolutely terrible, he ain't getting cut.
  17. Just looked it up and the money difference between OG and LT isn't nearly what I thought it would be. OG actually outpaces RT in terms of pay. The highest paid LT in the league this year is Tyron Smith at $12.2M. The highest paid OG is Logan Mankins at $8.5M. Obviously, the elite LTs get paid considerably more than the elite OGs, but that gap narrows significantly when you get out of the elite category. The 20th highest paid LT is Matt Kalil at $4.9M. The 20th highest paid OG is Shaun Lauvau at $4.25M. If you're a top 15 LT, you're getting paid a premium for that position. But beyond about #15, it evens out between LT and OG. RT has become the red headed step child of the OL. Surprisingly, you're a lot better off playing OG than you are playing RT. The highest paid RT is Gosder Cherilus at $7M and the #20 RT is Don Barclay at $1.54M. Want a kick in the balls? Nate Chandler is #21. He'll make almost as much this year as La'el Collins will in the next three years combined.
  18. Jerry Jones prepping for Collins' visit
  19. Unless he hits that 30 year old wall really hard, he'd probably have a chance to break the single season rushing yardage record in Dallas this year.
  20. By the time the draft got here, especially by the third day, all indications were that Collins was likely to be cleared. I gotta think that word was sent out to the 32 teams that drafting Collins was going to be highly frowned upon by the league. The NFL didn't want anymore PR black eyes on the domestic violence front. Drafting Collins before he was officially cleared would've been spun by some media outlets as a black eye.
  21. I think Gettleman learned his lesson about the one year deals when both Ginn and Mitchell bolted for bigger money elsewhere after one decent season here. If you can get a guy locked up for two years on low cap figures, do it.
  22. Now I'm REALLY surprised that he ended up on the Cowboys. Jerry definitely put some money in a briefcase.
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