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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. For a few games if he's terrible. But honestly the announcers are just there to fill air time. Who is actually tuning in every week for the announcing. It'll give them a ratings boost for a few weeks and then it's just the norm.
  2. What could we reasonably expect to get? We're probably better off just hoping against hope he can stay healthy.
  3. And a LOT better than the Chiefs' who is the most penalized OL in the league. Dude requires a headstart and a borderline illegal formation alignment just to have a fighting chance not to get boat raced.
  4. There's no questioning Lamar Jackson in the regular season. But there's becoming no defending him in the playoffs. It's almost like we're talking about two completely different QBs. He needs a sports psychologist or something. It's in his head at this point.
  5. I honestly have no idea how people could watch the 16 games that Bryce put on film in the NFL and still talk about his talent and potential. All he honestly showed is that he has a LOT of limitations he's going to have to overcome in order to be successful.
  6. I'm not a Lamar fan. I'm just a neutral observer who enjoys watching him play because he's a good QB.I don't get emotionally involved in it like you do so I can acknowledge it if he plays poorly.
  7. You honestly think Bryce Young would start for more teams than Taylor Moton? LOLOLOL
  8. Oh, I see it for what it is. It's an absolute commercial spectacle. I'm a football junkie. I watch for the game. Commercials are beer breaks and halftime is dinner time. I'm just watching the game not the spectacle.
  9. Moron would start for a decent amount of teams. A lot more than Bryce would start for.
  10. Type coherently. That post didn't make a lick of sense.
  11. I call it like I see it. Lamar played poorly overall. Allen played well but missed a couple of potentially game altering throws in the final drive that I pointed out. It just seems like with you someone has to be a total fanboy or a total hater.
  12. I honestly have absolutely no clue what you attempted to communicate with that post.
  13. What size is their to pick? What are you talking about? I like Lamar. He's fun to watch. He's super talented. But damn it, he choked in the playoffs again tonight. It is what it is.
  14. Where was I crying? You were dunking on Allen. Absent on Lamar. Dunking on Purdy. Then shifted to fan boying Steve Wilks. What point of yours am I proving?
  15. Were you attempting to paint this as a negative because you're about to convince me not to watch the SB. LOL! Is breaking this addiction really that easy?
  16. This. Nobody would be crying about that trade if we'd actually made something of the assets. But essentially giving away CMC for nothing stings.
  17. Dude was DEEP in his own head today. The bad playoff performances can't be written off as flukes anymore. I agree. At this point he's a playoff choke artist until proven elsewhere. It's not about wins and losses. You can play your ass off in a loss. Honestly, Jared Goff did it tonight. It's how YOU play. And as good as Lamar is and as extremely talented as he is, he hurts his team in the playoffs more often than not.
  18. PTI and the avalanche of idiots screaming hot takes at each other shows started during my college years. Then there were just more and more and more. With dumber and hotter poo takes from people just so obviously desperate for attention. I don't get why anyone watches that stuff. It's like the male version of TMZ. Oh look, so and so is dating this other so and so an they went to dinner at this place and they were wearing this dress. Why in the fug doesn't anyone care??? /rant off
  19. Anyone watching anything not live sports on ESPN... WHY???
  20. The Lions must've been eating chicken wings and greasy fries at halftime with not a sink in sight because they couldn't catch a damn thing in the second half. Receivers and DBs alike. Going for it on 4th instead of kicking the FG to go up 17 was dumb but it shouldn't have caused the wheels to fall off. But that dropped pass absolutely caused the wheels to fall off. It set off an absolute avalanche of hilariously bad blunders.
  21. Bruh was completely MIA while Lamar was choking in the playoffs. Again.
  22. See, that's a narrative. You conveniently leave out the numerous dropped passes. The dropped INT turned 50+ yard completion. The numerous missed tackles. The Niners did play better against the run. But the real change was the Lions simply could not catch a football. They were still getting open they just weren't catching balls.
  23. Anyone that listens to the talking heads deserves what they get.
  24. I can be happy for Wilks without twisting the narrative. He seems like a good dude. He's a good defensive coach. And the Lions completely blew that game all the same. Wilks had nothing to do with the comedy of unforced errors that was the Lions' 3rd quarter. His D would've still been getting shredded if the Lions didn't forget how to catch a football for 15 minutes.
  25. I should honestly start. I really don't mind Purdy. The slobbering just gets ridiculous. He throws a two yard pass to CMC or Samuel who breaks 7 tackles bouncing off defenders for 20 yards and they rave about Brock Purdy. Like WTF? Are we watching the same play??? LOL!
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