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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. There's nothing to be proud about with "picking a side". Everyone is wrong on occasion. These folks who still think Bryce's arm isn't a limitation and point to college highlights and draft evaluations to "prove" their point have picked a side. Are you proud of them? I'm proud of the folks who see new information and are willing to change their minds to fit the new information. Hell, if Bryce shows up next year slinging darts I'll be happy as hell. It wouldn't mean his arm wasn't trash his rookie season but it'll mean he put in strong work and improved it.
  2. I honestly think he thought he'd arrived. He let the positive press go to his head. I was concerned in the preseason when he was laughing and yucking it up in sideline interviews after being treated like a speed bump on the field. The whole organization had that vibe. Oh, this doesn't matter it's just preseason. You just wait until the games actually count them we'll show 'em something. Well, we're still waiting to see it. I really hope the new crew gets on their ass and lights a fire under them. Y'all got EVERYTHING to prove. You were the worst team in the league last year. You have the worst overall combined record in the league over the last several years. The rest of the league sees you as a doormat and it's up to you to change that.
  3. Should've just banned him immediately like we usually do. It's my bad. When folks like that show up we just smoke them right out of the gate. I honestly don't know why we didn't this time. As soon as I saw the username and av I chuckled and said "yeah, that guy's getting banned". I guess I just assumed one of the other mods would do it. That's lazy and my fault.
  4. We've always banned folks who show up with politically overt usernames, avatars, and/or obviously driving a single posting agenda from the get go. He checked every box. The error we made was not banning him straight out of the gate. I'll take the blame for that.
  5. All I'm saying here is that all the "Bryce can make all the NFL throws" folks have to resort to college highlights, draft analysis, and sheer denial of his rookie season while the folks who say that Bryce's arm is a significant limitation in the NFL simply point to his actual NFL play like
  6. Imagine talking about someone else being deeply invested in being the smartest person in the room in the process of typing out that mess of try hard word salad. lol
  7. Ah... the Huddle mythical WR1 which basically just means if you aren't arguable the best WR in the league at the time you're a #2 at best.
  8. Believe in him all you want. Just don't try to gas light people that his arm strength isn't a serious limitation. It's delusional.
  9. The only way we can win with Bryce is try to hide the QB position. Sucks, but it is what it is. We gotta start moving the offense more toward what Bryce might be able to work with. Quicker WRs that can get open fast and create YAC. Try to find a redzone TE weapon. Improve the OL talent. If Bryce doesn't look significantly better next year you gotta move on. With that said, I fully expect to be talking about '25 QB prospects before the leaves change in the fall.
  10. The overall team has nothing to do with Bryce's ability to throw the football. It's subpar. His velocity is subpar. His ability to drive the ball down the field is subpar. His deep ball accuracy is straight up bad. His short to mid-range accuracy is average. You can keep saying all the stuff about being braindead blah, blah, blah but reality is reality. You are trying to ignore this year and look back at college play (while not understanding what you're watching) and pretending that talking head draft evaluations are factual instead of opinion. My opinion on Bryce was just that too - opinion. It's just that after 16 NFL games my opinion looks more valid than all those talking heads'. I'm just baffled how the Panthers got duped so hard. Honestly, we should've just banned you right out of the gate when you showed up with a political username, political av, and a single posting agenda. It was fun but I think I'll just go ahead and correct that mistake now.
  11. I was saying this same stuff about Bryce pre-draft when everyone was calling me crazy for it. Oh, he's the consensus QB1. Oh yeah, you know so much more than the professional evaluators. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Well, what about now? All of these deficiencies were plainly obvious in his college play. You keep pointing to his college play and draft evaluations. I was saying the same damn thing back then. I can't help that all the talking heads and Panthers brass got it wrong and you still cling to their wrong opinions.
  12. That sucked. He had some awesome roles during his career and did a great job making them awesome characters.
  13. I'll look into it once it's available in my area. Doing just fine with Starlink currently but if the T-Mo 5G works for me it's considerably cheaper monthly.
  14. That's been SEC basketball forever.
  15. I watched him play, man. I said pre-draft that his arm was NFL average at best and likely below average. Do you still trust the pros' evaluation of past busts? Once you're in the league you draft evaluations and draft status no longer matters. It's about your performance in the NFL. Bryce is really struggling and his lack of arm talent is playing a major role in their struggles. But keep coping if you must.
  16. His college tape no longer matters. His erroneous draft evaluations no longer matters. Our idiotic decision to trade up and draft him #1 no longer matters. We've seen him play 16 NFL games and we've watched his SUBPAR arm float dying ducks all over the field.
  17. If it's tight that's one thing but duke really extended that too long. It was over. Take your L with some grace. But it's duke and duke is gonna duke. And that's why everyone fuging hates them.
  18. They double down on the already horrific call. ACC refs, everyone.
  19. I'll say again. Filipowski is a pink panty wearing fuging bitch. He should've fouled out on offensive fouls that have been called defensive fouls on us instead.
  20. Filipowski is such a a bitch. poo bags like that guy are why so many people hate that program.
  21. That was a BIG possession. Lots of time eaten and ends with a three ball.
  22. It's a big part of why I've just stopped watching the sport outside of UNC. NBA included. Guys used to try to finish through contact for the old fashioned three point play. Now drive into a crowd and flail is a real strategy. Back when I played the ref would just look at you and say "if you're trying to take on the whole damn opposing team don't look to me to bail you out of it."
  23. fug Filipowski. Typical dookie whiny ass bitch. Gets away with murder and acts shocked and appalled when finally whistled for something blatant.
  24. Filipowski could've fouled out already on offensive fouls alone. That's the third or fourth obvious offensive foul that's been called a foul on us. They're just crashing into us.
  25. Normally I'd be hollering about the missed offensive fouls but since Duke is fumbling in the process of trying to truck us and we're getting fast breaks the other way out of it I guess just keep swallowing those whistles.
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