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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Who are the starting QBs we'd honestly rank below Bryce in arm strength? Mac Jones is probably closest and I still think his arm is probably better to be honest.
  2. Oh for sure. Bryce is never gonna be confused with Cam Newton in any way, shape, or form. Bryce can effectively scramble though. And if he can improve his threat as a passer it'll open up more scrambling opportunities. Making this work with Bryce is gonna be all about retooling the passing game to be built around YAC. We probably need to have more rollouts too. Bryce struggles to see downfield in the pocket and is a decent thrower on the move. Get him on the move. It sucks to admit that the #1 overall pick is gonna have to be a system QB but it is what it is. Nobody will care if we're winning. Purdy is a system QB and the Niners are on the SB. I'm sure they get very sensitive about that but at the end of the day they're in the SB and right now that's all that really matters.
  3. Given the subject matter these threads are always gonna be destined for the TB.
  4. I don't think Bryce has an "elite" 40 time by any means but I do think his mobility is a plus. I think he did a better job later in the season adjusting to the speed of the game with his scrambling. He was getting ran down left and right earlier in the year.
  5. Yeah, most of those reported 40 times prove to be significantly exaggerated when they actually legit run. Bryce is probably somewhere in the 4.6 to 4.7 range. They're going off his reported 4.52. I just don't see that type of speed in his play. With most reported college 40 times you're pretty safe adding a full tenth to it to get you in the ballpark.
  6. And he didn't even run a 40 leading up to the draft. No clue where they're pulling that number from and if it has any actual validity.
  7. True. I couldn't recall when we finalized the trade. I honestly think he just knew it was in his best interest not to. He showed up at the combine for one reason - to step on a scale over 200 pounds. Yeah, he hit the buffets hard to do it and hid in that hoodie all weekend to not show off the flab but he accomplished what he came to do. Throwing beside guys like Stroud, Richardson, Levis, etc. wasn't gonna be a good comparative look for him. But I just don't blame any of this on the prospect. Your job as a draft prospect is to maximize your draft status, period. It's up to NFL front offices to wade through the available information and formulate their draft boards.
  8. It definitely looks like a great WR class. Honestly, last year's was a strong class too. People who thought it was a weak class were too fixated on the top of the draft. If you were holding a top 15 picks wanting a WR you didn't like last year's class. The strength of the class was the mid-round talent. We were smart to go WR where we did, we just chose poorly. Same thing with the Bryce pick. Trading up to #1 wasn't an idiotic plan. Bold, yes. But not idiotic given the QB talent on the board. We identified correctly that the cream of the crop would be off the board by #9 and we shot our shot. Then we chose poorly. This year's WR class has both the mid-round talent and those elite top of the draft prospects. WR should definitely be in the mix at #33.
  9. Oh, we'd absolutely be mocking our rivals. I don't blame Bryce for not throwing though. He didn't need to. He knew he had the Panthers sold.
  10. As for Bryce next year, I do think you have to try to surround him with weapons who are YAC threats. I'd consider going after ex-Panther Curtis Samuel as part of that effort. We need to improve the interior OL. Maybe that means sliding Icky inside and playing Christensen at LT to take advantage of Christensen's athleticism and Icky:s physicality. Bryce HAS to cleanup his footwork. He's not ready to throw in a split second and has to readjust to deliver the ball and that's also likely hurting his ability to drive the ball. He stands square to the LOS and then tries to reset and throw once he sees what he wants. That can work at Alabama. It's a lot tougher in the NFL. Bryce has a lot he has to overcome in order to be successful. Give him every chance next year but he ready to move on if he doesn't deliver. It's on him now.
  11. Yep, Bryce is gonna be the starter next year like it or not. I do hope they allow a vet to push him in camp though. Whether that's Dalton or a guy like Minshew or Brissett. It's gonna be hard to install a new tougher mentality if you're treating one of your players with kid gloves.
  12. I'd love to have him onboard in some type of role. The whole new staff is talking about instilling a tougher mentality. Who better to help with that than TD? The man literally has the scars to prove it. The ACLs, playing in the SB with his whole forearm stapled up from literally breaking his arm two weeks prior. Tougher than nails.
  13. Yeah. We've banned plenty of folks who showed up just to rub Stroud in people's faces. Plenty of folks over the years who just showed up to talk about Cam. If you show up with a trolling, baiting username and av and come to hammer one talking point over and over again you won't last long. That's always been the case. The only difference this time is that we let it go on a lot longer than we generally do and honestly it was just out of laziness. It's like... oh wait, this is that guy with the trolling username and av. Why is he still here? Okay, bye.
  14. More often than not it comes down to $$$. If the contracts on the table are similar them other factors like quality of the team, location, relationships with coaches, etc. comes into play. But usually players go to the team that's offering the most money just like most people searching for a job tend to take the best offer they can get.
  15. I'm specifically talking about his username and av. We generally ban those obviously baiting types right off the bat before they get cooking. We obviously allow a variety of opinions on Bryce and our other players.
  16. And that's fine. They can have their opinions. When we suck people bitch and moan. We've sucked for a long time now so there's a lot of bitching and moaning. We haven't really changed how we moderate this place the fanbase is just fuging pissed off and I get it.
  17. BTW, this is exactly why we usually smoke the obviously baiting new users right out of the gate and it's why I'm pretty much the only mod that will even have these discussions. I think people deserve explanations whether they're gonna like them or not.
  18. So why bother? This isn't reddit. We're not trying to be reddit. If reddit suits them better, great. Glad they found a place they like.
  19. Trust me when I tell you that I don't care.
  20. You can talk about practically anything you want in the TB. That's the whole purpose of it.
  21. https://www.vox.com/2019/11/19/20963757/what-is-ok-boomer-meme-about-meaning-gen-z-millennials Stuff like this is fine on the Huddle. In the TB. If you want to actually discuss it do it there.
  22. Guys like Brady and Brees are perfect examples of great QBs with actual NFL average arms. You don't necessarily have to have a cannon but those guy's arms are significantly better than Bryce's.
  23. Most of the "we just want positivity" folks quickly became the most toxic posters on the board after Bryce had a decent game and we beat Stroud and Houston. Just like I said they would.
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