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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Yeah, I'm not stumping for Wilks as a HC but he's a good DC. Not elite, but good. I put significantly more blame on Shanny for that L than Wilks.
  2. This. If you have to pay that guy like a legit starting QB you're fuged.
  3. I really just don't understand folks blaming Wilks. They held KC to 19 points in regulation. The Niners didn't score enough points.
  4. Always love it when folks reach for narratives to fit their biases. And it's usually both camps pointing at each other like the Spiderman meme.
  5. Sure seems like you're trying awfully hard to put words in people's mouths. Why? I think Purdy is a JAG but a JAG starting QB with the last pick in the draft is a phenomenal steal. I get why a lot of people like him even though I think it's pretty clear he's the limiting factor for that team.
  6. Defensive coaches tend to always have that flaw. When the chips are down seems like they always wanna play bend but don't break.
  7. And honestly that'd be a fair argument. Spags is a great DC. I just put more of this L on Shanny than I do Wilks. The Chiefs were averaging 23.8ppg in the playoffs. The Niners D held them to 19 in regulation. The Niners were averaging 26.7ppg in the playoffs. They scored 19 in regulation. That pretty much says it all.
  8. Find it. I don't think I did. Yeah, that was my point all along. Everyone is on the decline in their mid-30s. That's just biological reality. You just caught feelings when I said it. Which was weird.
  9. The Niners D started struggling when their DL started wearing down over the course of the game. Yeah, they have great defensive talent. And they held the Chiefs to 19 points over 4 quarters. They didn't lose that game because of their D. If I told you before kickoff that the Chiefs only scored 19 points through 4 quarters everyone would've called that a win for the Niners since the Niners average nearly 29 per game. The Niners didn't score enough points to win.
  10. It's definitely weird. He literally did the same thing again tonight. Completely abandoned the run and put it all on his QB and refused to adjust when it wasn't working. At least he finally jerked his head out of his ass tonight but it was just too late. He'd let the Chiefs figure it out in the meantime.
  11. He's absolutely on the decline. I don't think anyone said he had "fallen off a cliff".
  12. Yep, Shanny gave the Chiefs a break to figure things out while he tried to lean on Brock Purdy. Then he got down and went back to CMC. It really felt like an ego thing but I honestly don't know what his reasoning was.
  13. This year honestly needs to be all about evaluating Bryce. Is he the guy or not. You need an answer by the end of this year. I have a strong inkling to what that answer is gonna be, but Tepper has to GTFO of the way and let the football people make that call. Can he do what Mahomes did tonight? Can he put a team on his back on the biggest stage and drag them across the finish line? If no you need to keep looking. Because we just saw a really good game manager on a STACKED team come up short because the other team had a dude. It's really that simply. You have a dude or you need to be looking for a dude.
  14. Yeah, he was bad tonight. Not only the butter fingers but he was just flat out missing holes for much of the night. When the Chiefs finally got him in a groove Andy Reid head scratchingly went empty backfield on back to back plays and had to settle for a FG. I think Pacheco ran for about 7 to get them to 2nd and 3 after he broke off a nice run to get them into the red zone and then Reid failed to make the D account for him on back to back plays with three to go. It was baffling.
  15. That's called a "game manager". You gotta realize, Cam is basically saying that there's only 4-5 legit DUDES at QB in the NFL and honestly he's right. There's only a handful of guys who have a legit chance at doing what Mahomes did tonight and Purdy isn't one of them.
  16. You're right, Jennings threw the TD to CMC.
  17. We never had anywhere close to the overall team that the Niners have. I was fine with trading CMC. We didn't need a big money RB at the time and honestly wanted to see what he could do on a contender. Unfortunately, we squandered the assets we got in return for him but we also saw that he could be a legit MVP caliber player on a contender. In short, yeah if you're a bad team a great RB isn't going to be a big difference maker for you but if you're a really good team he can be. Niners probably win the game if they didn't spend a good 20-25 minutes trying to let Brock Purdy play hero while throwing for 17 yards.
  18. Bingo. Shanahan tried to ride Purdy up 10-0 and forgot CMC existed until he got down. Why? Was it the early fumble? Was he trying to prove a point that he could win with Purdy leading the way? Did he just get cocky and cute up 10? I don't know. I just know he poo the bed with a lead in the Super Bowl (again).
  19. Yeah, the QB is king but a big part of the Niners loss tonight was trying to lean too hard on their JAG QB instead of focusing on feeding their best player. Trying to ride Purdy up 10-0 let the Chiefs get back into the game. For a good chunk of that game Shanahan just forgot CMC existed. Was he trying to prove something? Was he trying to make Purdy a star? I don't know the reason, I just know that Shanahan poo the bed in the middle portion of that game trying to act like he had a dude at QB while it obviously wasn't working. He had to fall behind before he finally went back to riding CMC again.
  20. He setup the CMC motion to carry the DL away from Purdy and the KC DL was like... that dumbass has been trying to ride Purdy all night instead of feeding CMC, betcha he's gonna do it again.
  21. Mahomes accounted for 399 of KC's 455 yards. He led the Chiefs in rushing too. Pacheco was largely a non-factor with a fumble turnover and a 3.3ypc average. Meanwhile, CMC led the Niners in rushing and receiving yardage for 160 combined yards. Purdy was 8/8 for 80 yards and a TD throwing to CMC. He was 15/30 for 175 yards throwing to anyone else.
  22. Yeah, he was considered a legit 1st rounder. Everyone raved about his arm talent and backyard football abilities but everyone also rightfully questioned how that would translate to the NFL. That style of play has always meant having to stomach high turnover numbers before Mahomes showed up. The guy is a cheat code. You're not supposed to be able to play like he does without turning the ball over.
  23. If the Niners had won the entire off season would've been a Purdy jerk fest. They wanted another Brady story baaaaaad.
  24. Yeah, as long as Mahomes is that dude they're gonna be right there. Reid retiring would be a big curve ball but it's not like they wouldn't have their pick of the litter for their next coach. Kelce retiring would be big. But yeah, I expect them to go weapon shopping this season. They gotta find a RT too. That dude is trash.
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