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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. And Ryan just had another crucial turnover. Bench this fuging guy already.
  2. He's not even our guy. He's a mercenary. We need to be playing Trimble.
  3. He's like 25. He's one of those COVID super super seniors.
  4. And after after. This team was WAY too focused on that duke game. I get it, it's a HUGE rivalry. We wanna win. But you can't allow it to derail your fuging season.
  5. He's not good. I'm all for Trimble taking his minutes.
  6. Yeah, I hate to be "that guy" but maybe don't draft QBs struggling with mental health issues because playing QB in the NFL is hella fuging stressful. If you have any mental weakness that job is gonna find them.
  7. Every team UNC is playing is just hitting impossible shots. It's unreal. We aren't playing well right now and teams are just shooting LIGHTS OUT against us. Bad combo.
  8. Yeah, Bryce probably ain't it. That's why sinking HUGE $$$ into a 29 year old DL makes zero sense.
  9. Zero ill will from me toward the guy. He's just not an NFL QB.
  10. I would lock it but I'll leave it open for y'all to take your shots. Fair is fair. LOL
  11. It was on my front page. I must have accidentally clicked to jump pages. My fault.
  12. I'm not the one that bumped it. I didn't realize it was a dead thread. Now there's a legit conversation going. So who's trolling?
  13. I think Caleb's talent is special. My concern is that he comes across like a serious diva and much of his game is built around making hay out of broken plays. Don't get me wrong, it's a great thing to be able to freelance when plays break down but you need to be able to execute quickly at a high level within structure to be successful in the NFL. That's what I honestly don't see a lot from him. It seems like if his first read isn't open it's on a be a scramble drill. No OC is gonna build an offense around hot read and if that's not open then broken play scramble drill.
  14. If you could give Bryce Young Leaf's talent or give Leaf Bryce's mental maturity you'd have a HOF QB. Unfortunately, as is Leaf was an all-time bust and Young is trending that way too.
  15. Nobody has ever lost a football game and later said "I mean, our OL was just entirely too good tonight. That really messed us up."
  16. Yes to all honestly. 1. Shanny did it again. He bafflingly abandoned the run with a lead in the SB. Why? Is he a choker? Is he just getting cute with a lead trying to show off his offensive brilliance? No clue the reason but he's done the same thing twice on the biggest stage in sports. 2. Yeah, Purdy is a JAG surrounded by an elite team in a great offensive system. 3. Yeah, Mahomes is that dude. And give the Chiefs' D credit. They played their asses off too.
  17. It's not easy but if you don't have one your chances of winning the SB in today's NFL are slim to none.
  18. Doesn't matter. Just win. I'm ready for a Ryan/Trimble PT switch when Trimble is back.
  19. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but outside of a few years that's basically been the history of the Panthers.
  20. It wasn't a missed assignment as much as it was Jones not taking the bait. That CMC motion was about drawing the DL. They'd been doing it all night. They had a lot of success with it on their first drive where they were rolling until CMC fumbled. But the Chiefs adapted to it and stopped flowing with the OL. They realized it was misdirection.
  21. An underrated mistake was taking the ball first on OT. With the new playoff OT rules you need to defer. It's like in college. Deferring let's you know what you're dealing with. If they score a TD you know you have to answer with a TD. If they kick a FG you know a TD wins it. If they fail to score you know any score wins it for you. Not only that, but a defensive score wins the game. If you put your offense on the field you can't win the game on that possession but you can lose it. You have to defer in that OT format.
  22. And getting cute with a lead in the SB and abandoning the run is typical Shanahan. That's where they lost the game.
  23. If you knew before the game that the Niners D held the Chiefs to 19 points over four quarters and forced two turnovers the Niners would've been overwhelming favorites to win the SB. the D played good enough to win. The offense didn't.
  24. Honestly, teams run the same basic concepts over and over again. They just throw in small tweaks to throw the D off. Slight formation variances, maybe a different guy in motion. It's the same concepts at the end of the day but just enough variations to disguise it. That's where Shula dropped the ball in SB50. He changed NOTHING so the Broncos basically knew our plays before the ball was snapped and said as much after the game.
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