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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I think need has to be factored into picks in some regard. I mean, if your top prospects are similarly rated but there's one guy there at a position of much greater need obviously you should take that guy. What I'm saying is that with our roster makeup I really don't see where we have a position of such strength that it should negate taking the pure BPA.
  2. I don't think it's that simple. Why was our downfield passing attack significantly improved with Dalton who had a lot less reps with the starters?
  3. Me too. Honestly, I'm pretty much down for anything more than the late 3rd/early 4th equivalent that we'd get in the form of a comp pick, plus the freedom of not having to be concerned about protecting that comp pick with our FA moves. That's the other side of that coin. We'd basically have to handcuff ourselves in FA if we were relying on that high comp pick. That ain't good for a bad team.
  4. It's not though. A receiver being open gives you a much wider margin of error. Those Bama boys were usually OPEN. Yeah, Bryce can throw deep in non-ideal situations if a guy is wide open and he can put a ball into a zip code. Can he do it when a guy is "NFL open" and he has to throw to a specific address? That's what I haven't seen.
  5. I would too. I think paying Burns what he wants would be a big mistake but having him walk for a 3rd round comp pick would suck too. Tag and trade would be my preference.
  6. I would absolutely give that lineup a look in camp. Icky can play LT in a power running scheme that largely leans on play action to setup the pass. Think Delhomme era John Fox offense. But I don't think Bryce can play in that style of offense. He's not comfortably turning his back to the LOS. I think Icky is an OG in an offense that Bryce can play in.
  7. I didn't watch the above video but I'm not so sure there was something "off" with UNC basketball as much as it was simply that we went through a cold spell and had the misfortune of that cold spell coinciding with our opponents just shooting lights out. Sometimes that's just how basketball goes. If you're missing shots and your opponents are hitting shots it's tough to win games. The game can really just be that simple sometimes.
  8. Yeah, Samuel is the type of receiver we should be looking for. We don't necessarily need great receivers, it's more about the TYPE of receiver IMO. We need YAC guys.
  9. It's just different, man. If everyone could do the same things they did in college in the NFL then there would never be any busts outside of injuries and off field stuff. Projecting talent to the next level ain't easy. There are plenty of 4 and 5 star HS recruits who bust in the college game too.
  10. We can honestly comfortably just draft BPA with every pick. We can use an infusion of talent everywhere.
  11. So why isn't he? You can turn on the college tape of anyone drafted highly and find great highlights. They weren't highly drafted because they sucked in college. Honestly, you could say that for anyone drafted, period. You're talking about the cream of the crop of college talent.
  12. I'm just saying there are reasons why there aren't any examples in the NFL and most of those reasons concern playing against NFL defenses. Yeah, the OL was trash. Yeah, the receivers were subpar. But when you play 16 games and a washed up journeyman of a backup has more downfield highlights in the same offense in one game than you did in 16... uh oh.
  13. I didn't watch the college clip. Y'all gotta let that college tape go. There's 16 NFL games to go off of now and you got one throw to a wide ass open guy to lean on.
  14. We'll add another addendum. If the guy is WIDE ASS OPEN. lol
  15. That dude can play. Durability is a HUGE concern though.
  16. You do have to get the ball there though. That was my point. For Bryce to generate depth in his throws he needs the perfect opportunity. Clean pocket to step into and through the throw. He needs 4-5 yards of clean grass in front of him after enough time for the WR to get deep. It just doesn't happen often in the NFL.
  17. Yeah, if you have Cam or Luke traits you're crazy not to go show them off. A lot is made of Luke's intelligence but I think a lot of folks forget that he was an ELITE athlete. If you send coaches into a room to build a prototype NFL MLB, out walks Luke Kuechly.
  18. Burrow and Tua have below average NFL arms. Bryce has a near bottom of the barrel NFL arm. That's the difference. We hoped that Bryce's arm would turn out to be on the Burrow/Tua level. It's not.
  19. The types of receivers I'd be looking for in the draft are the Thielen types though. Basically slot types. Guys who can win quickly off the line. Those stereotypical dynasty era Pats type WRs. Those are the types that pair well with Bryce.
  20. I wouldn't let Thielen play into our draft plans. He'll turn 34 years old this year. He was always signed to be a short-term bandaid. Don't let bandaids impact draft plans.
  21. They don't have great arms but they don't have Bryce's arm limitation either. Honestly, the only way Bryce can generate velocity or depth in his throws is when he has a virtual airport runway to step up into and through the throw. That just doesn't happen a lot against NFL pass rushes. Pockets are usually muddy and Bryce's natural arm talent struggles to operate in that environment. He CAN throw with velocity and he CAN throw deep but everything has to go perfectly and that just doesn't happen with regularity at the NFL level. These were all concerns I voiced pre-draft to widespread mockery on the Huddle.
  22. I mean, struggling with physical play can't exactly be seen as shocking for a guy listed at 6'3" 175 but that's also a big part of why he's a project. He probably needs to add 20-25 pounds at the NFL level and you have to wonder how that will effect his speed and quickness. He has the build of a basketball player.
  23. A lot of truth to this. Tez's biggest strength is going deep. Bryce's biggest weakness is throwing deep. It's not a good match. We already saw this with play out with DJ Chark. Chark honestly wouldn't be a bad NFL comp for Tez Walker.
  24. He's a 3rd or 4th rounder. He really struggled against teams that got physical with him. He needs to add quite a bit of strength at the NFL level.
  25. Plenty of guys who have run subpar 40s have had great careers. The pre-draft process isn't about proving anything, it's about maximizing your draft stock. It's not about fear, it's all about showing your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses.
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