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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I wouldn't completely rule out trading for players but it would have to be the right situation. Think potential long-term answers caught up in a roster traffic jam elsewhere. But trading for short-term bandaids and stop gap measures? Oh hell no. Absolutely not. That's about the last thing this organization needs to be doing.
  2. Especially as the league has evolved to be more and more pass happy. We have usually fielded what amounts to two SSs. Xavier Woods has been solid for us but he's basically a FS/SS tweener type who has played both spots during his career. What is love to have is that over the top sideline to sideline FS. It just makes everyone else's job so much easier knowing that guy is back there roaming over the top and it also allows them to play more aggressively.
  3. I mean, I hope but I can't say I'm necessarily excited that Scott Fitterer's understudy is now calling the shots. If I'm being completely honest, if he wasn't a former player that I really liked I'd fuging hate it.
  4. We've needed a legit FS for the entire existence of our franchise outside of those few years we had Deon Grant. Just think about that. Deon Grant is the best FS in franchise history. A guy 95% of NFL fans have completely forgotten about. As much as I loved Mike Minter, he's the caliber of SS that most fanbase would fondly remember but he certainly wouldn't be near the top of their best DBs. He'd be remembered how we remember a guy like say Will Witherspoon at LB. It's pretty wild how much we e neglected the secondary and especially the safety position and really especially FS. Deon Grant and Tre Boston might be about the only actual true FSs we've ever even rostered.
  5. Yeah, I respect it and I'm glad he's righted himself. No doubt a lot of athletes with potential get derailed simply because they're too immature to deal with adulation and when it comes to the pros, the money and the pressure. In other fields where you're going to work into your senior years you can fug off as a youngster and still have time to get your poo together and overcome it. Not in athletics. That biological clock is ticking LOUDLY. You're still going to be relatively young in life when you're washed up as an athlete.
  6. As for Drake Maye, the Justin Herbert comp is pretty much spot on. All the same positives coming out, all the same negatives. The big difference was that Herbert played on a well rounded team for a coaching staff that protected him to the point that it felt like they didn't trust him where Maye played for a team with no defense and the coaching staff approached games with a Mike Shula "please save me elite QB" mindset.
  7. I definitely wouldn't consider that "undersized". Less than ideal? Sure. But it's not anomalous size for a high level NFL QB. And yeah, the media will definitely completely overlook things for certain prospects and then knock other prospects for the exact same thing based on nothing other than their preconceived narratives.
  8. If they trade Fields and he goes on to reinvent himself and resurrect his career while Williams is a bust then they may have just out-Teppered the Panthers. LOL!
  9. I mean, the guy was a huge bust but he does have the pretty unique insight of making the transition to the NFL as a high pick with huge expectations. That's not nothing. And he's saying pretty much the same thing I've been saying about Williams so yeah, he's gotta be right. LOL!
  10. I know one thing for sure, every time I watched the Ravens this year the thing that always jumped out to me is good lord this DL is dominant.
  11. He's a significantly more impactful pass rusher and should probably be paid more than Brown due to that but yeah, that probably now sets the floor for Brown.
  12. This. There are booms and busts and underperformers and over performers in every single draft class. Always have been, always will be.
  13. Report: the Panthers' roster has more questions than answers so they'll be looking to bring in better football players at nearly every position group.
  14. It seems like everyone is interpreting your rants roughly the same way. If it's not how you wish it to be interpreted then communicate better.
  15. This dude is having a meltdown and creating alternate realities while calling everyone else crazy because his team had a down year when they still ended up in the top 20 in the final poll. Outside of just a handful of programs that's called a pretty good year.
  16. Read your own post that I quoted. You were literally crying about Clemson having an overall lack of talent and that's fuging absurd.
  17. Oh stop. This is that same bullshit folks cooked up to convince themselves that Bryce was carrying inferior talent at fuging Alabama. Clemson is a blue chip blue blood college football program these days. Look at the recruiting class rankings year over year. They're stacked with talent. Do they have down years? Sure. But their "down years" would be pretty good years for most programs. That's just the reality of the college football landscape where the rosters are gigantic and there's plenty of scholarships to go around. The blue chip programs gobble up a crazy amount of talent every year. People who think the transfer portal are going to fix this are probably mistaken. Sure, that 5* WR who is 4th or 5th on Clemson's depth chart might transfer to UNC and be #1 or #2 on their depth chart but at the same time that 2* kid who went to say Marshall and blossomed into one of the best receivers in college football then transfers to Clemson. The rich still get richer but maybe it helps lift up the poor somewhat. I don't know, we'll have to see how it all plays out.
  18. It really has been a perfect storm of how to completely fug up a football organization.
  19. 2025 is projected to be a down QB class. That may or may not end up holding true, but leave it to Tepper's Panthers to trade the farm for a bust the size of the local JV HS QB and then plan a tank year for a projected bad QB class. I mean, it all fits perfectly for the type of decision making we've seen in these six years.
  20. Sitting working at my desk this afternoon I heard them come in. These aren't the typical year round Canadian geese that have come to plague a lot of parks, golf course, etc. This pair shows up every spring to use our pond to raise their babies and as soon as they can fly they're off again. They nest in a blackberry patch at the edge of the field across the driveway.
  21. Rattler definitely has a live arm. Someone will take a crack at him in the mid-rounds. Agreed on the Williams diva concern, but honestly Rattler has that same concern too.
  22. Good college QB that just doesn't translate to the NFL IMO. He's a better runner than he is a passer but doesn't have the measurables to translate that running to the NFL level. I hate to use the comp because it feels lazy because they both played at duke but he really is basically a poor man's Daniel Jones.
  23. This. If his footwork hasn't improved dramatically and he still just doesn't look like he belongs on an NFL field in terms of sheer physical traits, then whether we want to admit it or not we know. It would just be a question of of we're willing to swallow our pride and move on or continue with this charade.
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