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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. When you play for duke doing scrub ass dirty bullshit like this just gets you a stern talking to from the ref, nothing more. https://Twitter.com/JordanDajani/status/1766618427567829137?s=20 God I hate those fuging bastards
  2. Our chances are already fading hard if we're being honest. Morgan and Canales got the jobs in no small part because they very likely got feedback that bigger fish had less than zero interest. We're down two scores inside the two minute warning with no timeouts needing a score and an onside kick recover just to have a shot.
  3. The crazy part is that our two best players were basically no shows.
  4. Trash gonna trash. https://twitter.com/UNCBarstool/status/1766646209827983727?s=20
  5. A huge duke fan. In a forum for a NC team. That says everything about the University of New Jersey - Durham.
  6. Heroic effort, refs Fug you duke
  7. Fug you and your refs, duke That's a three. How fuging laughable
  8. Look at that. Late ass whistle. We already have the rebound. Whistle. duke two FTs
  9. Where was the foul? Why have they protected this team all my life? It's maddening.
  10. Hubert, please don't do this. We are terrible at stall ball. Just play. fug the clock. I don't care.
  11. I want Hubert to grow in situational coaching. We don't have anyone in our rotation as trash as #15 and #25. Anytime those two guys are in the game we need to be attacking them relentlessly. This isn't rec ball. We aren't trying to not hurt feelings. Attack the weakness with no mercy.
  12. You have the freedom of speech but you don't have the freedom of employment. They told him to dial it back and outside of the heat of the moment he complied. That's personal growth from Smitty. But he was right.
  13. If you play for duke you just get a stern talking to.
  14. They let them play on one side. Called it significantly tighter on the other side... the side shooting more jumpers. Straight up, the refs floated duke in that 1st half. It should've been a 20 point game at half.
  15. RJ for us and Filipowski for them have been just awful so far tonight.
  16. duke is getting away with murder right now.
  17. C'mon refs, don't keep their asses in it. That was a double dribble and a walk back to back then you send them to the FT line. Stripes are keeping them in this game.
  18. Well, this has been thoroughly enjoyable thus far. We'll miss eventually. Maybe. LOL!
  19. Have you completely missed the Panthers entire history where one of our consistently biggest mistakes is over-investing at the RB position?
  20. I mean, I fully expect Tepper's Panthers to fug up at every turn because that's pretty much what we've been doing for six years straight ever since he bought the team. It's gonna take awhile for them to earn back any trust from me even if they start killing it right now.
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